Pre-AP Algebra I - Lake Travis Independent School District

Pre-AP Algebra I

Welcome to an exciting new school year! This course is designed to prepare you for future high school math classes, the STAAR End of Course Exam and ultimately, college math classes. This course will require you to take an involved role in your own learning process through the use of cooperative learning, hands-on investigations, varied activities, projects and most importantly, active classroom participation. We will also stress certain aspects of calculator use as well as memorization and academic reading, or independent learning. In order for you to be successful, you will be expected to study/practice on a regular basis outside of class.

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: 1. Be on time and prepared. 2. Be an active participant. 3. Be without electronic devices (iPods, cell phones, etc.). 4. Be in compliance with all school rules and policies (see student handbook).

CONSEQUENCES: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Student-Teacher conference (formal or informal) 3. Parent Contact (via telephone, e-mail, etc.) 4. Discipline Referral issued

**All policies (tardies, cell phones, etc.) will be followed as stated in the student handbook. Student(s) will be sent to the Principal's office immediately for serious disruptions and may include a formal removal from class in accordance with the Texas Safe Schools Act.

SUPPLIES & MATERIALS: Graphing Calculator. TI-84Plus is the preferred calculator for Algebra I and up. 1" 3-ring binder Pencils & eraser Loose-leaf paper Colored grading pens

*Students are strongly encouraged to purchase their own graphing calculator, since it is essential for future high school and college mathematics courses, as well. A limited number of calculators are available for checkout through the LTHS

library for those students who are unable to purchase their own.

TEXTBOOK: Big Ideas: Algebra I, Texas Edition Each student will be issued a textbook that they can keep at home at all times and/or a digital copy. The teacher will have a classroom set for the students to use in class.


1. Solving Linear Equations 2. Solving Linear Ineq 3. Graphing Linear Ineq

2nd Quarter 4. Writing Linear Functions

5. Solving Systems of Linear Equations

3rd Quarter 6. Exponential Functions

& Sequences 7. Polynomial Equations

& Factoring

4th Quarter 9. Solving Quadratic

Functions 8. Graphs of Quadratic Functions


Nine Week Grades

25%-Daily Average (homework or classwork)

15%-Quiz Average 60%-Test Average (Tests or Projects with a minimum of 3 grades per quarter)

Semester Grade

40%-1st Quarter grade 40%-2nd Quarter grade 20%- Final Exam


TESTS: Students must complete all tests and quizzes within the allotted class period. They are not allowed to come back at another time to finish a test or quiz. Retests must be done within one week of the original test date for a possible MAXIMUM grade of 70.


Due to the rigorous nature of advanced, Pre-AP or AP classes, the option to retest is not available.

ABSENCES/MAKEUP WORK: When absent, a student has one class (day) to make up work for each class missed. In the case of an absence, it is the student's responsibility to get any missed work, turn it in, and make arrangements for a missed quiz or test. Immediately upon a student's return to class, he/she should check the calendar to get the assignment. Any handouts will be in the file system in the front of the class.

**If you turn in absent work, please be aware that it will take time to reflect this change on-line.**

Additional Policies: All parents/guardians and students should register on txConnect to check for weekly progress on grades and

assignments. It is strongly recommended that our Schoology site be checked

regularly for upcoming assignments and important news. Students/parents are asked to register on Remind, a third-party,

FREE service which provides teachers a safe way to send mass text


reminders to both students and parents. To register, text the message

@LTalgebra to 81010.

Standard text messaging rates apply. Please visit

*Please note that the class website, calendar and Remind text alerts serve as a courtesy to remind students of assignments that have already been announced in class.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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