Teacher Name: - Weebly

Teacher Name: Ann Schultz

Class and Grade Taught: Honors Biology for 9th through 12th grades, Regular Biology for 9th through 12th grades

Lesson Dates: November 14-18, 2011

Unit Topic: Completion of Diffusion, Osmosis and Cellular Transport; Introduction to DNA

Unit Objectives: Explain how the processes of diffusion, osmosis, passive transport and active transport occur, and why they are important to cells. Explain how the genetic information encoded in DNA molecules provides instructions for assembling protein molecules, that genes are segments of DNA molecules, that inserting, deleting, or substituting DNA segments can alter genes, that an altered gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it, and that the resulting features may help, harm, or have little or no effect on the offspring’s success in its environment. Protein synthesis begins with the information in a sequence of DNA bases being copied onto messenger RNA. This molecule moves from the nucleus to the ribosome in the cytoplasm where it is “read.” Transfer RNA brings amino acids to the ribosome, where they are connected in the correct sequence to form a specific protein.

Previous Lesson Topic: Diffusion, osmosis and cellular transport

Current Lesson Topics: Complete study of viruses by watching final part of video “And the Band Played On”, Complete study of diffusion, osmosis and cellular transport, Cornstarch and iodine semipermeable membrane lab, Gummy bear osmosis mini lab, Introduction to DNA through Discovery Education video, PowerPoint slides, interactive animations

Next Lesson Topic: Extend understanding of DNA, DNA extraction lab, DNA Web Quest, DNA models and activities

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to:

Explain that molecules are constantly in motion

Describe how molecules move into and out of cells along a concentration gradient

Explain that cells are bounded by semi-permeable membranes

Explain how genetic information encoded in DNA molecules provides instructions for assembling protein molecules

Describe genes as segments of DNA molecules

Explain how inserting, deleting, or substituting DNA segments can alter genes

Describe how an altered gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it, and how resulting features may help, harm, or have little or no effect on the offspring’s success in its environment

Describe the processes of transcription, translation and protein synthesis

Standards Addressed:

B1.2C Develop an understanding of a scientific concept by accessing information from multiple sources. Evaluate the scientific accuracy and significance of the information.

B1.2D Evaluate scientific explanations in a peer review process or discussion format.

B2.3A Describe how cells function in a narrow range of physical conditions, such as temperature and pH (acidity), to perform life functions.

B2.3B Describe how the maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment is required for the continuation of life.

B2.3C Explain how stability is challenged by changing physical, chemical, and environmental conditions as well as the presence of disease agents.

B4.2B Recognize that every species has its own characteristic DNA sequence.

B4.2C Describe the structure and function of DNA.

B4.2D Predict the consequences that changes in the DNA composition of particular genes may have on an organism (e.g., sickle cell anemia, other).

B4.2f Demonstrate how the genetic information in DNA molecules provides instructions for assembling protein molecules and that this is virtually the same mechanism for all life forms.

B4.2g Describe the processes of replication, transcription, and translation and how they relate to each other in molecular biology.

Students will demonstrate accomplishment of objectives by:

Responding to Impromptu questions

Responding to Exit Ticket

Completing lab handouts

Creating cellular transport foldable

Completing cornstarch and iodine semipermeable membrane lab

Completing gummy bear osmosis lab

Completing homework assignments and worksheets

Answering Cook E-Question

Taking notes on DNA

Making DNA flashcards




Double Helix

Nitrogenous Base





DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid

DNA – stores and transmits genetic information from one generation to the next

Structure of DNA – double helix with diagram

Nitrogenous bases for DNA – adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), thymine (T)

Base pairing rules for DNA – A–T, G-C

Replication – the double helix unzips and forms a new complementary strand on both sides

RNA – ribonucleic acid

RNA – acts as a messenger between DNA and the ribosomes to carry out protein synthesis

Nitrogenous bases for RNA - adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), uracil (U)

Base pairing rules for RNA – A-U, G-C

Possible Class Activities:

Discovery Education Introduction to DNA video

DNA PowerPoint slides

Tour of the Basics short explanatory animations:

What is DNA?

What is a Gene? (includes explanation of sickle cell anemia)

What is a Protein?

23 and Me videos:

“Genetics 101 Part 1 “What are genes?” (4:26)

“Genetics 101 Part 2 “What are SNPs?” (1:53) (SNP Single Nucleotide Polymorphism)

“Genetics 101 Part 3 “Where do your genes come from?” (4:14)

“Genetics 101 Part 4 “What is phenotype?” (2:03)

“Surprisingly Interconnected” (1:00)

Genome BC

Mutations activity

Sickle Cell Anemia case study

Protein assembly activity

Transcription and translation

YouTube videos:

“Gene Expression”

Transcribe and translate a gene interactive animation

DNA extraction lab PowerPoint slides (split peas):

DNA extraction lab (split peas): ,

DNA extraction lab (kiwi):

Origami DNA

Beaded DNA name alias bracelets

Chromosome foldable

Edible DNA models, Edible mRNA and protein models

Possible NetBook Activities:

DNA Web Quest

DNA interactive animations:

Build a DNA Molecule

Transcribe and Translate a Gene

What makes a Firefly Glow?

Transcribe and translate a gene interactive animation

Materials Needed:

Cards for Impromptu responses, Exit Tickets

Copies of lab handouts

Internet access


Distilled water

Plastic bags



Gummy bears

Plastic cups

Split peas



Dish soap



Meat tenderizer


Test tubes


Video of “And the Band Played On”


Complete lab handouts

Complete Cellular Transport Foldable

Complete DNA objectives, vocabulary, notes and flashcards

Study for Friday quiz on diffusion, osmosis, cellular transport

Page 295 (1-5)


Beginning of Class (5 minutes)

Teacher will take attendance

Students will respond to Impromptu: Write one thing you have learned about DNA.

Lesson Activities (45 minutes)

Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation, provide missing information.

Teacher will demonstrate labs and foldable

Students will complete lab handouts and foldables

Teacher will introduce topic of DNA

3rd: Cornstarch and Iodine semipermeable membrane lab, Gummy bear osmosis mini lab, Cellular Transport Foldable

5th: Gummy bear osmosis mini lab, Cellular Transport Foldable, Discovery Education DNA Introductory video

6th: Gummy bear osmosis mini lab, Discovery Education DNA Introductory video

End of Class Activities (5 minutes)

Students will respond to Exit Card: Explain how a molecule diffuses across a cell membrane.

Teacher will remind students to complete homework assignments for the week.

Teacher will remind students to respond to Cook E-question on .


Half day – only 3rd hour biology will have class

Teacher will take attendance

Teacher will repeat Elodea osmosis, cornstarch/iodine, gummy bear labs and questions for students who missed them

Students will catch up on missing assignments, organize biology binders, study for quiz


Beginning of Class (5 minutes)

Teacher will take attendance

Students will respond to Impromptu: How are Active and Passive Transport different?

Lesson Activities (45 minutes)

Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation, provide missing information

Teacher will review diffusion, osmosis and cellular transport in preparation for quiz

Teacher will review student responses to Monday Exit Card: Explain how a molecule diffuses across a cell membrane

Students will copy unit objective, focus question and vocabulary words into their biology binders:

Focus Question: What is DNA?

Objective: Explain how characteristics of living things are passed on from generation to generation.

Vocabulary: DNA, RNA, Double Helix, Nitrogenous Base, Codon, Transcription, Protein

5th: Teacher will present DNA PowerPoint slides

5th: Students will take DNA notes

6th hour all-school assembly

End of Class Activities (5 minutes)

Teacher will remind students to complete homework assignments for the week.

Teacher will remind students that new Cook E-question will be posted on .

Teacher will remind students to study for quiz on Friday

Teacher will assign homework: Page 200, Questions 1-5, write questions and answers


Beginning of Class (5 minutes)

Teacher will take attendance

Students will respond to Impromptu: What is a nitrogenous base? (P. 282)

Lesson Activities (45 minutes)

Teacher will review Impromptu, respond to student responses, correct misinformation, provide missing information.

3rd: Teacher will present Discovery Education DNA Introductory video

3rd: Teacher will present DNA PowerPoint slides

3rd: Students will take DNA notes and make flashcards

5th: Teacher will finish presenting DNA PowerPoint slides

5th: Students will finish taking DNA notes and make flashcards

6th: Teacher will present DNA PowerPoint slides

6th: Students will take DNA notes and make flashcards

6th: Half of students need to do Lesson 5 Passive Transport worksheet

End of Class Activities (5 minutes)

Teacher will remind students to complete homework assignments for the week.

Teacher will remind students to answer Cook E-question on .

Teacher will remind students to study for quiz tomorrow


Teacher will distribute quiz on Diffusion, Osmosis and Cellular Transport

Students will complete quiz on Diffusion, Osmosis and Cellular Transport

Teacher will present segment of video “And the Band Played On”

Students will watch video “And the Band Played On”


Monday 11/21: Lesson 9: The Chemistry of Genes

Half of the 6th hour students need to complete the Lesson Passive Transport worksheet.

Find out if DNA modeling kit is in room 119

Tuesday 11/22: DNA extraction lab

Wednesday 11/23: Base pairing practice activities on NetBooks


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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