Global Health Annual Progress Report - Guidelines and Form

The purpose of the progress report is to provide the foundation with a written record of grant-related results and challenges faced during the reporting period. We use this report for grant management, and it provides you an opportunity to give us a candid assessment about how the project is progressing, both good and bad. The report should include justification for any proposed revisions in the project’s objectives, results, critical milestones, and budget line items. This is also an opportunity to update administrative information, such as addresses or phone numbers. This written report is in addition to the more informal interactions that you may have with your program officer.

The report form has been designed for use by all Global Health Program grantees. As a result, it may be used in different ways, depending on the nature of the grant. Note: If your program officer asks you for different information, please follow his or her instructions.

Please make every effort to submit your report on time. As stated in your grant agreement, annual payments will be made after we have received, reviewed, and accepted the progress report as satisfactory. Submitting your report on time will help us make your next payment according to the agreed schedule.


All progress reports should be submitted on the Progress Report Form provided. The completed report form is typically no more than 5 to 10 pages excluding appendices, attachments, and financial report templates.

Please use U.S. letter page formatting (8.5 x 11.0 inches), 10-point font, and one-inch margins. Include your organization's name and foundation grant ID in the footer.

Submitting Your Progress Report

You can submit your report electronically in one of two ways:

1. If you received an e-mail reminder for this report from your program coordinator through our internal database there will be a “token” in the subject line of the e-mail (for example, BMGF:01000012345). Please submit your report by replying directly to this e-mail and attaching the completed Progress Report Form, budget spreadsheets, and any additional documentation. Please do not change the subject line of the e-mail when responding this way.

2. Alternatively, you may send the documents to your program coordinator and include “Progress Report – Grant ID” in the subject line of your e-mail.

Completing Your Progress Report Form

Please use the following guidelines when completing the Progress Report Form.

I. Summary Information

Please provide the grant information requested in the space provided. Please note the following:

• Reporting Period should reflect the start and end dates used to determine the content of this report. All information provided in the progress report form should reflect what occurred during the stated reporting period. Note: If you have received an “Expenditure Responsibility Attachment” then your grant is subject to “expenditure responsibility” (ER) reporting and you must use reporting periods that end at the close of the grantee organization’s fiscal year.

• Mailing Address should be a physical location where someone is available to sign for deliveries made by courier services. It cannot be a post office box.

• Geographic Location(s) of Work refers to all locations (country, and region/state if known) in which work is being performed with funds from this grant. This includes locations in which sub-grantees or sub-contractors are working. Please provide the location and the approximate amount estimated to be spent in each location. For example: A $1,000,000 grant may reflect $600,000 spent in the United States and $400,000 in South Africa. If you have staff working across multiple locations, costs may be allocated to the location where they spend the majority of time. Please reflect the total grant amount, both spent and unspent funds.

• Geographic Areas Served refers to all countries benefitting or intended to benefit from this grant. This is where the target population is located, not necessarily where the work is occurring. For India, include the names of states. “World” is an acceptable response if there will be broad public benefit. Provide the location and the approximate amount estimated to be spent in each location. Please reflect the total grant amount.

II. Progress and Results

General Progress

In your first paragraph, describe general progress made towards the project goal stated in the proposal. This should be 250 to 300 words long, or about half a page.

Critical Milestones

Using the table provided (adding rows as needed), please describe the progress made during the reporting period on each planned objective by indicating whether the critical milestones were achieved or delayed. If the critical milestones were achieved, please reference the source of evidence you have to support the success (for example: routine monitoring report, project report, email etc.); if delayed, please describe the cause for delay. Please refer to the most recent version of the project framework table from your proposal and organize the critical milestones by the corresponding objectives.

The critical milestones provided in the table should include work funded by this grant and carried out by sub-grantees, sub-contractors, consortium members, or similar groups.

Updated Milestone Chart

Using the last version of the milestone chart submitted to the foundation, please provide an updated version of the chart noting completed, delayed and new critical milestones. A sample chart is provided HERE for your reference. You do not need to update the timeline template unless instructed to do so by foundation staff.

Other Relevant Updates

Provide an update on the following information, if it is relevant:

• Changes in assumptions. Describe any changes to the assumptions made in your original proposal.

• Unexpected results. Describe any unexpected results, positive or negative.

• Challenges. Describe any challenges and how they were met.

• Changes to Results Measurement, Learning, and Evaluation. If your measurement, learning, and/or evaluation process or plans have changed significantly please provide an explanation and rationale.

• Changes in your organization. Describe changes within your organization that relate to the project, for example major staff changes.

• Sub-grants and subcontracts. Describe any substantial changes to sub-grants, subcontracts or consortium members.

• Lessons learned. Based on your experience during the reporting period, describe lessons learned and their potential relevance to others working in your field.

• Publications. Attach as an appendix to this form a list of any publications in peer-reviewed journals or books, giving full citations. Include articles in the press and articles submitted for publication. Appendices are not included in the page limit for your report

• Data Access. Please describe how data and information generated from your project will be disseminated to the general public.

o In addition, if you submitted a Data Access Plan with your proposal (generally only applicable to grants over $500,000 made after October 2011), please review the plan and indicate any changes from the original submission. If no changes have been made, please indicate “no changes to Data Access Plan”.

• Progress in achieving Global Access. Report any progress in moving your project, including any intervention, innovation or product being developed or deployed, closer to the goal of reaching the people in the developing world who most need it at necessary scale. For example, as applicable, if your project involves developing and/or implementing public health interventions or adoption of other evidence-based practices, describe who you may have engaged to facilitate dissemination and adoption (e.g., government units, media, local institutions, other financing entities, etc.), and how your activities with them have progressed over the past year.

III. Plans for the Next Reporting Period

Briefly describe your project plans for the period following this progress report. Your plans should be based on your original proposal, the progress you reported in Section II above, and progress reports for previous periods, if applicable. You don’t need to repeat information included in Section II; you can refer to it. Be sure to address the following:

• Describe the results (including critical milestones) that you will accomplish and any anticipated challenges. Clearly state plans to achieve any critical milestones that were missed in the current reporting period as well as any critical milestones or other results that are new or revised.

• Plans for results measurement.

• Strategies for moving forward with your Global Access activities (including, for example, how and when development and/or implementation of public health interventions or adoption of other evidence-based practices might occur, as applicable).

IV. Financial Update for the Reporting Period

Financial Report Template

Unless otherwise directed by foundation staff, please use the tabs titled “Progress Report Instructions”, “Report Information” and “Financial Inputs” on the budget template to report total expenditures against the most recent foundation-approved budget. Please follow the instructions in the budget template carefully and let your program contact know if you have any questions.

Please note:

• In addition to the project budget you must provide a separate Financial Report for each sub-grant or subcontract that exceeds one million U.S. dollars. 

• Upon review of the financial report template the foundation may request to review a greater level of detail on expenditures within any budget category.

Budget Narrative

Variances for the Reporting Period

List any budget categories with variances of more than 10 percent for the reporting period. Examples of budget categories are Direct FTE Costs or Direct Travel. Explain the cause of the variance, any effects it had on the project, and whether or not approval for the variance has already been obtained from your program officer.


Please describe any expenditures made from interest earned. If no interest has been earned please explain why.

Budget for the Coming Year

Discuss major changes in or concerns about your budget for the coming year. This might include the following:

• List budget categories in which you anticipate a variance of more than 10 percent from your last plan.

• Explain how you plan to use any balance remaining at the end of the reporting period, including amounts committed contractually and not spent, interest earned, spending projections, or other plans for the funds.

• Are there any budget issues or constraints that will affect progress on the objectives?

• Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about the budget?

Sub-grantees and Subcontracts

If grant funds are being used to pay sub-grantees or subcontractors for this project, please use the chart to provide the following: name and location of the sub-grantee or subcontractor; total contracted amount; and actual disbursement for this reporting period. Note: you do not need to include information regarding contracted services such as accounting services, courier services, etc.

Other Sources of Project Support During the Reporting Period

If the project received support from other donors during the reporting period, please use the chart to provide the name of the donor, the amount received, the percentage of the project funded by the donation, and whether or not the funds are committed or potential. If the support is in-kind, describe the type of support in the space provided below the chart.

V. Optional Attachments

Some projects involve activities that require you to submit an attachment along with your progress report and budget. Please answer yes or no to the questions listed in Section V to determine if an attachment is required. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, please complete the required attachment as indicated. If you answer “no” to all of the questions you do not need to complete an attachment.

VI. Payment Disbursement

After your report is reviewed and approved by the foundation, the subsequent payment, if any, will be processed.

Payments to non-U.S. organizations and all payments greater than one million U.S. dollars will be paid via wire transfer. If your next payment will be paid by wire, you must have your bank complete a Bank Wire Transfer Form. This form should be submitted in a way that clearly illustrates independent verification and date of verification directly from your bank. Failure to appropriately submit this document will result in a delay of your grant payment.

The completed Wire Transfer form should be returned to our Grants Management mailbox at ghgm@ or faxed to +1 (206) 494 -7037.

Payments to U.S. organizations less than one million U.S. dollars will be paid via check. Please send confirmation of your Remit To address to ghgm@.

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