Unit Plan Template

Analyzing World War II Posters Unit Plan

|Unit Author |

|First and Last Name |Kristy Drake |

|Author’s E-mail Address |Kdrake8051@troy.edu |

|Course Name(s) |Integrating Thinking Skills into the Classroom |

|Course Number(s) |6668 |

|Course Section(s) |EDG |

|Instructor(s) Name(s) |V. Morin |

|Unit Overview |

|Unit Plan Title |Analyzing World War II Posters |

|Curriculum-Framing Questions |

| |Essential Question |Argument, persuasion, or propaganda? |

|Unit Summary |

| The purpose of this unit is for students to analyze World War II posters, chosen from online collections, to explore how argument, |

|persuasion, and propaganda differ. This unit uses visual texts to support literacy skills that students must sharpen to navigate many |

|media. The lessons provided bring opportunities between traditional understandings of genre and visual representations. Gifted students |

|may better understand and apply their abilities. This unit incorporates Social Studies, Language Arts, and Technology standards from the |

|Alabama Course of Study. |

|The goal is this unit is to improve analytical critical thinking skills through….. |

|Subject Area(s) (List all subjects that apply) |

|Social Studies, Technology, Language Arts |

|Grade Level [Click box(es) of all grade level(s) that your Unit targets] |

| K-2 | 3-5 |

|6-8 |9-12 |

|ESL |Resource |

|Gifted and Talented |Other:       |

|Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes |

|Students will differentiate between argument, persuasion, and propaganda by group discussions to be assessed orally to the satisfaction of |

|the teacher. |

|9th LA 5.) Identify persuasive strategies, including propaganda, in world literature selections. |

|9th LA 15.) Identify persuasive strategies in oral and visual presentations. |

|Students will analyze visual texts individually, in small groups, and as a whole class by |

|reporting findings from the Analyzing a World War II Poster Interactive using a rubric. |

|9th LA 3.) Read with comprehension a variety of ninth-grade informational and functional reading materials, including recognizing tone and |

|propaganda. |

|9th SS 17.) Describe emerging democracies from the late twentieth century to the present. |

|9- 12 Tech 4.) Utilize an operating system efficiently. |

|9-12 Tech 13.) Interpret copyright laws and policies with regard to ownership and use of |

|information. |

|9-12 Tech 34.) Use appropriate on-line resources for research |

|3. Students will compose an analytical essay supporting their analysis to be evaluated by the |

|teacher using English rules for writing. |

|9th LA 7.) Write in narrative, expository, and persuasive modes using figurative language and |

|imagery, including simile and metaphor, when effective and appropriate. |

|9th LA 10.) Determine correct use of commas with appositives and within direct quotations, |

|colons to introduce lists, semicolons with a series of elements separated by commas, and |

|punctuation for a divided quotation. |

|9th LA 14.) Use the research process to locate, select, retrieve, evaluate, and organize |

|information to support a thesis on a nonliterary topic. |

|9th LA 17.) Use supporting details to present a position and to respond to an argument. |

|9-12 Tech 17.) Cite electronic sources properly. |

|9-12 Tech 23.) Apply appropriate techniques for producing word processing documents. |

|Procedures |

|On day 1 (Objective #1 and Objective #2), students will work in small groups to analyze the Uncle Sam poster. Students will discuss the |

|differences of argument, persuasion, and propaganda. Students will be assessed by teacher observation. |

|Homework: Students will research given WW II websites for poster collections. Students select 1 poster for analysis project. |

|On day 2, students will complete interactive analysis and compose a polished essay that explains their analysis. |

|At the end of class, students will share their posters they have chosen and their conclusions with the class. |

|Approximate Time Needed |

|2 class periods, 90 minutes each |

|Prerequisite Skills |

|Students will already know basic history of WW II and basic computer skills. |

|Materials and Resources |

|Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) |

| Camera | Laser Disk | VCR |

|Computer(s) |Printer |Video Camera |

|Digital Camera |Projection System |Video Conferencing Equip. |

|DVD Player |Scanner |Other:       |

|Internet Connection |Television | |

| |

|Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) |

| Database/Spreadsheet | Image Processing | Web Page Development |

|Desktop Publishing |Internet Web Browser |Word Processing |

|E-mail Software |Multimedia |Other:       |

|Encyclopedia on CD-ROM | | |

|Internet Resources | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Student Assessment |

|There will be three assessments during this unit. |

| |

|Students will be evaluated orally by teacher satisfaction during group discussions. |

|Students will complete the interactive analysis to be evaluated by rubric. |

|Students will compose an analytical essay to be graded by the teacher. |

Analyzing World War II Posters

Lesson Plan #1

(Analysis, Evaluation)

9th grade/90 minutes

Display the Uncle Sam recruiting poster.

Ask students to share what they know about the poster, noting their responses on the board.

Depending on the information students give, allow them to work in small groups to provide background information.

While in the small groups, have students use the Analysis of a Visual message Interactive to analyze the Uncle Sam poster.

Students should use complete, clear sentences in their responses.

Encourage students to look for concrete details in the poster that support their fact.

Circulate as they work and provide feedback.

Once students have completed the interactive, display the poster again and ask students to share their observations and analysis.

Remind students they will complete an independent analysis.

Pass out and go over Argument, Persuasion, or Propaganda Chart.

Ask students, using the basic details they gathered in their analysis to identify the poster’s genre.

Elicit examples of argument, persuasion, and propaganda from the students, asking them to provide supporting details that confirm the genres of the examples.

When the teacher feels the students are comfortable with the similarities and differences of the three genres, explain they are going to be choosing and analyzing WW II posters for a more detailed analysis.

Pass out the Document Analysis. Have students draw connections between the questions and what the answers reveal. (Group discussions)

Compare questions in the interactive and the questions listed on the Document Analysis. (Group discussion)

Pass out the Rubric and explain the expectations.

Homework: From the given websites, have students appraise the World War II poster collections for a poster to analyze. After considering all the posters, pick one to use in the next class.

Lesson #2


9th grade/90 minutes

Ask if there are any questions or difficulty on the websites from the homework?

Students will have the entire class to complete the poster interactive program individually and work through the analysis.

Remind students to refer to the rubric to check their work before saving and printing.

After students complete the interactive, have students compose an essay explaining the analysis.

Students will present the posters they have chosen and their conclusions at the end of class.

Students work at various speeds. If a student completes all of their assignments, they make search the web about propaganda in political ads.

Sample web pages:





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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