Pine Grove Community Church - Trinity CRC


November 4, 2018 - 11:00 a.m.


Instrumental Prelude: Jan De Yong

* Opening Praise Come, Thou Almighty King Red 492:1-4

* Call to Worship – Psalm 96.4-6

Opening Prayer

* Songs of Praise Sing to the LORD, Sing His Praise Red 515:1-4


A Reading

Song of Praise Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above Red 572:1,2,5

Congregational Prayer

Offering & Offertory

(Children Dismissed to Children’s Church)


* Song of Preparation Not unto Us, O Lord of Heaven Red 573

Scripture: Psalm 115 Pew Bible Pages 895-96

Sermon Title: The God Known Through Israel

* Song of Response There Is a Redeemer Red 833



* God’s Blessing

* Closing Praise Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God Red 953

* Postlude Jan De Yong

* If you are able, please stand

Songs printed and/or projected with permission by CCLI #293603



This morning during worship, we celebrate the Christian sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. All who believe in Jesus as their Savior and are members in a Christian church are invited to participate.

Like to Paint? We will be updating the nursery with new paint and would love to have this be a fun team effort. A specific date hasn’t been set yet, but it will be on a weeknight within the next month. If interested, please sign up on the back tables. Questions? Talk to Pastor Ben

Our annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Today. Following the worship service we will gather briefly to vote on the 2019 budget and council nominations.

Today is our monthly luncheon. Please join us downstairs after the morning service for a meal together.

November 6 is Election Day for our nation. As a voting location, we plan on hosting this event with coffee and cookies. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the sanctuary for both providing cookies and to fill a shift to be present on the day of the election. Please help us show hospitality to our neighborhood by signing up.

Trinity is collecting food donations for the Thanksgiving Blessing we have exceeded our commitment of 300 cans! Thank You!! Feel free to keep donating. The cut off is Friday November 16.

Children’s Church – During the Worship Service, young children beyond nursery age and up to 3rd grade, are dismissed for a more age-appropriate learning time during the sermon. A leader’s sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board at the back of the sanctuary.

Sacred concert next Sunday Music of Remembrance of Victims of War will be airing

from 6-9 a.m. on KLEF 98.1 FM

Sunday Volunteers

| |This Week |Next Week |

|Greeters: |The Kuiper Family |The Kuiper Family |

|Nursery: |Gabe DeVries & Brett Kuiper |April Kuiper & Megan DeVries |

|Children’s Church | |Phyllis Bowman |

|Accompanist: |Jan De Yong |Kristi Kleaver |

|Sound: |Jeremy DeVries |Ron Lindemulder |

|Offerings: |Church Ministries |Church Ministries |

|Prayer Service: | | |

|Committees and Programs | |

|Contact People |Church Meeting Schedule |

| | |

|Building & Grounds Bob Groeneweg |Sunday |

|Church Admin Assistant Brett Kuiper |Sunday School (Sept. - May) 9:30 a.m. |

|Coffee Break Joy Sharpe |Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. |

|Outreach/Missions Gayle Cederberg |Youth Group………………………3:00 p.m. |

|Fellowship Ron & Jan Veltkamp |Evening Prayer Service 6:30 p.m. |

|Intercession Jon Sharpe | |

|Library Mandi Dykstra |Tuesday (Sept-April) |

|Prayer Network Pastor Ben |Coffee Break 7:00 p.m. |

|Women's Fellowship Denise Hopewell | |

|Worship Committee Joy Sharpe |Wednesday (Sept-April) |

| |Coffee Break/Story Hour 9:30 a.m. |

|Trinity CRC Council: | |

| |Thursday |

|Elders |Council (2nd Thurs. of month) 7:00 p.m. |

|Jasper Hall ‘18 | |

|Keith Van Dyken ‘19 | |

|Ron Veltkamp ‘20 |Church Office and Pastor's Hours: |

| |Tuesday through Thursday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. |

|Deacons: | |

|Terry Dykstra ‘18 | |

|Dave Hopewell ‘19 | |

|Jan DeYong ‘20 | |

| | |


Trinity Christian Reformed Church

3000 East 16th Ave., Anchorage, AK 99508

Office phone: 907-272-8431 E-mail: office@

Pastor Ben Hulst email: pastorben@

On the Web:



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