Books of the Bible

[Pages:3]Books of the Bible

1: How many books are there in the Bible?

27 39 66 75

2: Which is the last of the gospels?

Mark Matthew John Luke

3: Which of these books is not in the New Testament?

Jude Amos James Titus

4: Which of these is a book of prophecy?

Joshua Nehemiah Ezra Nahum

5: In which book can we read of David and Goliath?

1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings


6: Who wrote the book of Acts?

Luke Paul John James

7: Which book comes after Job?

Numbers Psalms Daniel Ezekiel

8: How many Psalms are there in the Bible?

119 134 150 175

9: Which prophet tried to escape from preaching God's word in Nineveh?

Jonah Nahum Haggai Micah

10: Which of these books is part of the Pentateuch?

Exodus Joshua Daniel Judges

11: In which book would you find the record of Balaam and his donkey?

16: What is the shortest book in the Old Testament?

1 Chronicles Ecclesiastes Ruth Numbers

12: Who did Paul write a letter to concerning his slave Onesimus?

Philemon Titus Jude James

13: Which gospel was written by a tax collector?

Micah Joel Amos Obadiah

17: What is the longest book (chapters & verses) in the New Testament?

Acts Hebrews Matthew Revelation

18: In which book would we find Haman, the son of Hammedatha?

Matthew Mark John Luke

14: In which book can we find Nebuchadnezzar's image?

Romans Ezekiel Jeremiah Daniel

15: What is the last book of the Old Testament?

Exodus Esther Acts Job

19: Which of these books is not in the Old Testament?

Ruth Lamentations Ecclesiastes Hebrews

20: Which book of the Bible begins with The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.?

Nahum Zechariah Malachi Haggai

Genesis Matthew Luke Revelation


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