Assessment Plan - Orange Coast College

Orange Coast College

Learning Outcomes Assessment Model 2010-2011

Program Name: Aviation Pilot Training_______________________

Program Lead: _Richard Young_____________________________

Type of Outcome:  CSLOs X PSLOs (please check type of outcome)

Institutional Learning Outcomes: Communication; Thinking Skills; Global Awareness; Personal Development & Responsibility

|Program Mission Statement |Intended Outcomes |Means of Assessment & Criteria for Success |Analysis of Data Collected |Use of Results |

| | | | | |

|This program of study academically prepares |PSLO 1 |PSLO 1: |FAA Written Examinations |The results on FAA written examinations |

|students for entry into the world of |Students will develop the |Assessment Method |Fall 2010 semester 6 Aviation Pilot |and inflight stage checks have exceeded |

|commercial aviation. The curriculum is |analytical and critical thinking |Successful completion of FAA written |Training students took FAA administered |program goals. |

|designed for students with no flying |skills necessary for completion of|examinations. |knowledge tests. Pass rate was 100% with | |

|experience. Courses will systematically |flight training and successful | |an average score of 87.5% | |

|prepare individuals for the certificates and |completion of federally |Successful completion of inflight stage | | |

|ratings required to operate multi-engine |administered written examinations |checks. |Inflight Stage Checks | |

|aircraft as commercial pilots. |for licensing as pilots. | |Spring 2011, 1 student completed licensing| |

| | |Criterion |as Private Pilot administered by a FAA | |

| | |95% pass rate for students attempting |Designated Pilot Examiner.. Fall 2011 | |

| | |federally administered aviation knowledge |semester 2 students completed stage checks| |

| | |testing. |administered by FAA Certificated Flight | |

| | | |Instructors. In January 2012, 2 students | |

| | |90% of students attain a score of 3 or better|completed stages administered by FAA | |

| | |on per-solo and pre-practical evaluation |Certificated Flight Instructors. Success | |

| | |phase check |rate for students attempting licensing and| |

| | | |stage checks is 100%. | |

| | | | | |

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| | | |Completion of Upgrade Certificates | |

| | | |Of students who completed APT A130 during | |

| | | |the Fall semester 2010 45% completed | |

| |PSLO 2 | |Private Pilot professional upgrade | |

| |Students will develop the | |certificates. |Completion of the professional upgrade |

| |analytical and critical thinking |PSLO 2 |Of students who completed APT A134 0% |certificate for Private Pilot is slightly |

| |skills necessary for completion of|Assessment Method |completed Instrument Pilot professional |below program objectives. In the future |

| |aviation ground school academic |Successful completion of the Aviation Pilot |upgrade certificates. |APT faculty will provide additional |

| |courses giving them the background|Training Certificate programs by 50% of |Of the students who completed APT A139, |mentoring to students in the APT A130 |

| |knowledge necessary to enter the |enrolled students. |100% completed Commercial Pilot |course encouraging them to take the |

| |air transportation industry as | |professional upgrade certificates. |companion course (APT A133) which will |

| |professionals in non-flying |Criterion | |result in upgrade certificates. In |

| |occupations. |Of students enrolled in APT ground school | |addition, faculty will assist students in |

| | |courses (APT A130, APT A134, APT A139) at | |filling out the paperwork necessary for |

| | |least 50% complete the associated | |award of upgrade certificates. |

| | |professional upgrade certificate. | | |

| | | | |Completion of Instrument Pilot |

| | | | |Professional Upgrade certificates does not|

| | | | |meet program goals. This was due to a |

| | | | |course required for certificate completion|

| | | | |not being offered over a period of 5 |

| | | | |semesters. The requirement for this |

| | | | |course has been deleted and we expect an |

| | | | |increase in issued up grade certificates |

| | | | |for the Spring 2012 semester. |

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| | | | |Completion of Commercial Pilot |

| | | | |professional upgrade certificates exceeds |

| | | | |program objectives. |

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