1. Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses in the Simple Present.

a) Pamela HAS a beautiful dog.

b) Carol and Louise work at the mall.

c) Larry STUDIES for the test everyday.

d) Mike WATCHES TV a lot.

e) Jennifer DRINKS too much beer.

f) Sarah GETS to school by bus.

G) Laura WASHES the dishes after lunch.

h) The plane FLIES to New York.

i) Lisa and I ARE at the test.

j) The dogs EAT their food.

k) Thomas LOVES airplanes.

l) Lisa and Lery LIVE in Kansas.

m) Terry HAS a mustang.

n) The mechanical FIXES the cars here.

2. Turn the phrases into the Interrogative form the sentences.

a) DOES He LOVE girls in bikinis?

b) DO Pam and Carol watch MTV a lot?

c) DOES The school CLOSE at 10:30 PM?

d) DOES Carol PAINT beautiful paintings?

3. Turn the phrases to the negative form:

a) We DON’T like to eat pizza.

b) Jennifer DOESN’T PLAY volleyball here.

c) The boys DON’T study in the afternoon.

d) The souvenirs DON’T cost a lot of money.

4. Reescreva as frases utilizando a forma contract do verb to be.

a) They’RE Spanish.

b) She’S from German.

c) I’m a student.

d) He’S in the house with his father.

5. Write the sentences getting the words in the correct position, making the necessary changes:







6. Turn the statements into the interrogative form:

a) DOES The boss THINK we are late?

b) ARE The airplanes at the airport and the baggage is in it?

c) DO Sarah and Rhea watch TV a lot but study at night?

d) DOES The class START at 11:00 after the game finishes?

e) IS Beth worried about the problem Peter has?

Simple Present X Present Continuous:

1. Complete com a forma correta do VERBO TO BE.

a) Lisa and I ARE late for the game.

b) Carol IS at the office.

c) Tina and Lucy ARE tired because of the game.

d) The girlsARE at school.

e) The bus IS in front of the school.

2. Coloque as frases do exercício 01 na forma negativa.

3. Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses no Present Continuous:

a) Sarah IS GETTING to school by bus.

b) Laura IS WASHING the dishes after lunch.

c) The plane IS FLYING to New York.

d) Lisa and I ARE at the test now.

e) The dogs ARE EATING their food.

f) Pamela IS HAVING dinner now.

g) Carol and Louise ARE WORKING at the mall.

h) Larry IS STUDYING for the test.

i) Mike IS WATCHING TV a lot.

j) Jennifer IS DRINKING too much beer.

4. Reescreva as frases no Present Continuous utilizando as palavras dadas, completando aquelas que faltam:

a) Pamela IS kissING John at the club

b) We ARE takING a test now.

c) Mary and Phillip ARE STUDYING for the exam now.

d) Sarah IS GETTING the CD in the bedroom.

e) Mike and Peter ARE WASHING the car now.

f) Jennifer IS HAVING lunch with her husband.

g) The boys ARE WRITING a composition.

h) Melissa IS VISITING her mother.

i) Jeff IS PREPARING the food.

j) Tom and I ARE EATING rice.

k) I AM STUDYING for the test at the moment.

l) John IS WATCHING TV in the bedroom now.

m) Sally IS WORKING now.

n) Pamela IS BATHING with Todd at the club

5. Complete the sentences with one of the verbs in the present continuous:


a) Carol IS WORKING at MAXI.

b) Ronaldinho IS PLAYING soccer.

c) Melissa and Peter ARE CLEANIG the house.

d) Donald IS STUDYING Biology.

e) The car IS STOPPING on the street.

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the parentheses:

a) Thomas LOVES airplanes.

b) Lisa and Lery LIVE/ARE LIVING in Kansas.

c) Terry HAS a mustang.

d) The mechanical FIXES/IS FIXING the cars here.

e) I LIKE that girl now.

f) Susan UNDERSTANDS the exercise now.

g) Jeff always GETS to work.

h) Amber IS DYING from cancer.

i) The boy IS BLEEDING, call a doctor fast.

Simple Past

1. Complete the text with the PAST form of the verbs:

Last Saturday it WAS the birthday of Thomas. His friends didn’t call him and he THOUGHT his friends didn’t like him. But they were preparing him a surprise party at a club.

He WENT) to the house of his best friend but he didn’t say anything about his birthday. Thomas GOT

so depressed that he CRIED at his house.

Then, he DROVE to a bakery and BOUGHT a big chocolate cake for himself. He stopped at a park and ATE the whole cake alone and DRANK Simba.

When he returned home he SAW the surprise party his friends prepared and FELT stupid. And he worse, he got a terrible diarrhea because of the cake and the Simba.

2. Complete the statements using the Simple Past Tense of the verbs given:

a) The moon CAME out late last night.

b) Sue and Sarah LEFT to Acorizal.

c) Sue and Sarah WENT to Pocone this morning.

d) She CAUGHT the bus on time.

e) I SAW her at the new mall yesterday.

f) The girls WENT to the supermarket two minutes ago.

g) Sarah LIVED in the States in 1995.

h) I DIDN’T DRINK beer yesterday.

i) Lisa STUDIED hard for this test.

3. Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa e interrogativa:

a)DID I visit many places like this?

I DIDN’T visit many places like this

b) DID They GO to the same restaurant?

They DIDN’T GO to the same restaurant?

c) DID She CHANGE her dress a fem minutes ago?

She DIDN’T CHANGE her dress a fem minutes ago.

d) DID We DRIVE to Mary’s party?

We DIDN’T DRIVE to Mary’s party

e) DID The dog DIDN’T SEE the cat on the wall

The dog SEE the cat on the wall?

f) DID Mary CHOOSE to go to Seattle?

Mary DIDN’T CHOOSE to go to Seattle

g) DID Sarah SPEND all her money with games?

Sarah DIDN’T SPEND all her money with games

h) DID The airplane CATCH heavy rain over the Pacific Ocean?

Sarah DIDN’T SPEND all her money with games

4. Passe para o passado as seguintes frases:

a) There WAS plenty of water on the earth.

b) There WAS enough water on this planet.

c) There WERE many people with out water.

d) Much of the water WAS polluted and salty.

e) The boys WERE near the house.

f) Susan WAS at the park.

g) The student WAS with the group.

5. Turn the phrases into the past tense:

a) The boy SLEPT in his bed.

b) Carol TOOK her pills at 3:00 PM

c) The sun ROSE on East.

d) The new film BEGAN Friday.

e) The boy WATCHED TV in the afternoon.

f) Mary LIVED in Seattle.

g) Sarah CAME here in the morning.

h) The boat TRAVELED from VG to Saint Anthony.

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs given in the Simple Past:


a) The class BEGAN at 7:30 am

b) He CAME home really late last night.

c) The researcher FOUND some dinosaur bones in Chapada.

d) He FELT a terrible pain in his chest and died after that.

e) Gabriel BOUGHT a new pair of jeans yesterday.

f) Samuel BROKE his leg in the accident.

g) The catcher CAUGHT the ball after he hit it.

h) Melissa DID all her homework.

i) The man FELL off the motorcycle and hit the ground.

j) Mike CUT the wire causing the fire in the house.

k) Mary GAVE Wander a tongue kiss.


1. Turn the phrases into the past tense:

a) The boy SLEPT in his bed.

b) Carol TOOK her pills at 3:00 PM

c) The sun ROSE on East.

d) The new film BEGAN Friday.

e) The boy WATCHED TV in the afternoon.

f) Mary LIVED in Seattle.

g) Sarah CAME here in the morning.

h) The boat TRAVELED from VG to Saint Anthony.

3. Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa:

a) I have NOT been visiting many places like this.

b) They have NOT been going to the same restaurant.

c) She has NOT been changing her dress for hours.

d) We have NOT been helping at Mary’s party

4. Julgue se as frases estão corretas, corrigindo as que estiverem erradas:

a) Pam HASN’T got married.

b) I have PLAYED the piano at the lecture.

c) HAVEN’T you told the guys about the story?

d) I’VE bought her some gifts.

e) The kids HAVEN’T done the homework.

6. Passe para o passado as seguintes frases:

a) There WAS plenty of water on the earth LAST MILLENIUM.

b) There WAS enough water on this planet LAST YEAR.

c) There WERE many people with out water LAST CENTURY.

d) Much of the water WAS polluted and salty AFTER THE TSUNAMI.

7. Turn into the Negative and to the interrogative form:

a) Sonia has NOT grabbed the chick.

b) Manoela and Tania have NOT visited their parents.

c) Sarah has NOT turned the papers on time.

d) The witch has NOT caught White Snow.

e) Monica has NOT beaten Cebolinha.

f) Cascao has NOT smelled bad.

g) A guy has NOT run a show called Evidence.

h) Poco City has NOT grown since 2003.

8. Change the sentences form Simple Past into the Present Perfect and vice-versa, making the necessary changes:

a) They HAVE BROKEN up SINCE last Saturday.

b) My mother WAS sick YESTERDAY.

c) We HAVE CHOSEN to stay home.

d) She HAS EATEN a lot and HAS GOT sick.

e) The little plane FLEW from Europe to America.

f) They DIDN’T FORBIDE us for the accident LAST YEAR.

g) They HAVE FROZEN to death in the Artic.

h) She GAVE me the news LAST NIGHT.

i) The dog GREW a lot.

j) She HAS HAD a quarrel with her husband


10. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect.

a) Janet baby HAS BORN

b) The imported products HAVE ARRIVED

c) Peter HAS ACCEPTED our decision

d) Mike and Amber HAVE COME back from their holiday.

e) Barbara HAS CHANGED the color of her hair.

11. Rewrite the sentences bellow using the contract form where there isn’t it, and the long form where there is a contract one:

a) Gail ‘S written some letters.

b) He HAS played soccer for a long time.

c) The first time I’VE met her I have felt in love.

d) We HAVEN’T seen such beautiful girls.

e) William HAS got flu.

f) Mary IS really beautiful.

12. Turn the following sentences into the negative form:

a) I HAVEN’T seen many places like this.

b) They HAVEN’T usually gone to the same restaurant.

c) She HASN’T changed her style of dress.

d) We HAVEN’T offered to help at Mary’s party

e) It HASN’T been really good working with you here.

13. Write the sentences using the Present Perfect using the words given and filling the ones missing:

a) I HAVE STUDIED for the test SINCE yesterday

b) John HAS WATCHED TV in the bedroom FOR two hours

c) Sally HAS WORKED at this factory.

d) Pamela HAS DONE her job.

e) Mike HAS GOTTEN the money (HAS) TAKEN it to the bank.

f) Melissa HAS LEFT to Noble City.

14. Turn the sentences into the interrogative and negative form:

a) HAVE I visited many places like this?

I HAVEN’T visited many places like this

b) HAVE They gone to the same restaurant?

They HAVEN’T gone to the same restaurant

c) HAS She changed her dress for hours?

She HASN’T changed her dress for hours

d) HAVE We helped at Mary’s party?

We HAVEN’T helped at Mary’s party

e) HAS It been really good working with you here?

It HASN’T been really good working with you here

15. Julgue se as frases estão corretas, corrigindo as que estiverem erradas:

a) Pam HASN’T got married.

b) I have PLAYED the piano at the lecture.

c) HAVEN’T you told the guys about the story?

d)I’VE bought her some gifts.

e) The kids HAVEN’T done the homework.

16. Complete with the Present Perfect, using JUST.

a) Janet baby HAS JUST ARRIVED in our world.

b) The kids HAVE JUST ARRIVED in the U.S..

c) Mike HAS JUST FINISHED our homework.

d) The women HAVE JUST COME back from their holiday.

17. Reescreva as frases abaixo escolhendo um dos dois advérbios entre parênteses, que corretamente possa ser utilizado, colocando-os corretamente na oração:

a) Marry hasn’t got married YET

b) I have ALREADY played the guitar at the concert.

c) Haven’t you advised the kids about the game YET?

d) I have NEVER seen Mary

17. Complete as frases com o Present Perfect dos verbos entre parênteses, quando o mesmo não for possível use o Simple Past:

a) The moon CAME out late last night.

b) Sue and Sarah HAS GONE to Acorizal.

c) Sue and Sarah WENT to Pocone this morning.

d) She HAS CAUGHT the bus on time.

e) I SAW her at the new mall yesterday.

f) The girls HAVE GONE to the supermarket.

g) Sarah LIVED in the States in 1995.

h) I HAVEN’T DRUNK beer for a long time.

i) Lisa HAS STUDIED hard for this test.

18. Commplete using the Simple Past or Present Perfect:

a) Jeff ____(to drink) too much last night.

b) I ____(to forget) your name.

c) Jeff ____(to feel) really bad lately.

d) The cops ____(to catch) the thief last night.

e) Melissa ____(to be) to London.

f) Melissa ____(to be) to London last year.

g) She ____(to eat) a lot at lunch.

h) She ____(to come) by bus to school.

i) Thomas ____(to cut) his finger.

j) Mike and Ashley ____(to break) the window.

k) The plane ____(to fly) under the bad weather.

l) He ____(to see) the accident.

m) The helicopter ____(to fall) in Sao Vicente.

n) Pam ____(to go) to the party last Saturday.

o) Thomas ____(to leave) to school 2 minutes ago.

p) This girl ____(to grow) a lot.

q) I ____(to hut) my hand.

r) We ____(to hear) a noise.

s) I ____(to know) what they ____(to found) last year.

t) The kid ____(to draw) a big house.

u) Mel ____(to buy) a green shirt yesterday


1. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Continuous:

a) Ronald HAS BEEN PLAYING better on the other games.

b) Mike HAS BEEN CHOOSING to stay in his house.

c) Thomas HAS BEEN STAYING preoccupied.

d) Mark HAS BEEN HITTING the boy with the ball.

e) The players HAVE BEEN LEAVING for their houses.

f) People HAVE BEEN DYING from diseases in the world.

g) She HAS BEEN WATCHING the movies for hours.

h) Melissa HAS BEEN STUDYING Physics for the test.

i) The circus HAS BEEN TRAVELING around the country.

j) The kids HAVE BEEN RUNNING around the house.

2. Reescreva as frases formando um período composto, utilizando o Correct Tense: (Simple Past e Past Perfect)

a) Peter WOKE UP at 8:00 and Jeff HAD WAKEN UP at 6:00.

b) Sarah WENT to school in the morning after Melissa HAD GONE to work.

c) Cabral DISCOVERED Brazil after Colombo HAD DISCOVERED America.

d) The dog HAD EATEN the food before the cat DRANK the milk.

e) Mike GOT the car in the afternoon because the boys HAD FIXED it in the morning

f) Susan HAD LEFT at 6:30 and Sue LEFT at 8:00

g) Bill Gates HAD BECOME a millionaire before he COMPLETED 36 years old.

h) She DIDN’T GO to London because she (HADN’T RECEIVED her visa.

i) Clinical test SHOWED that the disease HAD SPREAD over the internal organs.

j) After the Americans HAD DESTROYED Hiroshima, they DROPPED another atomic bomb on Nagasaki.

k) He GOT crazy after HAD SEEN the horrors of war.

l) Mike HAD CALLED her before he LEFT for work.

m) Before The Bad Wolf ATTACKED the girl in the Red Hood he HAD EATEN the old lady

n) He HAD HAD breakfast and WENT to work.

o) I KISSED her after we HAD TALKED

p) The Japanese HAD ATTACKED Pearl Harbor and the American ENTERED in WW II.

q) I HAD HAD a big problem yesterday but FOUND a solution today.

3. Complete using the Simple past and Past Continuous or Past Perfect:

a) While she WAS WORKING her mother (CALLED)

b) After the hurricane (HAD HIT) the city, the citizens (WERE) homeless.

c) I (HAD SEEN) the car before I (PAID) for it.

d) Carol (HAD WAKEN) at 7 and she (TOOK) a bath at 10.

e) The Egyptians (HAD BUILT) the pyramids before the man (FLEW) to the moon.

f) When Mathews (SAW) the girl, she (WAS SLEEPING)

g) While she (WAS DRIVING) to work Pete (WAS SLEEPING) in the car.

h) They (WERE EXPLORING) the soil of the region and (FOUND) a gold mine.


1. Complete as frases abaixo com os verbos entre parênteses in the Simple Future.

a) Pamela WILL GET a beautiful dog.

b) Carol and Louise WILL WORK at the mall.

c) Larry WILL STUDY for the test tonight.

d) Mike WILL WATCH the new movie at its release.

e) Jennifer WILL DRINK only beer at the party

f) Sarah WILL GO to school by bus.

g) Laura WILL WASH the dishes after lunch.

h) The plane WILL FLY to New York soon.

i) Lisa and I WILL BE at the test when you call.

j) The dogs WILL EAT their food.

2. Turn the statements from exercise 1 into the interrogative form:

a) WILL Pamela GET a beautiful dog?

b) WILL Carol and Louise WORK at the mall?

c) WILL Larry STUDY for the test tonight?

d) WILL Mike WATCH the new movie at its release?

e) WILL Jennifer DRINK only beer at the party?

f) WILL Sarah GO to school by bus?

g) Laura WILL WASH the dishes after lunch?

h) WILL The plane FLY to New York soon?

i) WILL Lisa and I BE at the test when you call?

j) WILL The dogs EAT their food?

3. Turn the statements from exercise 1 into the negative form:

a) Pamela WILL NOT (WON’T) GET a beautiful dog.

b) Carol and Louise WILL NOT (WON’T) WORK at the mall.

c) Larry WILL NOT (WON’T) STUDY for the test tonight.

d) Mike WILL NOT (WON’T) WATCH the new movie at its release.

e) Jennifer WILL NOT (WON’T) DRINK only beer at the party

f) Sarah WILL NOT (WON’T) GO to school by bus.

g) Laura WILL NOT (WON’T) WASH the dishes after lunch.

h) The plane WILL NOT (WON’T) FLY to New York soon.

i) Lisa and I WILL NOT (WON’T) BE at the test when you call.

j) The dogs WILL NOT (WON’T) EAT their food.

4. Turn the following sentences into the Simple Future:

a) Magda WILL WALK everyday in the evening.

b) Jessica WILL DRINK a lot of beer at the party.

c) Pamela WILL SAY strange things.

d) Martha WILL KNOW everything about her friend.

e) Carol WILL HAVE a big headache.

f) Tobias WILL PLAY very well

g) I WON’T have money for the ticket.

h) Carol WON’T see the doctor.

5. Simple Future or Immediate Future? Complete as sentences with the correct tense:

a) I WILL SEE this film soon. (see)

b) Probably, my sister WILL LIVE in London . (live)

c) The kids ARE GOING TO PLAY in the garden everyday for sure. (play)

c) The music IS GOING TO MAKE the people to dance at the party now. (make)

d) The book I AM GOING TO READ for the test next weak IS GOING TO BE very hard (read / be)

6. Complete as sentences com o futuro “WILL”dos verbos entre parênteses:

a) Peter WILL CLEAN the bedroom.

b) Samuel and Mike WILL TRAVEL to Acorizal City.

c) Mary WILL MOVE to Pirineu.

d) The girls WILL PASS this year.

e) Mary WILL WRITE the report about Kosovo.


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