Present Progressive Worksheet - A+ Spanish Academy

Worksheet: Spanish Present Progressive

? estar + present participle ? conjugate estar with the subject of the sentence ? form present participle using verb stem + ending

o -ar verbs -ando o -er & -ir verbs -iendo o verb stems ending with a vowel -yendo o present tense -ir stem changing verbs:

o:ue o:u e:ie & e:i e:i o some verbs are irregular: poder pudiendo ir yendo

English Present Participle

walking eating writing reading sleeping


following going

Present Progressive

Translate each sentence from English to Spanish using the present progressive.

I'm seeing the ocean.

Spanish Present Participle

caminando (regular -ar)

comiendo (regular -er)

escribiendo (regular -ir)

leyendo (stem ends in a vowel) durmiendo

(-ir o:ue stem changing, o changes to u)


(-ir e:ie stem changing verb, e changes to i)


(-ir e:i stem changing verb, e changes to i)

yendo (irregular)

They're not talking. What's she saying? Who's playing the piano? We're studying in the library. Juanita and Elena are carrying two suitcases. Why are you swimming in the pool? You (plural) are not working now. I'm doing the homework right now. Are they taking pictures on the beach? The bellhop is opening the elevator door. We aren't finding you (plural) at the hotel.

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