DOQ-IT Workflow Assessment Checklist

Workflow/Key Process Interview Guide:SNF StaffInterviewers/Workflow Assessors:Individual/s interviewed:Interviewee’s position/titleAgency/Organization NameWorkflow Assessment Date:Number/type of providers observed:Staff to InterviewAdmission, readmission staffdischarge staffphysiciandirector of nurses and/or Nursing ManagersMDS coordinator Social ServicesGeneral InformationNumber of beds:Number of admissions per day:weekday:weekend:Number of discharges per day:weekday:weekend:What is your perception of your workload?What do you believe is unnecessary?What would you like to do more of or less of?Do you have interest in some particular aspect of your job that you would like us to observe? Busiest day of the week and what makes it so hectic? Busiest shift and what makes it busy?Who is involved in patient/resident transitions? Admission Desk StaffWho is involved in the admission process?Are you involved in both admissions and discharges?What is the admission process?Do you always know the patient/resident is coming from the hospital?What paperwork/documentation do you get from the hospital?What do you do to prepare for a patient/resident coming from the hospital?When does the paperwork/documentation arrive?before the patient/residentwith the patient/residentafter the patient/residentWhen the paperwork arrives do you check for outstanding labs, medication reconciliation, missing consults, etc.?What do you do if something is missing?What paperwork/documentation do you share with/send to other providers? i.e. hospital, HH, PCP?What do you do if you can’t find a chart?How do patients/residents arrive?Are caregivers available when needed?Discharge/TransferWhat is your discharge process?Are you involved with all discharges? What if the patient/resident is transferred to another unit/neighborhood?Do you always know where the patient/resident is going after they leave?What do you do if you don’t know?What paperwork/documentation do you send to other providers? i.e. hospital, HH, PCP?Who prepares the paperwork?When/if the paperwork is ready to send, do you check for outstanding labs, missing consults, etc.?What do you do if something is missing?Are receiving facilities notified about forthcoming admissions?If so, how is this notification made (call/email) and who is responsible to send this?What do you do if you can’t find a chart?Admission ProcessWhat is admission process with the client?Do you verify the patient’s PCP?What is your pre-admission/admission process?how do you verify information?what papers must the patient/resident and/or family must signDo you add forms to the chart before putting it up for the ??? *Let’s visit about this questionWould you like to have forms electronically?What do you do to verify that the patient/resident and/or family understood the hospital discharge instructions? What do you do if they don’t?Are the patients/residents examined by a clinician when they arrive?Additional Notes:This material was prepared by CFMC, the Medicare Quality Improvement Organization for Colorado, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The contents presented do not necessarily reflect CMS policy. PM-142-043 CO 2006 ................

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