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Reformation & Religious Wars(16th century + first half of 17th c.)Required Reading: A History of Western Society Chapter 13, and Chapter 15 Page 466 History Doctor Readings & Reformation Primary Source PacketEXAM: MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2016 MAKE-UP DAY: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 1:50 PMObjectives-Answer on a separate sheet of paper the questions in bold. Must be written in complete sentences. Total of 11. Analyze the causes of the Protestant Reformation and determine which are most important. Consider whether the Reformation was primarily politically, economically, or religiously motivated?Compare and contrast Catholic and Protestant theology and practice.Explain the appeal of Protestant ideas to various social groups.Assess the impact of the Protestant Reformation on marriage and women. Was the Protestant Reformation good or bad for women?Analyze the political and economic impact of the Protestant Reformation on the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).Describe the spread of Protestantism in the sixteenth century, describing which Christian denomination took hold in each country, and why. Analyze the extent to which Henry VIII was motivated by love, religion, politics, and/or economics.Identify the features of the Catholic and Counter-Reformations, and analyze the extent to which they were successful. Consider the extent to which the Reformations represented revolution or continuity with the past.Define the Holy Roman Empire, and explain in whose hands the real authority lay.Explain who the Habsburgs were, where they held territory, and why they are important in European history.Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the religious wars in France and the Netherlands.Explain the causes and consequences of the Spanish Armada, and explain how it was connected to the Dutch Revolt.Explain the causes, course, and consequences of the Thirty Years’ War.Consider the extent to which religion vs. politics were motives in the era of religious wars.Explain the causes and consequences of the great European witch-hunt.Terms and People: Define and provide the significance for the words in bold. Total of 19Protestant Reformationanti-clericalismpluralismabsenteeismsimonyMartin Luther (1483-1546)Johann TetzelindulgencepurgatoryNinety-five Theses (1517)Luther/On Christian Liberty (1520)Charles V (1500-1558)Diet of Worms (1521)Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)transubstantiationconsubstantiation Anabaptists German Peasants’ War (1525)HabsburgsAugsburg Confession (1530)Peace of Augsburg (1555)Henry VIII (r. 1509-1547)Catherine of AragonAnne BoleynSupremacy Act (1534)Thomas CromwellPilgrimage of Grace (1536)Mary Tudor (r. 1553-1558), “Bloody Mary”Elizabeth (r. 1558-1603)Elizabethan Settlement PuritansMary, Queen of Scots (r. 1542-1567)Spanish Armada (1588)John Calvin (1509-1564)Calvin/The Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536/1559)predestinationthe electGeneva/Genevan ConsistoryJohn Knox (1505?-1572) / Presbyterian Church of ScotlandCatholic ReformationCounter-ReformationPope Paul III (1534-1549)Holy Office/InquisitionIndex of Prohibited BooksCouncil of Trent (1545-1563)Teresa of ?vila (1515-1582)UrsulinesJesuitsIgnatius Loyola (1491-1556)Religious Violence/WarsTreaty of Cateau-Cambrésis (1559)Habsburg-Valois WarsFrench Religious Wars (1559-1598) Concordat of Bologna Huguenots iconoclasm St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre (1572) War of the Three Henrys (1584-1598) politiques Henry of Navarre / Henry IV (r. 1589-1610) Edict of Nantes (1598)Dutch Revolt (1566-1587) Charles V (r. 1519-1556) Philip II (r. 1556-1598) Union of Utrecht (est. 1581) United Provinces (est. 1609)Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Protestant Union (1608) Catholic League (1609) “defenestration of Prague” (1618) Edict of Restitution (1629) Gustavas Adolphus of Sweden Peace of Westphalia (1648)9/19Renaissance Art Presentations9/20Renaissance Art PresentationsHW: Read Chapter 13 pages 390-404 and Work on SG. 9/21EQ: What were the causes of the PR?Causes of the Reformation LectureIndulgences ReadingCauses of the Protestant Reformation Primary Source AnalysisHW: Read Chapter 13 pages 390-404 and Work on SG.9/22Last Day of Renaissance Art Presentations\HW: Read Chapter 13 pages 390-404 and Work on SG.9/23EQ: What were the causes of the PR and what were the differences and similarities between the protestant religions? Catholicism and Protestantism Chart: Catholic, Lutheran, Zwingli & AnabaptistsHW: Read Chapter 13 pages 390-404 and Work on SG. Read Causes of PR Secondary Sources. Read & Annotate Part I of Reformation Packet9/26EQ: What were the causes of the PR and how can you answer respond in the form of a thesis sentence?Review Catholicism and Protestantism Chart.Writing Workshop: Causes of the PR Thesis ExerciseHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 390-404 and work on SG. Read & Annotate Part I of Reformation Packet9/27EQ: How did Martin Luther contribute to the PR?Luther and 95 ThesesHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 390-404 and work on SG. & Puritan Laws. Read & Annotate Part I of Reformation Packet9/28EQ: How much of Protestant was Luther?Who is Luther? Protestant or Devout Catholic?Catholicism and Protestantism Chart: Anglicans and CalvinistsHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 390-404 and work on SG. & Puritan Laws. Read & Annotate Part I of Reformation Packet9/29EQ: What were the issues in question during the Peasant’s Revolt?Read Luther Rages “Against the Murdering and Robbing Bands of Peasants”German Peasants’ Revolt DBQ PracticeHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 404-414 and work on SG. Read & Annotate Part I of Reformation Packet9/30EQ: What were the differences in beliefs amongst the Calvinists?Quiz on Pages 390-404John CalvinWriting Workshop: POV PracticeHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 404-414 and work on SG. Read and annotate Part II of Reformation Packet10/3EQ: Why did Henry VIII establish the Church of England?English ReformationHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 414-417 and work on SG. Read and Annotate Part Three of Reformation Packet10/4EQ: What was the Catholic Church’s Response to the Reformation?Catholic ReformationActs of the Council of TrentHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 414-417 and work on SG. Read and Annotate Part Three of Reformation Packet10/5EQ: What was the Catholic Church’s Response to the Reformation?Quiz on Pages 404-417Catholic Reformation Thesis ExerciseHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 417-422 (Religious Violence) and Page 466 (30 Years’ War). Read and Annotate 2.4 Age of Religious Wars in Reformation Packet (ALL PARTS)10/6EQ: What were the causes and consequences of religious violence, including riots, wars and with-hunts?French Religious WarsSocial Structure of France Before the Religious Wars (1558)HW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 417-422 (Religious Violence) and Page 466 (30 Years’ War). Read and Annotate 2.4 Age of Religious Wars in Reformation Packet (ALL PARTS). 10/7EQ: What were the causes and consequences of religious violence, including riots, wars and with-hunts?Thirty Years’ WarHenry IV’s Edict of NantesHW: Read Chapter 13 Pages 417-422 (Religious Violence) and Page 466 (30 Years’ War). Read and Annotate 2.4 Age of Religious Wars in Reformation Packet (ALL PARTS).10/10EQ: What were the different interpretations of the 30 Years War?Quiz on Pages 417-422STUDY GUIDE DUEInterpretations of the 30 Years War10/11Religious Wars Socratic Seminar10/12Reformation & Religious Wars Essay Questions10/13Reformation Council 10/14Reformation Exam ReviewHOMECOMING GAME 10/17Reformation Exam10/18Reformation Exam Make-Up Day After School 1:50 PM10/19PSAT10/20CIPAHW: Read Chapter 15: Absolutism & Constitutionalism ................

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