Pierre Elliot Trudeau Tutorial Project

Task: To research Pierre Trudeau- the first dominant political figure in the lives of most of your parents and assess (analyse and evaluate) his leadership as a Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1984. You will participate in a tutorial in which you will answer the following question:

How effective was Trudeau in leading the country from 1968 to 1984?

Tutorial Expectations

❑ You must present your thesis that answers the focus question

❑ In your thesis you must include three events from his career to back up your claim

❑ You then must argue in favour or against the other members of the tutorial and the events/arguments that they raised

❑ You may also bring up other events/proof that were not raised during the opening statements

Topics/Events to consider for your tutorial discussion:

1. Trudeau’s life prior to the acquiring power- Did he demonstrate the personal

qualities and experiences that would help make him an effective Prime Minister? (video)

1. Gaining Power in 1968- What is Trudeau Mania? What political ideas did he possess? What was his image? (pp 244-245) See Jean Baptiste Parade (Text 245-246) Do you think they were appropriate ideas for Canada?

3. Dealing with the French Canadian Segment of society

❑ Creating Bilingualism- what was its intent- the reaction of Canada- both French and English- What was its impact p. 247 –248

❑ October Crisis 1970- Who were the main people involved? What happened? What action did Trudeau take? (War Measures Act) What was his leadership/attitude during the crisis? p. 248-250

❑ Growth of Separatism- Describe the early language disputes p. 261. The rise of the Rene Levesque and the P.Q. Party- how did they gain power in 1976? p. 262. What was the significance of the Bill 101? p. 269 -270

❑ The 1980 Referendum-p. 269-272- What is a referendum? Describe the wording of the Question. What role did Trudeau play in the debate? What was the result?

❑ Repatriating the Constitution-What is a constitution? What did Trudeau want to do with the British North American Act? How did he propose to change it? Who were opposed to some of his changes? Why? What was the night of the long knives? What is the significance to Canada? p. 276-278

4. The Just Society-

❑ What did Trudeau mean by a Just society? Describe his actions towards natives and their reaction in return- see White and Red Papers-p. 252-253.

List continued problems and successes p. 291-293

❑ Immigration –How did Trudeau change immigration policy- Describe the point system in the Immigration Act- How were the new type of immigrants treated in Canada? p. 284-286

❑ Women in Canada- What were the issues and how did women respond to them? p.287-288

❑ Human Rights in Canada- How were they advanced during the Trudeau Era? p. 289-291

5. Trudeau and the Economy

❑ What was the Energy Crisis? How did Trudeau deal with it? (See National Energy Policy? What was the reaction of Alberta?257-258, 266, 273-274

❑ Wage and Price Controls- Why did he implement it? Did it work? p. 259-290

6. Canadian American Relations

❑ What is FIRA? p. 253

❑ How did the Manhattan Episode impact on Can/Am Relations? p. 254

❑ How did Ken Taylor impact on Can/Am relations? 294

❑ Describe the Trudeau years and his approach to the Cold War. 295-296


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