PRESENT SIMPLE wird verwendet,

- wenn man von einem "Gesetz" spricht

- wenn Handlungen regelmäßig/gewohnheitsmäßig wiederholt werden

"Signalwörter": always, usually, often, sometimes, every Sunday ...

Wie bildet man die PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE? "1. Form"/3.P. Sg. -(e)s

I sometimes read books in English.

I know that you often play chess.

He (Tom) watches videos at least once a week.

She (Sally) often goes for a walk in the evening.

We usually speak German in Austria.

They (Mr. and Mrs. Thomson) usually spend their holidays in Greece.

PRESENT CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) wird verwendet, wenn die Handlung, von der gesprochen wird,

- in diesem Augenblick stattfindet

- dem Sprecher auf die Nerven geht

- in der nahen Zukunft stattfinden wird - Der Zeitpunkt muss genannt

werden; es muss Hinweise geben, daß es wirklich passieren wird!


Look! I am writing a letter to my friends in St. Paul.

Now you are writing without making any mistakes.

Look! Tom is playing soccer with his sister.

She is going to New York next week.

We are studying for the test tonight.

They are always listening to the same songs. (I can't stand them.)

PAST SIMPLE verwendet man, wenn man von einer (in der Vergangenheit) abgeschlossenen Handlung spricht. Im Allgemeinen wird der Zeitpunkt angegeben (yesterday, last year, three weeks ago, ...)!

Wie bildet man PAST SIMPLE? "2. Form"

In 1991 I was in St. Paul.

Last weekend you were in Paris, weren't you?

In 1993 he was in Rome, wasn't he?

Last Monday she was at Peter's party, wasn't she?

Three years ago we were in New York, weren't we?

Two years ago they were in London, weren't they?

Last year I spent my holidays in Denmark.

Last weekend she visited her parents in Linz.

In 1992 they went skiing in Innsbruck.

PAST CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) verwendet man, wenn man von einer abgeschlossenen Handlung spricht,

- die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit

stattgefunden hat. Dieser Zeitpunkt muss angegeben werden!

- die durch eine kürzere Handlung unterbrochen wird

- die sehr lange angedauert hat, und dies betont werden soll


I was washing the dishes when the others were watching TV.

You were taking a bath when your friends called.

She was copying her homework when the teacher entered the room.

We were watching TV when our parents came home.

Yesterday at 8. p.m. they were listening to the news.


- wenn man von einer Handlung spricht, die gerade beendet worden ist

- wenn das ERGEBNIS einer vergangenen Handlung (noch) zu sehen ist


I am exhausted because I have studied maths for several hours.

You are probably tired because you have been out for so long.

He has not seen snow, yet. (Er hat bis jetzt keinen Schnee gesehen.)

She is tired because she has played tennis.

We are exhausted because we have gone for a walk.

They are exhausted because they have run three miles.

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS verwendet man, wenn von einer Handlung die Rede ist, die in der Vergangenheit begonnen hat und noch andauert!

("Signalwörter": since 1990, for some time)


I have been studying for several hours.

You have been dancing for a long time (now).

He has been playing soccer for several years.

She has been going to this school for three years.

They have been travelling around the world for six weeks.

PAST PERFECT SIMPLE verwendet man, wenn man eine Handlung erwähnt, die vor der in der Mitvergangenheit erzählten Handlung stattgefunden hat.


After I had passed the exam, I went shopping.

He came after you had left the party.

After she had done her homework, she visited some friends.

They sold their parents' house after their mother had died.

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS verwendet man, wenn man eine Handlung erwähnt, die vor der in der Mitvergangenheit erzählten Handlung stattgefunden hat und deren Handlung entweder bis zu jener gedauert hat, die in der Mitvergangenheit erzählt wird, oder deren Ergebnis zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch zu sehen war.

Finally, the train arrived. I had been waiting (for it) for 25 minutes.

When I looked out of the window, the sun was shining, but the streets were wet. So I knew that it had been raining.

FUTURE (Zukunft)

Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten, die ZUKUNFT auszudrücken.

a) Man verwendet PRESENT CONTINUOUS, wenn der Sprecher sicher ist, dass die Handlung zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der nahen Zukunft stattfinden wird. Der Zeitpunkt muss genannt werden!

She is leaving in a few minutes.

They are flying to New York next week.

b) GOING TO - FUTURE wird verwendet, wenn gesagt wird, was mit

ziemlicher Sicherheit in der nahen Zukunft passieren wird. Der

Zeitpunkt muss nicht genannt werden.

The cat is going to have kittens.

The plane is going to crash.

It is going to clear up.

c) WILL - FUTURE wird verwendet, wenn man spontan von einer Handlung spricht, aber nicht sicher ist, ob es zu

dieser kommt. (Man verwendet oft maybe, perhaps, I think, ...)

I will take the exam in September.

You will sing at the party, won't you?

He will study in the USA if he gets a scholarship.

She will improve her English if she stays in GB for a while.

I'm quite sure that they will win the match.

d) FUTURE CONTINUOUS wird verwendet,

- wenn man Fragen freundlich stellen möchte

- wenn von zwei Handlungen die Rede ist (eine lang, eine kurz)

When I get home tonight, my dog will be waiting.

Will you be using the car tonight, Daddy?

Will you be going to the post office? (polite)

e) FUTURE PERFECT wird verwendet, um zu sagen, zu welchem Zeitpunkt (in

der Zukunft) eine Handlung durchgeführt sein wird.

Tomorrow you will have been here for a week.

f) PRESENT TENSE wird bei Fahrplänen u.ä. verwendet.

The train leaves tomorrow.

The concert starts at eight o'clock.


1. I (always, get up) at 8 a.m.

2. Last year we (be) in France.

3. Yesterday at 6 p.m. I (watch) TV.

4. We (have) dinner when the telephone rang.

5. I (just, speak) to Mr. Surprise.

6. If I had time, I (play) tennis with you.

7. What (we, have) for dinner tonight?

8. It (rain), take your umbrella.

9. I (want) you to do this at once.

10. John (hate) cats.

11. Your story (certainly, appear) to be true.

12. While I (clean) the teapot, the spout broke off.

13. At 6 p.m. Mr Funny (stand) outside the tube station, waiting for a friend.

14. He came in while I (work).

15. They (eat) some bread and cheese and helped themselves to some more pickles.

16. Wait a minute! I (not, yet, finish) my meal.

17. Who (discover) America?

18. When I was in Oxford, I (know) your brother well.

19. Since 1900 women's fashion (change) a lot.

20. Last week we (make) an excursion to Cambridge.

21. Yesterday Tim and George (play) soccer with some friends.

22. They visited us when we (have) dinner.

23. I (still, not, find) the socks I lost last week.

24. What (you, eat)? Your lips and chin are purple.

25. (finish, you) with the book I lent you last week?

26. Who (sing) in the bathroom when I came in?

27. If the sun shines, Jenny (throw) a garden party.

28. Go on, we (listen) attentively.

29. He (eat) quickly, then he got up and walked out.

30. After she (mix) the colours, she started to paint the pictures.

31. He came in when the teacher (explain) the if-clauses.

32. Elizabeth I (imprison) Mary Stuart.

33. If I (be) you, I would attend an English course in Southampton.

34. My aunt (arrive) last Wednesday.

35. They would have played table tennis in the garage if it (rain).

36. Monica's tooth broke when she (eat) nuts.

37. As he (cross) the street, he slipped and fell.

38. The Ancient Romans (eat) a lot of milk products.

39. At 9 p.m. yesterday we (wait) at Victoria Station.

40. What a pity! Michael (not, make) up his mind yet.

41. Where (you, be) until now?

42. I (never, see) a mess such as this.

43. Look! The two trains (run) into each other.

44. We (usually, do) our shopping in the afternoon.

45. A hero is a person who (show) magnificent courage.

46. They (live) in Glasgow, which is their home-town.

47. What (word, mean)?

48. What a noise! What on earth (happen)?

49. What film (you, watch) tonight?

50. That silly boy (always, make) the same stupid mistakes.

51. (you, know) how much that costs?

52. What train (you, take) for your journey next week?

53. (you, like) what you are doing here?

54. When I was studying English, she (call).

55. William the Conqueror (land) in England in 1066.

56. Yesterday some friends (come) to see me.


1. I always get up at 8 a.m.

2. Last year we were in France.

3. Yesterday at 6 p.m. I was watching TV.

4. We were having dinner when the telephone rang.

5. I have just spoken to Mr. Surprise.

6. If I had time, I would play tennis with you.

7. What are we having for dinner tonight?

8. It is raining, take your umbrella.

9. I want you to do this at once.

10. John hates cats.

11. Your story certainly appears to be true.

12. While I was cleaning the teapot, the spout broke off.

13. At 6 p.m. Mr. Funny was standing outside the tube station, waiting for a friend.

14. He came in while I was working.

15. They ate some bread and cheese and helped themselves to some more pickles.

16. Wait a minute! I haven’t finished my meal yet.

17. Who discovered America?

18. When I was in Oxford, I knew your brother well.

19. Since 1900 women's fashion has changed a lot.

20. Last week we made an excursion to Cambridge.

21. Yesterday Tim and George played soccer with some friends.

22. They visited us when we were having dinner.

23. I still haven’t found the socks I lost last week.

24. What have you been eating? Your lips and chin are purple.

What are you eating?

What have you eaten?

25. Have you finished with the book I lent you last week?

26. Who was singing in the bathroom when I came in?

27. If the sun shines, Jenny will throw a garden party.

28. Go on, we are listening attentively.

29. He ate quickly, then he got up and walked out.

30. After she had mixed the colours, she started to paint the pictures.

31. He came in when the teacher was explaining the if-clauses.

32. Elizabeth I imprisoned Mary Stuart.

33. If I were you, I would attend an English course in Southampton.

34. My aunt arrived last Wednesday.

35. They would have played table tennis in the garage if it had rained.

36. Monica's tooth broke when she was eating nuts.

37. As he was crossing the street, he slipped and fell.

38. The Ancient Romans ate a lot of milk products.

39. At 9 p.m. yesterday we were waiting at Victoria Station.

40. What a pity! Michael hasn’t made up his mind yet.

41. Where have you been until now?

42. I have never seen a mess such as this.

43. Look! The two trains are running into each other.

44. We usually do our shopping in the afternoon.

45. A hero is a person who shows magnificent courage.

46. They live in Glasgow, which is their home-town.

47. What does the word mean?

48. What a noise! What on earth has happened?

49. What film are you watching tonight?

50. That silly boy is always making the same stupid mistakes.

51. Do you know how much that costs?

52. What train are you taking for your journey next week?

53. Do you like what you are doing here?

54. When I was studying English, she called.

55. William the Conqueror landed in England in 1066.

56. Yesterday some friends came to see me.


1. After they (watch) the film, they (go) for a walk.

2. She (visit) her friends in Copenhagen in 1994.

3. Dolly and George (often, play) backgammon.

4. At this moment they (listen) to some CDs.

5. In 1991 I (watch) Dances With Wolves in Poland.

6. Look! My brother (come) back.

7. Next year they (visit) their friends in Australia.

8. He (always, listen) to the same songs. - I can't stand them!

9. She (play) tennis after she (do) her homework.

10. Sam (usually, go) jogging in the evening.

11. In 1992 she (travel) through the U.S.A.

12. Next week they (travel) to Iceland.

13. Last year Jenny (be) in Vienna.

14. They (play) soccer three times a week.

15. She (often, eat) at this restaurant.

16. Charles (never, be) to London.

17. Since 1990 Simon (go) to school.

18. Last summer Sally (visit) some friends in Spain.

19. She is glad because she (pass) the exam.

20. Tom (enjoy) listening to his old records.

21. James (usually, do) his homework in the afternoon.

22. They (live) in London since 1980.

23. Yesterday at 4 p.m. they (play) soccer.

24. Last weekend we (study) for an English test.

25. They (go) out tonight.

26. In 1992 she (teach) English in Japan.

27. We (watch) TV at 9 p.m. yesterday.

28. I (take) a shower when the telephone (ring).

29. Joan (go) to school although she felt sick.

30. Wenona and Jennifer (be) in Vienna in 1990.

31. She (write) her homework when the teacher (enter) the room.

32. She (want) to win the race next week.

33. She (win) the race next week.

34. Last weekend Maggie (swim) in the North Sea.

35. She (always, forget) to hand in her homework.

36. She (fall) when she (cross) the street.

37. The sun (rise) in the east.

38. She (speak) to her friends when she (meet) them at the party.

39. Next week I (visit) some friends in Denmark.

40. Jane and Jill (buy) some books last week.

41. Three years ago William (spend) his holidays in Greece.

42. Yesterday she (write) some letters.

43. After Sally (do) her homework, she (go) to the cinema.

44. Listen! Tom (play) the piano.

45. He (watch) TV when his wife (prepare) the dinner.

46. Sarah (sometimes, visit) her aunt in London.

47. Harry (never, watch) the news on TV.

48. Who (discover) America? (discover = entdecken)

49. Yesterday Tim (play) soccer with his friends.

50. Frank (always, get up) at 6 a.m.

51. These cigars (smell) awful.

52. Bears (like) honey.

53. She (not, meet) him yet. (not ... yet = noch nicht)

54. She (not, recognize) him when she saw him. (recognize = erkennen)

55. They (go) to a party after they (study) for the test.

56. They are tired because they (play) tennis for two hours.


1. After they had watched the film, they went for a walk.

2. She visited her friends in Copenhagen in 1994.

3. Dolly and George often play backgammon.

4. At this moment they are listening to some CDs.

5. In 1991 I watched Dances With Wolves in Poland.

6. Look! My brother is coming back.

7. Next year they will visit their friends in Australia.

8. He is always listening to the same songs. - I can't stand them!

9. She played tennis after she had done her homework.

10. Sam usually goes jogging in the evening.

11. In 1992 she travelled through the U.S.A.

12. Next week they will travel to Iceland.

13. Last year Jenny was in Vienna.

14. They play soccer three times a week.

15. She often eats at this restaurant.

16. Charles has never been to London.

17. Since 1990 Simon has been going to school.

18. Last summer Sally visited some friends in Spain.

19. She is glad because she has passed the exam.

20. Tom enjoys listening to his old records.

21. James usually does his homework in the afternoon.

22. They have lived [or have been living] in London since 1980.

23. Yesterday at 4 p.m. they were playing soccer.

24. Last weekend we studied [or were studying] for an English test.

25. They are going out tonight.

26. In 1992 she taught English in Japan.

27. We were watching TV at 9 p.m. yesterday.

28. I was taking a shower when the telephone rang.

29. Joan went to school although she felt sick.

30. Wenona and Jennifer were in Vienna in 1990.

31. She was writing her homework when the teacher entered the room.

32. She wants to win the race next week.

33. She is winning [or is going to win] the race next week.

34. Last weekend Maggie swam in the North Sea.

35. She always forgets [or is always forgetting] to hand in her homework.

36. She fell when she was crossing the street.

37. The sun rises in the east.

38. She spoke to her friends when she met them at the party.

39. Next week I am visiting some friends in Denmark.

40. Jane and Jill bought some books last week.

41. Three years ago William spent his holidays in Greece.

42. Yesterday she wrote some letters.

43. After Sally had done her homework, she went to the cinema.

44. Listen! Tom is playing the piano.

45. He was watching TV when his wife was preparing the dinner.

46. Sarah sometimes visits her aunt in London.

47. Harry never watches the news on TV.

48. Who discovered America?

49. Yesterday Tim played soccer with his friends.

50. Frank always gets up at 6 a.m.

51. These cigars smell awful.

52. Bears like honey.

53. She hasn’t met him yet.

54. She didn’t recognize him when she saw him.

55. They went to a party after they had studied for the test.

56. They are tired because they have played tennis for two hours.


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