Psychology Research Paper - Mrs. Weimer

Psychology Research Paper

Research is fundamental to psychology. Throughout this marking period you will be conducting your own research on a topic of your choosing in psychology with one exception: it cannot be about a specific psychological disorder.

The Task:

Write a 5-7 page research paper on a psychological topic in proper APA format with a title page, in text citations, and a reference page. Your topic should focus on psychology in the real world. For example one student last year wrote a paper on the affects of the recession on people’s mental health. You cannot however write about paper about living with schizophrenia. There is a list of possible topics on the last page.

Due Dates:

4/16 Topic 5 pts - completion of topic worksheet

4/20 Title Page, Research Question, Initial References 10 pts

• Research Question will be the main focus of your paper

• Need at least 5 sources on your reference page that must be scholarly sources (journals, books, etc.)

4/27 Title page, Outline, References 25 pts

• Your outline needs to include at least 25 details

• In text citations must be included and match the sources on the reference page

• Follow outline format on the next page

5/11 Rough Draft 30 pts

• This is a complete paper

• Correctly formatted Title Page, and Reference page with corresponding in text citations

• If the Rough Draft is not submitted on time, I will not accept the Final Draft

5/25 Final Draft 300 pts

• This a requirement of the class. If this is not submitted you will not pass the class

• Correctly formatted title page, 5-7 pages of research, and reference page with corresponding in text citations.

5/29 Presentations 100 pts

• You will be presenting your paper to the class. See attached Rubric


At least 5 scholarly websites or books

APA Format

Title page – template on website

Reference Page

1” margins all around

Times New Roman size 12 Font

Double spaced (check to make sure you don’t have extra spacing on your default).

Grading for Paper:

Format: 10 pts – Paper is written in APA format. This means it includes a properly formatted title page with headers and page numbers, as well as a reference page and in text citations. It meets the page requirement and is in essay format. Font is Times New Roman size 12 with 1in margins. Paragraphs are indented and there is no extra spacing between paragraphs.

Writing/Organization 15 pts

Paper is written with scholarly language. There are little to no errors in grammar and/or mechanics. The information flows and the paper is easily read. The thesis is clear and support by evidence not opinion.

Content 60 pts

The paper’s thesis is addressed and supported with researched evidence. The topics are richly supported throughout and the reader is left with no lingering questions.

Reference page/citations 15

All sources are properly cited on the reference page and with in text citations in proper APA format.

Outline Format

I. Thesis Statement

II. Topic Sentence

a. Detail

b. Detail

c. Detail

III. Topic Sentence

a. Detail

b. Detail

c. Detail

IV. Topic sentence

a. Detail

b. Detail

c. Detail

I think you get the picture. You need to repeat the body paragraphs as many times as you need to. If it says sentence – I am expecting a sentence.

Details should show your research. This will allow me to provide you with some guidance as to what else you might need to research.

All Psychology Topics

The following are a list of topics that you might want to consider







Death & Dying



Emotional Health



Hate Crimes

Health Disparities


Human Rights




Kids & the Media

Law & Psychology

Learning & Memory

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Marriage & Divorce







Safety & Design


Sexual Abuse



Socioeconomic Status

Sport and Exercise




Testing Issues




Women & Men

Workplace Issues

American Psychological Association. (2017). Psychology topics. Retrieved from:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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