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Guided Practice Activities 6B-4

Present progressive (continued)

C. Write the present participles of the verbs shown. Follow the models. Remember to use -ando for -ar verbs and -iendo for -er and -ir verbs.

Modelos ayudar






1. dar _________d__a_n_d_o__________________ 5. sacar _______s_a_c_a_n_d__o_______________

2. abrir _________a__b_r_ie_n_d__o_______________ 6. lavar _______l_a_v_a_n_d__o_______________

3. comer _______c_o_m__i_e_n_d_o_______________ 7. jugar _______j_u_g_a_n__d_o_______________

4. romper ______r_o_m__p_i_e_n_d__o_____________ 8. poner ______p_o_n__ie_n__d_o______________

D. Look at the drawing. Then write forms of the present progressive (estar + present participle) to complete each sentence. Follow the models.

? Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

Modelos Graciela (dar) est? dando de comer al perro. Lola y Elia (hablar) est?n hablando .

1. El padre (sacar) __________e_s_t?__s_a__ca__n_d_o____________ la basura. 2. La madre (cocinar) _______e_s_t_?_c_o__c_in_a__n_d_o_____________ unas hamburguesas. 3. Ana Mar?a (cortar) _______e_s_t_?__c_o_r_t_a_n_d_o______________ el c?sped. 4. Manolo y Jos? (lavar) _____e_s_t?__n__la_v_a__n_d_o________________ el coche. 5. Tito y Ram?n (poner) ____e__st_?_n__p__o_n_i_e_n_d_o_______________ la mesa.

210 Guided Practice Activities 6B-4

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