Bible Trivia Questions - KJV Bible Verses

Bible Trivia Questions

Bible History #1 Genesis

1. What was the name of Adam and Eve's oldest son?

a. Cain

b. Abel

c. Seth

2. What was the land called that was east of Eden?

a. Gaza

b. Edom

c. Nod

3. What man lived the longest, 969years?

a. Adam

b. Methuselah

c. Abraham

4. How many sons did Noah have?

a. Two

b. Three

c. Four

5. How old was Noah when the flood came?

a. Four-Hundred

b. Five-Hundred

c. Six_Hundred

6. Which son of Cush was a mighty hunter?

a. Nimrod

b. Sheba

c. Raamah

7. In what land was the Tower of Babel built?

a. Shinar

b. Moab

c. Canaan

8. How many languages were spoken before the Tower of Babel was built?

a. One

b. Five

c. Ten

9. What city did Lot pitch his tent toward?

a. Sodom

b. Gomorrah

c. Zoar

10. What was the name of Abraham's son Ishmael's mother?

a. Hagar

b. Leah

c. Sarai


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