Winslow Township High School

aLa tarea de verano para la clase de Espa?ol AP. ?Al fin llegaste a la clase de AP Spanish?Language and Culture! La meta para la clase es mejor fluidez y comprensión del idioma. Como sabes, estudiar un idioma compone de escribir, escuchar, leer, hablar y conocer a la cultura hispana. Este a?o será difícil, pero confío en ti. Todo lo que haremos en clase será para aumentar a tu aprendizaje. ?No tengas miedo, lo harás! Si correo electrónico Senora Ducaducail@winslow-El trabajo se entrega en “classroom”Información general:Please do all activities completely and to the best of your ability. I will be using this work to assess your skills upon your return in the summer. You will also receive a grade for completing this work, try to get off to a good start. Our goal is that all of you to receive a 3 or better on the exam and achieve the?Seal of Biliteracy,.This course will require self-discipline and dedication on your part as this class will be treated and taught as if it were a college course.Honor Code College students are required to abide by an honor code that forbids them from cheating, which includes plagiarism. I expect the same code of honor from you, as a member of a college-level course. What this means is that you are expected to complete all assignments on your own, without consulting native-speakers or translation devices of any kind. Translation devices of any kind are prohibited at all times ( you can look up an unknown word). No one should proofread your work, suggest changes to your work or make changes to your work unless specified within the parameters of peer evaluation. Anyone found in violation of these policies will not receive credit for the work.Join AP Classroom i3umn3qASSIGNMENT?#1:Familiarize?yourself?with?the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam.??Go?to?the?website?below?and?read?about?the?exam.‐spanish‐language/about‐the‐exam?spanlang!?ASSIGNMENT?#2:Listen to songs in Spanish from Youtube, CDs, iTunes, or other places. Pick songs “en espa?ol”. Keep a log of the artists, the song titles, and the countries of origin. You must have at least 10 songs from different artists on your log. Choose one song that you feel strongly about and write a short paragraph of 150+ words in which you: Describe what you understood the song to mean, or what you think it’s about. Describe what you love or hate about it (and why). Research and tell me in Spanish what you found out about the artist. Due by August 20, including your log. ( no question this must be written in SPANISH)ASSIGNMENT?#3:LISTENING?PRACTICE?(DUE??1st?hour?by?July?8th;?2nd?hour?by?July?31st)? You?are?required?to?spend?at?least?5?hours?listening?to?authentic?Spanish?this?summer,?in?2.5 minute?increments?( would?Include?listening?to?a?10 minute?podcast?3?times.)?You?may?listen?to?the?podcasts?or?view? YouTube,?TV/movies.?Please?note?the?webpage,?radio?name?etc.??At?the?beginning,?it?may?be?hard?to?Understand?the?first? time,?so?you?may?listen?to?it?more?than?once,?take?notes,?etc.?Use?the?attached?listening?log?to?document each?activity.(Try to listen to college level material not Disney movies) Must submit at least 3 listening logs with each submission total of 6 listening logs (DUE??1st?hour?by?July?8th;?2nd?hour?by?July?31st)?Only one movie ( 2 HOURS ) At least 4 podcastYou?may?find?some?interesting?items?on?these?websites:? ?? 1. "Learn?Spanish?with?Commentarios"? 2. Así?Como?Sue?a? 3. Audiria? 4. Buenos?Dias?America? 5. CNN? 6. Coffee?Break? 7. Entender?Autismo??? 8. Espanol?Automatico?? 9. Euro?News?en?espa?ol? 10. Futuro?Abierto? 11. Gastronomicast?12. Habla?Espanol? 13. Hablamos?Espanol? 14. La?comida?de?Espa?a? 15. Las?Vacaciones?de?Agosto? ASSIGNMENT?#4:Find an online newspaper article (look up a country newspaper or ) in Spanish, which you think describes the most significant event of the summer for Latinos. Read the article thoroughly, then plan the argument you will make to the class to convince them that this was, indeed, the most significant event of the summer. You must have at least three, logical and coherent arguments, and you must cite the article to support your arguments. Please don’t pick an article/event that you can’t thoughtfully support with evidence from your article. Fill out the attached Current Event OverviewSheet and bring it with your printed article to class on the 1st day of class. Be prepared to present ASSIGNMENT?#5:Make a two-minute recording AND SEND TO ME ON “CLASSRROM”. Be sure to read the directions and adhere to the time limits in the instructions below. Due by August 1st.ASSIGNMENT?#6:Write an email response to the following email. Be sure to write the email FORMALLY using Usted and use appropriate expressions, courtesy, and letter format. Include appropriate greetings and farewells as well as ask questions back. You only have 15 minutes to write your email response and it should be 100+ words. Due by August 15th.ASSIGNMENT?#7:Record yourself completing a phone conversation You have 20 seconds to answer – YOU WILL HEAR A BEAP Can only record once and listen once Atteched is the guide REMINDER TO ALL In AP?Spanish, you should have mastered all tenses, there is no time to go back and reteach verb conjugations. If you struggle with any one verb conjugations or ser vs estar, por vs para , preterite vs imperfect , past vs present subjunctive. You should practice this on your own. I will not be reteaching these concepts. You will be graded on your grammar on all assignmentsHere are the grammar concepts you should review on your own time! Go to the numerous web sites online and review.Grammar?PointsPresent?Tense?Preterite?Tense Imperfect?Tense4.?Present?Perfect/Pluperfect Ser?vs.?EstarProgressive?Tenses?(Present,?Imperfect,?Future)Present?subjunctivePresent?perfect?subjunctive9.?Imperfect?subjunctivePluperfect?subjunctiveUses?of?Subjunctive ( WEDDIND, IF STAEMENT , UNKNOWN , ESCAPA A)12.?Future/Future?PerfectCommandsConditional/Conditional?PerfectPor?vs.?ParaNoun adjective agreementUses of Tener ................

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