Pre- AP Algebra 1 - Prosper ISD

Pre- AP Algebra 1

Amber Robertson: 469-219-2165


Grading Policy: Major Grades ? 60% Daily Grades ? 40%

Topics of Study Tools of Algebra Linear Functions Linear equations and Inequalities Data in Algebra Linear Systems Polynomials Quadratic Functions Exponential Functions Radicals Rational Equations

Successful completion of Algebra 1 will result in high school credit. This is a rigorous course and students will be expected to demonstrate independence in their ability to reason analytically at a demanding pace. I believe success is a team effort between the student, the teacher, and the parents.

Supplies Students must bring the following supplies to class EVERY DAY:

1. A binder with dividers or a spiral and folder with brads checking/correcting

3. Pencils & Eraser 5. Loose notebook paper

2. Red or other colored pen for 4. Graph paper

I will have a class set of graphing calculators for use in the classroom. We will use the graphing and other functions quite often, and it would be wonderful if students had one at home for use on homework. These are expensive, but can be used throughout high school and college. I recommend the TI-84 or TI-Nspire.

Grading Policy There will be at least 2 daily grades entered every week with quizzes/concept checks counting as 2 daily grades. There will be a major test every 2-3 weeks. Although late work is strongly discouraged, students may turn in an assignment one day late for a maximum grade of a 70. Any assignment turned in after one day late will be considered a 0. Daily grades will count as 40% of the 9 weeks average, with tests and major projects counting for 60% of the 9 weeks average. Algebra 1 Pre-AP will count towards the student's high school GPA.

Although it is important to be in class each day, I understand that absences are sometimes unavoidable. If there is an absence, it is the students' responsibility to check with me or another student to find out what assignment was missed. Please ask me if there are questions about an assignment or need help. A missed quiz or test will be made up immediately upon return to class if you were present when the information was covered. If possible, let me know when you will be absent, so I can let you know in advance what we will be completing in class.

Homework: Homework reinforces skills and concepts learned in the classroom. It is an extension of the class work, but it is more than repetitive practice of computation problems. Your child will be expected to think and should be challenged. In order to help your student with homework, the following points may be helpful: Review vocabulary words for the book. How do they relate to this problem? Review the notes from the problems completed in class. Students will have an assignment almost every day and it will be due at the beginning of the next class period unless I have given other instructions. Whether or not a grade is taken for the assignment, it is crucial that students get the understanding and practice that homework provides in order to understand the next building concepts.

Concept Checks Concept Checks are quick formative assessments given during class that cover concepts learned in the last 2-3 days. They will typically consist of questions very similar to homework and classwork, which students will have already had opportunity to practice/correct/and get help on before it shows up on the concept check.

Tutorials If a student is struggling to understand a math concept or needs further help or clarification, the student is strongly encouraged to attend tutorials. A tutoring schedule (posted on classroom website) will tell the student which math teacher will be available. Students are highly encouraged to attend tutorials with other math teachers as well as their own. If a student is failing at progress report or report card time, it is mandatory that the student attend tutorials until their grades are passing (70).

Online Help Our textbooks have online features to help students. Students can access an online version of the book (which looks exactly the same as our book), our workbook pages, extra practice problems, videos that explain concepts we have learned in class, and much more. I encourage you to take a look at this wonderful feature. Please refer to the following website and then choose Algebra 1.

Classroom Rules 1. Be Prompt (No student will be let in the class after the bell without a tardy slip from the front office) 2. Be Prepared (Students must bring supplies with them every day...notebook, paper, workbooks, pencil, grading utensil) 3. Be Polite 4. Be a Promoter of learning (Do not keep the teacher from teaching or anyone, including yourself, from learning.)

Note to Parents I am very excited for this school year and look forward to getting to know your child. I am here to help your child grow and learn, while providing them with support to ensure their success. This will be a rigorous course, but it is a wonderful opportunity as well. Please feel free to email or call me if you have any questions or concerns.

Student Name ____________________________

Class Period __________

Do I have permission to communicate specific grade and behavior information with you via email regarding your child? Yes _____ No _____

I have read and understand the rules and procedures for math class.


Parent/Guardian Signature



Student's Signature



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