Math Basic Syllabus

Math Basic Syllabus

Teacher: Mario Rottino, Resource Specialist, room W240

Course: This class will combine instruction for remedial math skills while teaching new foundation of math skills. This class is similar and parallel to the general education class named Foundations of Math. It will re-teach basic math skills as well as introduce new curriculum to students in the field of Pre-Algebra and beginning Algebra.

The primary curriculum book that will be used is called, “Basic College Mathematics: An Applied Approach”. Each student will have a copy of this in class, but will not be required to check one out to keep at home. However, if a student needs to have a copy at home, or parent(s) would like to have a copy at home, this can be provided. Supp-lemental curriculum may be used to reinforce concepts taught in class.

Grading: Each student will be graded on several things such as; class work, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests. Participation and attendance will be graded accordingly throughout each grade check period.

Letter grades will be computed and given with the following numbers:

100%-90% = A

89%-80% = B

79%-70% = C

69%-60% = D

Below 60% = F

A variety of teaching styles will be employed during this course. There will be direct instruction, differentiated instruction, cooperative group learning, pair work, and individual practice. All of these styles will help in allowing for each student to improve their math skills, while following each student’s Individualized Education Plan. Accommodations will be given for those students who need them.

Behavior: Each student will be expected to follow all classroom and school wide rules while in class. Each student will be expected to treat everyone in the learning process with respect. Disciplinary action will be taken once a student has shown that they are taking away from anyone else’s opportunity to learn. Tardies and truancies will be handled primarily from the administration, but if there needs to be punitive measures taken in class it will be done.

Cell phones, I-Pods, food, drinks (other than water) will not be acceptable in class.

Also, each student must adhere to the dress code or they will be asked to leave the class.

In order, these are the concepts that we will cover during this year.

Chapter 1- Whole Numbers

Chapter 2- Fractions

Chapter 3- Decimals

Chapter 4- Ratio and Proportion

Chapter 5- Percents

Chapter 7- Statistics and Probability

Chapter 8 & 9 combined- U.S. and Metric system of measurements

Chapter 10- Rational numbers

Chapter 11- Introduction to Algebra

Depending on time during this class, we may cover Chapter 12 which is Geometry.

Each Chapter will require quizzes and tests. We will also have a Final at the end of each semester.

Expectations: What you can expect from me as a teacher is flexibility. I will do all I can to ensure the academic success of each student in our class. I will be available during class and after school for tutoring on select days. You can expect to see periodic progress reports, phone calls, and possible conferences. Make sure that you receive your Gradequick code to access your student’s grades.

What I expect from every student is:

To be on time

To attend class regularly

To have all materials, such as paper, pencils, and notebooks

To complete and turn in all class work and homework

To study

To participate

To be respectful towards everyone in the learning environment

To always work hard and ask questions

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns:

5750. x6558 or

Please read the bottom portion with your student, then sign, date, and return bottom portion. You keep the rest. Thanks, looking forward to working with you and your student




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