Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Symposium 2011 ...

Paper Title: Concise Paper Template for Doing Psychology: Manawatu Doctoral Research Symposium 2012

Doctoral AuthorI, Any Co-Author2II, Any Co-Author3III & Any Co-Author4IV


I,II,III School of Psychology, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

IV New Line for Different Campus Location, Department or Institution, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Please do not write author names or email addresses until we accept the paper as a final draft for publishing. Thank you.


To enter the abstract, highlight this text and write over it. Please note: If you are pasting text from another document, please use Edit / Paste Special… and select paste Unformatted Text. This is important because pasting unformatted text will not alter the formatting. This applies to both the abstract text and the body text. The abstract is one paragraph in 9-point Times New Roman font. The ‘Abstract’ heading should be in Arial font, 10 point, bold, and centred with one line space below it.

Keywords: please, place, your, keywords, here

Format Guidelines

Select this text and write over it to begin writing your concise paper. When you have finished writing this paragraph, press Enter and a new indented paragraph will be ready to type. You may wish to save a copy of this document and/or print it for reference.

Below are some guidelines for formatting your paper. We have preformatted this document for you so that you can use the existing headings, text and reference entries to write over them. You can write up to five pages maximum. Please follow the guidelines carefully.

Please indent all paragraphs in the text (except for the abstract) rather than placing a space between them. Please indent the first line of each paragraph.

The text of the paper should be justified (text aligned to both left and right) in this two column format. Use 10-point Times Roman font, unless otherwise specified.

The title of the paper should be in Arial font, 16 point, bold, and centred. All headings are in Arial font.

First-Level Headings

Here is a list of headings. You can copy and paste them and then write over them to suit your paper. First-level headings should be in 12-point Arial font, bold and centred. Please leave a line space above all first-level, second-level and third-level headings to separate them from the text.

Second-Level Headings

Second-level headings should be in 11-point Arial font, bold, and left aligned.

Third-Level Headings Third-level headings should be 10-point Arial font, bold, and left aligned.

In-Text Citations

Use standard APA citation and referencing format. Citations within the text should include the author's last name and year such as Aroha and Allardyce (2004) or (Aroha & Allardyce, 2004). For information on APA citation and referencing, consult Massey University’s APA webpage.

Further Guidelines for Presentation

Here are some guidelines if you need to include footnotes, tables or figures. Mark footnotes with a number.[1] Place the footnotes at the bottom of the page.


Table numbers and titles should be in 10 point and left justified with a line space above and below the title (see Table 1). You may set tables across both columns if you need to.

Table 1

Sample Table Title

|Heading |M |SD |Range |

|Text |2.1 |1.1 |1-2 |

|Text |3.4 |1.4 |1-6 |

|Text |4.5 |1.2 |2-8 |

|Text |5.6 |3.2 |1-12 |

Note. Table notes are in 8-point font.


You can paste figures (e.g., images, graphs, maps, etc) into the text box (see Figure 1). Use the Enter key to create a gap in the text for placement of the text box. You can place figures within one column, or if necessary, place them across two columns. The figure caption should be below the figure in 9-point Times New Roman Font and bold. Italicise the word ‘Figure’, followed by the figure number.

Figure 1. Example figure caption in 9-point Times New Roman font and in bold.

Page Numbering, Headers and Footers

Do not include page numbers, headers and footers. The editing team will add these in once we accept the final draft for publication.

Minimising Metadata: Keeping Your Paper Anonymous

There may be additional information attached to this document that will identify you. To minimise this metadata, please right-click on the file icon and select ‘Properties’ then delete any identifying information. See the symposium webpage for more information on minimising metadata.

Style Sheet

This template has preformatted styles. If you wish to use them, you can find them under ‘Styles’ in this Word document (press Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S or Ctrl + Shift + S to open the ‘Style Sheet’ and see Table 2). Simply highlight some text, click on the style you want from the Style Sheet and the format will change.

Table 2

Preformatted Styles in This Document

|Format |Style selection in Word |

|First-level headings |Heading 1 |

|Second-level headings |Heading 2 |

|Third-level headings |Heading 3B |

|Body text / ‘normal’ text |Indented Paragraph |

|Abstract text |Abstract Text |

|Abstract heading |Abstract Heading |

|Figure caption |Figure Caption |

|Table caption |Table Title in Table Caption |

|Table note |Table Note Style |

|Reference entry |Reference |

For example, if you wanted to change the heading ‘Acknowledgments’, below, to a second-level heading, highlight the heading, open the Style Sheet and select ‘Heading 2’. If you want it to become part of the main text, select ‘Indented Paragraph’. To change it back to its original first-level heading format, select ‘Heading 1’.


You can write a brief acknowledgement section right before the reference list if you need to. This can include the acknowledgement of research grants/support. You can note ethical approval under a separate heading and state the ethical approval reference number. Do not write anything in here that may identify the author(s) of this paper until we accept it as a final draft for publishing.


Below are fictitious examples of references for a published conference proceedings paper, book chapter, journal article, book and research/technical report, respectively. The reference list is not included in the five-page maximum paper length. To enter a reference, select and write over the reference entries below (and remember to select paste unformatted text if you are pasting from another document).

Aroha, A., & Allardyce, B. (2004). Title of conference paper. In D. Ropata & L. Dodds (Eds.), Past, present and future psychologies: Refereed proceedings of the National Psychology Conference (pp. 43–49). Palmerston North, New Zealand: Massey University Press.

Collins, A. B. (1998). Title of book chapter. In C. D. Collection & S. Scholar (Eds.), Psychology book name. Paris: Academic Press.

Davidson, M. (2004). Title of journal article. Psychology Journal Name, 5, 212-219.

Karetu, P., & Murray, G. L. (1972). Title of book. Wellington, New Zealand: Academic Press.

Oliver, B., & Nelson, M. (2011). Title of a report (Report No. 1). Dunedin, New Zealand: University of Otago, Department of Psychology.


[1] Here is an example of a footnote.


This is a text box for pasting a figure.

Delete all of this text before pasting.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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