The Barlow Murders (Paperback)

The Barlow Murders (Paperback) \\ Doc ? VQWJQ5O9Y7

Th e Barl ow Murders (Paperback)

By Georg e Law

New Generation Publishing , 2008. Paperback. Condition: New. Lang uag e: Eng lish . Brand New Book ***** Print on Demand *****.Working for the police force in Barlow at the turn of the twentieth century is no easy task, and Tom Dickson sees more than his fair share of action. There s the derang ed former police officer infiltrating his way back into the force and unleashing his most murderous intentions on all who stand in his way, the jealous lover unable to cope with the thoug ht of his one and only with another, the bank robbery g one so very awry and the crazed lunatic exacting his reveng e on all the prostitutes of Barlow in the style of his idol, Jack the Ripper. This g ruesome collection of stories follows Tom Dickson and his colleag ues as they deal with these and other crimes, demonstrating that it s all in a day s work for a Barlow police officer and nothing is too hard for them to handle.


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