
Please hold in prayer:

+ Ben Quick, who is dealing with kidney stones

+ Lillian Barrick, Anita’s mom, recovering from a fall

+ Helen & Richard Hernandez, Elisa Castillo’s

sister- and brother-in-law, on the death of their daughter Josephine,

and for Helen’s recovery from a stroke

+ Blaine Pace, recovering with hospice care, friend of Dianna’s and St. Clair’s

+ Richard Gaski, recovering at home

+ Lucille and Walter Timberlake

+ Martha and George Ramsay

+ Max and Marilil Rychlik

+ Lucille Barrick

+ Frances Hall


Just as hope rings

through laughter,

it can also shine

through tears.

Inspired by Maya Angelou

[pic]Dancing the Days...

Hello, Friends!

I just returned from our annual clergy convocation with the bishop,

held at Mt. Wesley every spring.

This year our focus was “Passionate Worship,” and among those

addressing us was Pilar Oates, a staff member of Methodist Healthcare


Pilar addressed the general topic of passion—for God, for our fellow

humans, for our calling in life.

She quoted a number of famous persons who have spoken wisely

about this, including Frederick Buechner, who says our authentic

calling emerges when our “deep gladness” meets the world’s “deep

hunger,” and connection is made.

Citing the wisdom of Olympians, she referenced Marilyn King’s theory

of how everyday humans can take on a champion’s mindset.

Observing people’s approaches to life, King notes these four:

*the dreamer—has passion and vision, but no action plan;

*the workaholic—has passion and an action plan, but no vision;

*the majority of working Americans—have vision and an action plan, but

no passion;

*the Olympian thinker—has all three essential elements for peak

expression of giftedness—passion, vision, and an action plan to get


While I don’t think we want to embrace the fiercely competitive part

of an Olympian’s mindset, we as members of faith community can

benefit from setting our sights on living our “personal best,” fulfilling

our highest holy human calling, and coming together to discern,

practice, play with, and exercise our giftedness toward God’s good

and loving ends.

The Statement of Purpose of Methodist Healthcare Ministries is

“Serving Humanity to Honor God.”

We also serve God to honor humanity—it’s a both-and sort of

thing, this being church, this being the body of Christ.

You’re all champs in my book—and I’m excited about how God

is encouraging us to keep dreaming, keep envisioning, and keep

enacting our personal and collective call.

I look forward to continuing to run the good race with you

this Sunday, and all our days to come.

Shalom, Sarah+


Throughout Lent the sanctuary will be

open during the day for quiet prayer.

Weekly devotional gathering times will take place at noon and 5:30 pm each Wednesday throughout the season.

Last week we practiced “breath prayer”.

This week we’re praying into

the spiritual discipline of fasting.

These sessions last about 45 minutes.

Each week we’ll practice a way of praying for about 20 minutes, then share reflections, questions, and insights for another 20 minutes or so.

“Come and find the quiet center

in the crowded life we lead,

find the room for hope to enter,

find the frame where we are freed.”

The Faith We Sing, #2128


We are now taking orders for Easter Ferns.

Forms are available in the Narthex

and in the Fellowship hall.


Crop Walk

This Sunday, March 7

at Walter E. Long Park

on Decker Lane

Pick up your forms at church, or

from Tom Webber—441-3117,


We’ll bring brown bag lunch to eat at church,

and carpool to the walk site, to walk as a group.

All ages welcome—come join the fun, and help feed the world!


Scriptures for Sunday, March 7

Third Sunday in Lent

Isaiah 55: 1-9

Psalm 63: 1-8

1Corinthians 10: 1-13

Luke 13: 1-9



If you know of any other errors in our directory, please let us know,

so we can send out correction notices—and keep us

informed as to any delivery changes or requests,

so we can keep those up to date, too. Thanks!



Administrating Council Meeting

Sunday, March 14, 6 pm

Reflections: Passionate Worship

Trustees Meeting

Thursday, March 18, 7 pm


Spring Break March 12--March 19

[pic]New Mailbox Ministry at St. Luke 

The Radical Hospitality Work Area is starting a new outreach ministry of sending cards/written communication to members and friends of the St. Luke family.  Cards or written notes will be sent for situations such as illness, family crises, congratulations, and we have missed you.  The supplies for this task are contained in a lovely handmade basket (courtesy of our Master Basket Weaver, Lisa Adkins) which will be rotated monthly to the point person in charge.  The purpose of this ministry is to increase awareness in the St. Luke family of the church’s care and concern. 

The success of this program depends on communication with the church office and/or the point person in charge so the church is aware of situations to be acknowledged.  Please notify the church office about anyone experiencing any of the concerns mentioned above or any other event to be recognized.  The office will then notify that month’s “card writer.” 

Thanks in advance for your participation in this task which is part of our call as Christians to love one another and “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Special gratitude goes out to Lisa Adkins who has initiated this ministry for the month of February 2010. The month of March will be covered by Norma Wood.  If you are interested in taking part in this ministry which can be handled at home at your convenience, please contact Gale Houston (257-1395 or galehouston@). 

You can also speak with Lisa or Norma about how rewarding this job can be. Your cooperation will be most appreciated, and you will be spreading love in the name of St. Luke UMC!


Prayer Shawl

Ministry Underway

Diane Suder is coordinating a ministry of

providing prayer shawls for persons dealing

with illness or special need for comfort of any sort.

She has provided supplies and instructions,

available in the fellowship hall.

Our hope is to have a “stash” of prayer

shawls ready to be blessed and given to those

who request them.

With questions or to volunteer,

contact Diane: 512/339-8042


For more information about the Shawl Ministry

Check out


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