Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet 1 (Vocab)

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #1 (Vocab) Nombre ________________

A. Translate the following sentences in the present tense.

1. I feed the dog.

2. I live close to the school.

3. My house has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a basement and a garage.

4. We set the table.

5. The bathroom is dirty. I have to clean the bathroom.

6. She receives money for the chores.

7. Dad cuts the lawn.

8. You make the bed.

9. They vacuum the dirty rug.

10. Ana takes out the trash and dusts.

11. The living room is on the ground floor.

12. There is a room next to the stairs.

B. Answer the following question in a complete sentence in Spanish.

1. ¿Cuántos pisos hay en tu casa?

C. Pg. 113 in the workbook. Write 2 chores for each in Spanish.

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #2 (Vocab) Nombre ________________

A. Translate the following sentences in the present tense.

1. The clothes are clean.

2. Your house has a living room and a dining room on the ground floor.

3. My bedroom is on the second floor. I need to straighten up my room.

4. We wash the dirty car in the garage.

5. She lives far from the mall.

6. I set the table and I make the bed.

7. There is a bedroom to the right of the bathroom.

8. My mom cooks dinner in the kitchen.

9. They take out the trash.

10. Mark does his chores. He receives money.

11. The home office is next to the stairway.

12. You straighten up the room.

B. Answer the following question in a complete sentence in Spanish.

1. ¿En qué piso está tu cuarto?

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #3 (Vocab) Nombre ________________

A. Translate the following sentences in the present tense.

1. We straighten up the room.

2. My brother takes out the trash to the garage.

3. I cook the food in the kitchen.

4. They receive money for the chores.

5. You feed the dog.

6. The home office is in the basement.

7. Maria makes the bed.

8. You all(inf.) dust the living room.

9. Sam washes the car and I wash the clothes.

10. Susana lives close to my apartment.

11. They clean the bathroom.

12. The house has a basement and a third floor.

13. You vacuum the rug.

14. I set the table in the dining room.

15. The living room is dirty, but the dining room is clean.

16. I do my chores.

17. There is a closet in the dining room!

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #4 (Commands) Nombre _______________

A. Give the affirmative tú command for each verb.

1. montar- 6. jugar-

2. leer- 7. practicar-

3. escuchar- 8. hablar-

4. compartir- 9. recibir-

5. escribir- 10. comer-

B. Translate the following sentences using an affirmative tú command.

1. Straighten up the room.

2. Feed the dog.

3. Set the table.

4. Make the bed.

5. Wash the dishes.

6. Clean the bathroom.

7. Vacuum.

8. Dust.

9. Take out the trash.

10. Cut the lawn.

C. Pg. 116 in the workbook

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #5 Nombre ________________

(Review/Practice Quiz)

A. Study the picture on pg. 298 in your book – rooms of the house.

You will have to label 11 rooms/floors on the quiz.

B. Give the affirmative tú command for each verb. –There will be 10 on the quiz.

1. hacer- 6. escribir-

2. esquiar- 7. dormir-

3. poner- 8. jugar-

4. hablar- 9. nadar-

5. leer- 10. comprender-

C. Translate the following sentences using an affirmative tú command.

There will be 5 on the quiz.

1. Wash the car.

2. Vacuum the dirty rug.

3. Clean the bathroom.

4. Cook the food.

D. Translate the following sentences using the present tense.

There will be 6 on the quiz.

1. I receive the money for the chores.

2. I make the bed.

3. You set the table.

4. The car is clean.

5. We live close to the library.

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #6 (present progressive) Nombre___________

A. Answer the following questions in a complete sentence in Spanish using the present progressive tense.

1. ¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?

2. La casa está muy desordenada. Papa y mamá están en la sala donde hay mucho polvo. Tú estás en la cocina donde hay muchos platos sucios. Yo estoy en la cocina también donde el perro tiene hambre. Ana está en el baño que está muy sucio. ¿Qué está haciendo cada persona?





B. Translate the following sentences using the present progressive tense.

1. I am making the bed.

2. We are taking out the trash.

3. They are vacuuming in the living room.

4. Dad is cutting the lawn.

5. You are doing the chores.

C. Fill in the blank with the present progressive.

1. Ellos _________________________ el libro. (leer)

2. Ud. __________________________ la música. (escuchar)

3. Yo ___________________________ en el centro comercial. (trabajar)

4. Tú __________________________ en las montañas. (esquiar)

5. Vosotros _________________________ fotos. (sacar)

6. Paco y yo __________________________ un examen. (tomar)

Español 1 Unidad 6B Worksheet #7 (present progressive) Nombre___________

A. Translate the following sentences using the present progressive tense.

1. I am washing the dirty clothes.

2. My sister is straightening up the room.

3. You are taking out the trash.

4. He is feeding the dog.

5. Mark and I are vacuuming in the basement.

6. They are dusting in the dining room.

7. You all (inf.) are cleaning the bathroom.

B. Fill in the blank with the present progressive.

1. Ana y Pablo ______________________________ la carta. (escribir)

2. Yo _______________________________ el examen. (tomar)

3. Tú ________________________________ el dinero. (recibir)

4. Maria y yo ________________________ la revista. (leer)

5. Vosotros ____________________________ la bebida. (beber)

6. Paco ________________________________al fútbol. (jugar)

7. Yo _______________________________ la piñata. (romper)

8. Ellos ____________________________la música. (escuhcar)

9. Nosotros ____________________________en monopatín. (montar)

10. Anita _______________________________ en el parque. (correr)

11. Tú __________________________los regalos. (abrir)

12. Vosotros ______________________________fotos. (sacar)

C. Answer using the present progressive.

1. ¿Qué está haciendo la Sra. Houck ahora?

2. ¿Qué está haciendo tu madre ahora? 3. ¿Qué estás hacienda ahora?

Español 1 Unidad 6B Review Worksheet for Unit 6B Test

A. Listening

Pg. 319 Book #1

B. Reading

Pg. 319 Book #3 and Pg. 310 in the book Act. 21

C. Present Progressive Translations - 5

I am cooking dinner in the kitchen.

We are washing the clothes.

They are feeding the dog.

D. Fill in the blank with the present progressive – 6

Tú ____________________________ en el comedor. (ayudar)

Vosotros _____________________________ el agua. (beber)

Pedro ________________________ con mi tía. (vivir)

Ellos ______________________el libro (leer)

E. Give the affirmative tú command – 10





F. Affirmative tú translations – 5

Cut the lawn.

Set the table in the dining room.


G. Present tense translations - 7

The kitchen is on the ground floor.

Your house has a basement.

There is a bathroom next to the bedroom.

I receive the money.

He does his chores.

My apartment is clean.

We live far from Hummelstown.

H. Answer 2 questions

See Worksheets #1 and #7

I. Answer 3 Essential Questions from this unit.


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