EXERCISE 1 6 CLASS: ______________________________

RESPONSE FORM DATE: ______________________________

1) Examine closely this Interactive Climate Lab on Climate Controls Developed by Dr. Greg Carbone and hosted by Prentice Hall, Inc. Following your examination, answer the following questions.

a) List the climate controls discussed in the module.

b) Assume two cities are at the same latitude, one with a maritime location, the other continental. What differences in their temperature and precipitation patterns would you expect?

c) What effect does the Cascade Mountain Range have on the precipitation across Washington State?

d) How do the storm tracks in North America for January differ from the paths in July? What is responsible for the change?

e) In the "Climograph" section of the lab, select three cities (each on a different continent and at least one in the Southern Hemisphere) and describe the climate controls responsible for each of their temperature and precipitation patterns.

f) Which climate control(s) are most influential in determining the climate of your region? Explain your choice(s).

(Interactive laboratory modules developed by Gregory Carbone, University of South Carolina, Copyright © 2000 by Prentice Hall, Inc.)

2) Using the information at the WorldClimate website, locate the historical climate data for a large city near your home town.

a) Write a short paragraph summarizing the average temperature and rainfall of the location. Be sure to include the name of the city in your report.

b) Using the data at the website and Table 16.2 in your laboratory manual, determine the Köppen climatic classification of the station.

3) Examine the influences that cities have on their local climate variables at this Urban Climatology website created by Dr. Michael J. Pidwirny, Department of Geography, Okanagan University College, Canada.

When compared to rural areas, what are some climate variables that are altered by cities? How are they changed? What are the reasons for these modifications?

4) On of the greatest scientific concerns is the impact that human activity has on weather and climate. In addition to polluting the atmosphere with several noxious emissions, our activities have also contributed to what scientists refer to as "global warming."

After you complete this online NASA experiment, describe global warming and write a brief summary of some of the issues and implications associated with it.

5) Investigate the national air quality data at this Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website. Then, using the information provided, answer the following questions.

a) What are the six principal atmospheric pollutants?

b) Select one of the six principal pollutants and describe its sources, health and environmental effects, and recent trends.

c) Of the six principal pollutants, which one, or ones, is of the greatest concern in your area? Explain the reason for your choice or choices.

d) Of the six principal pollutants, which have had the most notable improvements in the past ten years? Suggest a reason, or reasons, for the reductions.


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