Physical Science - Jenks Public Schools




Instructor: Mrs. Potter

Student: ________________________________

Class Hour: _____________________________

Parent Signature: ________________________

Pre-AP Biology

Course Syllabus

School Year 2010-2011

Jenks Freshman Academy 9th Grade

205 E. B Street

Jenks, OK 74037-3900 Room #2204, Lab #2202

Instructor: Mrs. Potter Feel free to contact me by email or

Phone: 299-4415 Ext. 2449 phone. I check messages every day

Email: cate.potter@ and will return your call ASAP.

Course Description:

This systematic approach to Biology develops fundamental concepts early in the course and progresses in such a way as to show unity in the organisms studied. The units of the course are studied in greater detail than in regular Biology. These units are the nature of life, heredity, microbiology, plants, biology of invertebrates, biology of vertebrates, and biology of man. This course also includes additional emphasis on science reasoning skills, career opportunities and current events.

Students must complete an "End of Instruction" test (EOI) in Biology in order to graduate. The score achieved on this test will be included on the student's transcript.

Textbook: Prentice Hall Biology (Miller-Levine). One book will be assigned for each student to keep at home.

Materials Needed: (due Monday after school starts on Thursday)

A 3-ring notebook with pockets (1-1/2") hardback for each semester For science only

Pencils, erasers, looseleaf paper (no spirals), pens (blue or black). Pencils are required for all tests.

1 pkg. of 24 colored pencils – for home use

Course Objectives:

This course is designed to develop the student's appreciation of how science affects our daily lives while increasing the student's general knowledge of Biology. Students will be prepared to take more advanced level science classes in grades 10-12. Pre-AP Biology is a combination lecture/discussion and lab course. Students will develop their vocabulary of scientific terms, become familiar with the scientific research method, and develop understanding of lab methods by performing lab exercises, using lab apparatus and report writing. Pre-AP Biology students will cover material more quickly and in more detail. They will also perform more advanced labs, special reports, extra projects, and assignments.


I am available before school and at lunch most days to assist students with questions or make-up work. Grades, and test, quiz, and lab dates will be posted on ParentPortal. The textbook publishers’ websites (bdol., and ) have interactive quizzes for each chapter. Vocabulary terms and definitions for each chapter are posted on , which has flashcards and activities to facilitate learning.


Students are expected to read all assignments in the text and complete all homework assignments prior to class. Students are required to bring science notebook, paper, pencils, and assignments to class each day. Lab assignments are due at the end of each lab session or may be completed at home and turned in the following day at the beginning of class. Failure to turn in the lab data sheet will result in a zero for the lab.

A lab safety contract must be read and signed by both a parent and student and turned in to the teacher by Friday (after school starts on Thursday). Students will not be allowed to participate in lab until this lab contract is signed and on file. All verbal and written rules must be followed or student will be removed from lab and a zero and/or detention will be given.

Please place in writing, with parent signature and phone number, any allergy that the teacher should be aware of. Please also communicate any information that would enable me to help the student learn successfully.

This class proceeds at a fast pace. Keep up with the assignments. It is much better to study a short while each night than wait until the night before a test. Plan ahead to avoid the stress! Reflect on what you learn.

Each student is required to keep all homework, notes, assignments, lab reports, vocabulary, worksheets, etc. in chronological order in their 3-ring science notebook. The notebook, including a complete table of contents, will be graded each semester. These materials will be the study guide for quizzes, tests, and the final exam - which will be comprehensive. There will be several projects required of the Pre-AP Biology student. Project information and due dates will be given in class.


Grades will be based on percentage of total possible points according to the following scale:

90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F

Semester grades consist of the following:

60% tests/quizzes

25% coursework (homework, classwork, activities, projects, labs)

15% comprehensive final exam.

No extra credit will be given! No retaking tests.


Daily discipline and practice are a key part of being successful in science. In preparation for the class, the student will read and take brief notes on the assigned text material. These notes should include important concepts, vocabulary terms, diagrams, symbols and equations. Notes and vocabulary should be studied every day.

Homework is also assigned for each chapter and will be collected for grading. All assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will not be accepted. All daily assignments are posted in the room. There will be a weekly vocabulary quiz for each chapter. It is the student's responsibility to learn the definitions. The quiz will also include fact-based questions from the chapter. Quiz and test dates will be announced in advance. Students must take the test even if they were absent the day before. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of dates in their agenda and be prepared!

Make-up work is the student's responsibility. When returning from an absence, check the assignment board. Talk to the teacher if you have any questions. A zero will be given for any assignment that is not made up in the allowed time. If a test or quiz is missed due to an excused absence, the student must make arrangements with the teacher to come in before school as soon as possible to make it up. Make-up quizzes will usually have a different format than those given in class. If absence is due to a school activity, assignments/tests should be completed before leaving, if possible. Labs may not be made up. Students will be excused if absent on lab day.

There is a zero tolerance policy for cheating. If a student is caught cheating, they will receive a “0” grade on the quiz, test, or assignment. If a student allows another student to copy their work, they will also receive a 0. This includes copying homework for this or any other class!


It is very important that everyone behave appropriately in class and lab every single day. This is necessary for a good learning environment; high standards of behavior go hand in hand with high academic standards. I will not tolerate any disturbance whatsoever. You will be removed from the classroom and/or given detention for unacceptable behavior. Classroom procedures will be discussed in each class.

Tardiness will not be tolerated. This means you will be in your assigned seat with notebook and materials on your desk when the bell rings. Detention will be given for being late to class. Refer to the student handbook for more information. Students are required to remain seated in class at all times. Do not ask to leave class for any reason. Take care of all personal needs before or after class.

No cell phones, PDA's, iPods, CD players, headphones, or other devices are allowed in class. Leave them in your locker. These items will be taken away and turned over to the office.

Work only on science during class. No working on other subjects, writing, talking, sleeping, passing notes, or wasting time. Purses and backpacks must be kept closed and under your chair.

No food, drink, or candy is allowed in class or lab. It will be taken and thrown away. Water bottles and gum are allowed in class, but not lab. This privilege can be taken away if abused.

No talking or disturbing other classmates. Use good manners at all times.

Pack up one minute before the ending bell, not before. Stay in your seat until the bell rings.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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