Body System Bingo

Body System Bingo

Cardiovascular System

Cardio Heart

Phleb(o) Vein

Thromb(o) Blood Clot

Sphygm(o) Pluse or Blood Pressure

Vas(o) Vessel

Arteri(o) Aarteries

Musculoskeletal System

Cheir(o) Chir(o) Hands

Oste(o) Bones

Syndesm(o) Ligaments

Arthr(o) Joints

Spondyl(o) Vertebra or Spinal Column

Tten(o) Tend(o) Tendon

Chondr(o) Cartilage

My(o) Muscle


Kerat(o) Cornea of eye or Horny Tissue

Derm(o) Derm(a)

Demat(o) Skin

Trich Trich(o) Hair or capilary (Hairlike vessels)

Hist(o) Histi(o) Relationship to Tissue

Sarco(o) Flesh or connective tissue

Onych(o) Nails

Cheil(o) Lip

Mast(o) Breast or Mammary gland

Genitourinary System

Pyel(o) Pelvis of the Kidney

Uria Urine of Urination

Oophor(o) Ovaries

Salping(o) Uterine (Fallopian) Tube or Auditory

(Eustachian) Tube

Metr(o) Metr(a) Uterus

Gyn(o) Gynec(o) Women or the Female Sex

Nephr(o) Kidney

Hyster(o) Uterus

Nervous System

Myel Myel(o) Spinal Cord or Bone Marrow

Crani(o) Skull or Cranium

Encephal(o) Inside or Within the Brain combined with

Cephal (head)

Psych(o) Mind or the Mental Faculties

Algia Algesia Pain or Ache

Mania Manic An abnormal love for or Compulsion

Neur(o) Nerves or Nervous System

Cephal(o) Cranium (Head) or Head of Body Part

Respiraatory System

Thorac(o) Chest or Thorax

Pnea Breathing, Air or Gas

Trache(o) Trachea or Windpipe

Laryng(o) Larynx (Voicebox)

Bronch(o) Bronchi or Bronchus

Pleur(o) Pleura (The membrane lining the chest cavity

and covering the lung)

Rhin(o) Nose

Pneum(ato) Pneum(a) Air or Gas

Digestive System

Proct(o) Rectum or Anus

Enter(o) Intestines

Hapat(o) Hepat(ico) Liver

Gloss(o) Tongue

Ile(o) 3rd or distal portion of the small intestine

Ili(o) Ilium (Superior portion of the Hip Bone)

Choledoch(o) Bile Duct

Cholecyst(o) Gallbladder

Pharyng(o) Pharynx

Special Senses

Ophthalm(o) The Eye

Blephar(o) Eyelid

Dips(o) Dips(ia) Thirst

Kerat(o) The eye or Horny Tissue

Nas(o) Nose

Ot(o) Ear

Irid(o) Iris of the Eye

Dacry(o) tear or lacrimal glands or ducts

Endocrine System

Aden(o) Glands

Myx(o) Mucous or Mucous Membrane

Galact(o) Milk or resemblance to Milk

Adren(o) Adrenalin (Ad = Near + Renal = Kidney)


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