Pre-AP Algebra 1 Syllabus (virtual) - Richmond County School System

Pre-AP Algebra 1

Syllabus (virtual)

Mondays and Wednesdays 9:13 ? 10:05 am Canvas/Teams (attendance is required)

Instructor: Mrs. A. Coleman

Phone: (706) 823 - 6933 Email: (preferred contact)

Welcome to Pre-AP Algebra 1! Refer to this syllabus and my teacher web page for information for the 2020-21 school year.

Course Description: Algebra I is the first course in a sequence of three required high school courses designed to ensure career and college readiness. The Pre-AP Algebra I course is designed to deepen students' understanding of linear relationships by emphasizing patterns of change, multiple representations of functions and equations, modeling real-world scenarios with functions, and methods for finding and representing solutions of equations and inequalities.

Course Outline:

Unit 1

(Approximately 9 weeks)

Unit 2

(Approximately 5 weeks)

Unit 3

(Approximately 9 weeks)

Unit 4

(Approximately 5 weeks)

Unit Linear Functions and

Linear Equations

Buffer Week

Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities

Buffer Week

Quadratic Functions

Buffer Week

Exponent Properties and Exponential Functions

Buffer Week

Key Concepts

Rate of Change and Slope Linear Functions Linear Equations Linear Models Linear Inequalities

Solution to a System Solving a System (algebraically)

Modeling with Systems Systems of Linear Inequalities

Quadratic Functions Solving Quadratic Equations

Modeling with Quadratic Functions

Exponent Rules Roots of Real Numbers Multiplicative Sequences Exponential Growth and Decay

*Prior to the beginning of Unit 1, students will complete modules to help familiarize them with Canvas, Growth Mindset, Algebra Tiles, One Note, and Pre-AP.*

Virtual Textbook Information:

You have access to an Algebra I textbook digitally through Launchpad under the heading AGA. On the icon you will see myhrw. (see picture to the right)

Grading Policy:

Tests/Performance Tasks/Notebook


Quizzes / TOTD / Checkpoints


Classwork / Homework



Students are expected to complete at least 90 % of the homework assignment or credit will not be given for completion. Homework is given regularly with the purpose of reinforcing what was covered in class. It is imperative that you complete all homework.

Test and Quizzes

Tests will be announced; however, quizzes may not be. Therefore, it is important to study notes and other materials covered in class for homework each night.

Make-up Work

It is the student's responsibility to make up missed work. Students must provide an excuse for their absence(s) when they return to school in or order to make-up and submit missed assignments. All work must be made up within the specific given time frame (e.g. 48 hours after receiving make-up work).

Final Exam:

There will be a final exam (accessed through College Board Pre-AP Classroom). The exam serves as a classroombased, summative assessment designed to measure students' success in learning and applying the knowledge and skills articulated in the course framework

Late Policy:

Ten (10) points will be deducted from projects and in-class assignments for each day it is late.


The expectation is for all students to do their part to help this school follow its mission and reach its goals. To do so, each student must adhere to the code of conduct and school policies.

Additional Expectations: 1. Have the "I can do it" attitude! 2. Respect yourself, respect others, and respect your school. 3. Maintain an ORGANIZED notebook. 4. Bring ALL materials to class DAILY. 5. Adhere to all policies, rules, and regulations outlined in the Richmond County student handbook.

Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________

Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: _____________ The above signatures acknowledge that (student and parent) are in agreement with the information covered in this syllabus.

*Contact the school to schedule a conference if needed* *Emails will be answered as soon as possible and within 24 hours* *Visit my teacher webpage on the AR Johnson website for codes to join Remind for your class*

*This plan for the year may change as class needs develop*

Beginning September 21st, refer to my teacher webpage for virtual tutoring days and availability.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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