St. Jane School – St. Jane Frances de Chantal School ...

GRADE 8 Health Lesson #4 ANATOMY and PHYSIOLOGYAnatomy – The body’s structure.Physiology – The study of the body’s function.Three Body Systems All organs need oxygen to live. Three body systems work together to be sure that organs of the body have enough oxygen. The Respiratory System - brings __________ in and takes waste out.The Cardiovasular System – moves blood and __________ around.The Nervous System – tells organs what ____ _____ and _________.These three systems work together to maintain life. The lungs put oxygen in the blood, and the heart delivers oxygen-rich blood to the heart itself and to the brain and other organs.When these systems fail, the process of _________ begins. If oxygen delivery is stopped because of a FBAO or normal breathing or circulation stops, the brain and other organs will die within minutes.The miracle of CPR is that it can help save the life of a dying person with two simple actions.__________________________________________________________________________________THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM HAS 4 PARTS.The airway ___________________ that conduct air between the outside and the lungs.The air sacs ______________________ in the lungs where gas exchange happens. Oxygen put into blood and _____________ ______________ is taken out of the blood.The nerves that tell the muscles when to move.A set of blood vessels that move the blood to the organs and removes waste, which is ___________________ ______________ from the blood.The Airway is made up of the N___________, M___________, Larynx (also called the V___________ B______), T__________ (windpipe), Bronchi.ALVEOLI – are at the end of the airways. Oxygen can quickly move from the air sacs into the blood and carbon dioxide quickly moves from the blood into the air sacs.The major muscles for breathing are:________________ – attaches to the lower ribsThe muscles between the ribsSome muscles of the neck and shouldersARTERIES and VEINS The Pulmonary Arteries carry blood which is low in oxygen to the _________. The Pulmonary Veins carry blood high in oxygen from the lungs back to the left __________ of the heart.PHYSIOLOGY OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The respiratory system has two primary functions:Bringing oxygen from the air to the alveoli where it can move into the blood.Eliminating carbon dioxide that moves from the alveoli to the blood which takes the CO2 blood to the lungs to be exhaled.All body cells need a continuous supply of oxygen to function. Your metabolism that burns up the oxygen and food supply produces carbon dioxide, which the body must eliminate.Respiratory Arrest means that the victim has ___________ ____________.This can be caused by: Stroke, Shock, Cardiac Arrest, Head Injury, Drugs that slow breathing like sleeping pills.THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMThe parts of the cardiovascular system are the H___________, A__________, V____________, and C_________________. The 2 primary functions of the cardiovascular system are:Carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the rest of the body.Carrying blood containing carbon dioxide from the cells of the body to the lungs.The heart is about the size of your _____________.It is located in the center of the chest behind the breastbone which is called the _________________.The tip of the sternum is called the _______________ process.The heart has ______________ chambers.The upper chambers are called the _____________________. These chambers C__________________ blood.The lower chambers are called the _____________________. These chambers P__________________ blood.The ___________________ _________________ receives blood from the body.The ___________________ _________________ pumps blood to the lungs.The ________________ _________________ receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.The ___________________ ______________ pumps the blood to the body.Valves between the upper and lower chambers and between the lower chambers and 2 major arteries help maintain the forward flow of blood through the heart chambers and into the 2 major arteries.The two Carotid arteries in the front of the neck supply most of the blood (_____ %) to the brain. ANATOMY OF THE BRAINThe central nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord.Parts of the Brain:CEREBRUM – The largest portion of the brain. The nerve centers that control most sensory and motor activities of the body. Divided into two hemispheres. Right hemisphere controls the ____________ side of the body. The left hemisphere controls the ____________ side of the body.Determines: Intelligence, Personality, Interprets Sensory Impulses, Motor Functions, Planning and organization, touch sensation.CEREBELLUM – Located in the back lower part of the brain. Helps provide smooth coordinated body movements of the skeletal and muscular system.BRAIN STEM – Located at the base of the brain. Connects the brain to the spinal cord. Controls basic life functions A) B) C)The spinal cord is protected by the ________________________.There are ____________ unfused vertebrae.The vertebrae are in three regions:The first _____ vertebrae in the neck are called the ___________ vertebraThe middle _______ vertebrae are called the thoracic vertebrae.The bottom _______ vertebrae are referred to as the ___________ vertebrae. ................

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