Theme for term:

Theme for term:


Areas of learning:

Welcome back everyone. This is a relatively short term in which we

are aiming to pack in lots of activities which link all the areas of learning

into the theme of movement. We shall be practising moving our own bodies in lots of different ways, pushing, pulling objects and avoiding obstacles. We shall be considering cause and effect eg how cogs and wheels turn, water and sand flow. There are many avenues to explore within this theme and activities can be offered that reflect the interests, abilities and levels of development of individual children.


Themed Activities Planned:

25th Feb to 1st March – Moving our Own Bodies

Bikes and Scooters

Tunnels & Climbing Apparatus

Balance Beams


Parachute games

Music and Movement - Sticky Kids Exercise CD

The Animal Boogie

4th to 8th March – Toys that Move

Tractors/truck tyre prints in paint

Wind up and spinning toys


Scales and Weights

Cars, garages and ramps

Cogs and Gears

Marble run

11th to 15th March – Wheels and round things

Ball games

Brio Trains

Gravel and Construction Vehicles

Big Scale Roller Painting, water on walls and fences

Cotton Reel Prints and Marble Rolling in Paint

Threading buttons/reels

Song – The Wheels on the Bus

18th to 22nd March – Wind Power

Wind chimes and windmills

Blowing Bubbles

Bubble Paints

Moving bodies to imitate movement involving wind

Wind through trees

Leaves blown by wind

Soaring Kites

Flying through the air

25th to 28th March – Sensory exploration of movement

Wobbly Jelly

Sand movement through fingers, sieves, wheels etc

Playdough manipulation


Action Rhymes and Clapping in Rhythm

Musical Instruments

Easter Activities on last day of term

For more information on the Preschool curriculum, policies and practice etc please see our website:


Important Dates:

11th March – Toddler Group I Can Chatterbox Challenge

10th March – Mothering Sunday

15th March – Red Nose Day

Pre-school closes on 28th March at 3pm for the end of term Easter break. We re-open on Monday 15th April 2013.


Should a child be absent from preschool please ensure that the absence

is covered with a written note briefly explaining the reasons why the child

was unable to attend preschool on specified dates. This particularly

applies to children who are eligible for early years funding since Devon

County will contact parents where there are unexplained absences in order to recoup lost funding revenue for a child who is not on the preschool register as attending their allocated session.

Healthy Setting Award:

We are currently endeavouring to attain a Healthy Setting Award which looks to all areas of preschool activity to ensure that we are aiming towards attaining the best possible outcomes for children by providing a healthy and positive early years experience. This is a Devon County award and part of our continued commitment to reflect on all areas of practice and ensure we offer a quality early years provision. Naturally, parent and carer views are an influential factor shaping the direction that this group takes. Over the next few weeks you may be approached and asked your thoughts about our group ie what you consider we do well and areas that could be improved on. Whilst we envisage this approach to be fairly informal, we would like to assure you that all comments will be valued and confidentiality will be respected. (Complaints of a more formal nature can be addressed directly to Debbie, Playleader. or the preschool committee in line.)

Uniforms and Book bags:

Are now in stock and available for purchase:

Sweatshirts £7

Polo shirts £6.25

T shirts £4.95

Bookbags £3.95

Treasure Boxes:

Just a reminder that we have a supply of Sure Start Treasure Boxes at Preschool and to claim yours please bring in your child’s red Health Check book for signing by a member of staff.

Toddler Group, I Can Chatterbox Challenge:

On Monday 11th March, 9 to 11am, the Toddler Group will be holding a Tea Party to support the I Can Chatterbox Challenge. I Can are a children’s communication charity who aim to ensure no child who struggles to communicate is left out or left behind. They provide advice and resources to parents and professionals working with children. Their vision is a world where all children and young people who struggle to communicate receive the help they need so that they can have a happy childhood, make progress at school and thrive as adults. In support of this worthy cause, we are asking for a donation and inviting the children to make cakes for their midmorning snack/Tea party and take part in a nursery rhyme sing-a-long session. The children from Preschool are invited to come along with their parents for a fun morning. Put it in your diary and we hope to see everyone on the day.


New Chairperson and Committee Members:

We have a new chairperson and would like to take this opportunity to let

everyone know that Susan Briggs has stepped into the role. A big

thank you goes out to her and all of you who came forward to volunteer

to be on the Preschool Committee. If you are still thinking about joining

the committee and worried about what the responsibility entails please do come in and talk to Debbie or Vicki about it - the more the merrier (

Parent / Carer Help:

If you feel that you can contribute skills or give up some time to help with any activities this term, your help would be greatly appreciated. We are aiming to have a big tidy up of the garden area in preparation for the planting season ahead so any keen gardeners out there willing to give up some time in our nature garden would be appreciated.

If you would like to come in to a session to learn more about the running of the pre-school, please talk to Debbie to arrange a visit.

Term Dates 2013/14:

Autumn Term – Monday 9th Sept to Friday 20th December 2013-02-27

Half Term break on Thurs 24th October, return Monday 4th November

Spring Term – Tuesday 7th January to Friday 4th April 2014

Half Term break on Friday 14th February, return Monday 24th February

Summer Term- Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 24th July

Half Term break on Friday 23rd May, return Monday 2nd June


Personal, Social & Emotional Development

Developing self confidence and self awareness so that children are becoming more independent within the preschool environment, asking for help should they need it, able to try out new experiences and learn from them

Physical Development

Develop control and co-ordination of the body in both large and small movements. Provide opportunities to move in a range of ways, safely negotiating space

Communication and Language

Working towards developing a fuller understanding of language so that children are able to follow instructions, engage in conversation about their experiences and respond to stories and events


Supporting children within practical activities to develop an interest in numbers and counting. Begin to count in numbers and relate number names to quantities in order to establish how many. Encourage children to make comparisons and recognise new totals when objects are removed or added


Develop early writing skills by encouraging mark making with the provision of mark making in lots of formats. Begin to ascribe meaning to mark making and differentiate marks

Expressive Arts and Design

Engaged in a variety of singing, music and movement session. Develop an interest in music and musical instrument. Use tools, safely to explore a variety of materials eg scissors when engaged in crafts, kitchen utensils when cooking, cutters when playing with the playdough

Understanding the World

Observe and talk about features of their environment, place, objects, materials and living things. Explore the outside play environment and play with small world activities which reflect the real world.




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