School uniforms should be abolished pros and cons - Weebly


School uniforms should be abolished pros and cons

School uniforms come in all sizes and create a sense of unity among students. But not all parents like the idea of sending their kids to school in uniform. Many schools in the U.S. today propagate the concept of uniform for students, but there are many private and public institutes in the country that feel differently. Children wearing school uniform are believed to perform better at their school and have a greater sense of security. But there is no correct answer as to whether children should wear school uniform or not. In this article we came up with some advantages and disadvantages of wearing a school uniform. This should help you decide whether you should buy a school uniform for your child or not! Let's talk about the benefits of school uniforms for children. One of the many advantages of wearing school uniforms for children is that they create a sense of identity and unity among students. When children wear a similar uniform every day, they will have a similar identity and will not compete over who wears expensive or fashionable clothes. Children who cannot afford to wear expensive clothes will not feel unsafe if there is a uniform. They don't have to decide what to wear on a daily basis in the morning can save a lot of time for the kids and they can get ready soon. It will save a lot of time and energy. When all children are dressed in the same clothes, it is difficult to establish their economic background. Uniforms create a sense of equality among children, which is why they mingle with each other without bothering with their economic and social status. Just one look at the uniform can sometimes help determine which school the child goes to. If a child is studying at a school that is well known and among the top schools in the locality, then they will be proud to go to that school and adorn the uniform. Wearing a school uniform will bring a sense of pride and the child will respect the fact that he gets the opportunity to study in one of the best educational institutions. When there are fewer distractions and fewer worries about the way they are viewed, the child can spend more time doing schoolwork. Also, according to one of the studies, students' scores were found to have improved after the uniform was introduced at the school. 6. Uniforms are more economical Buying school uniforms for children is more economical than buying an entire wardrobe for the season. Also, school uniforms are made of stronger and better fabric, which means that they can withstand repeated washing and daily wear and tear better than normal clothes. It also means that several sets of uniforms can be enough for effective sailing throughout the academic year. In addition to various other reasons, clothing is one of the main reasons for bullying at school. However, wearing the same clothes or uniform helps ensure that there is no discrimination based on clothing or the way a particular child dresses. 8. Uniforms help reduce efforts to enforce dress codes Schools that do not have school uniforms for students must adopt dress codes. This may include various aspects such as deciding on the type or length of the skirt, the type of shoes or shoes suitable for school, the type of shorts or trousers boys should wear in schools, etc. This can be pretty tedious. But having a uniform for children can save time because all children will wear a similar uniform and there will be no need for a dress policy. When students wear uniforms, it becomes easier for teachers to find out who is an outsider and who should not be on school premises. It also discourages gang affiliation at school, which is usually seen by the color of the clothes. When you're on field trips or off campus, it becomes easier for a teacher to track students when they're dressed in school uniforms. It also reduces the chances of students disappearing because anyone leaving campus can be easily identified by teachers or even passersby. Here are some shortcomings of school uniforms: 1. Uniforms limit freedom of expression By not allowing children to dress the way they want, most schools interfere with a child's individuality. The child is forced to dress up in a way he may not be comfortable with. Not all parents can afford many sets of uniforms, which means parents have to wash and iron their clothes frequently. Washing their child's clothes when they return from school can be taxation and stress for the child and parents. 3. They can lead to segregation In an effort to enforce equality among students, sometimes certain uniform rules can create other types of bias and inequality such as girls may not be allowed to wear pants. They can be asked to wear socks. Similarly, wearing ties can be mandatory for boys, which they may not like. While or unless the government sponsors uniform expenses for the poor, school uniform expenses will have to be taken care of by students' parents or family. This may not favour the idea of free education, where public schools are expected to provide education to poor children at no cost. While students of a particular school who pride themselves on their school and uniform can become the subject of bullies for children from other schools who do not have a uniform. 6. Uniforms may cause discomfort Some children may not be comfortable wearing a certain type or type of clothing that may include school uniforms. This may be due to fabric, seizures or incision uniforms. This can cause complete discomfort to the child and can affect the concentration and mood of the child at school. 7. They can cause resentment among students Not all students like to wear school uniforms. Maybe they're not happy with the idea of wearing the same clothes every day and maybe they want to dress up. But wearing a uniform every day can instill a sense of resentment in a child. He might not like his school, his teachers, and Parents. By forcing children to follow a set of rules and forcing a uniform on them, we take away their right to decide and decide for themselves. Children should be given the opportunity to decide for themselves. If you make rules and regulations for them and ask them to follow what you have decided for them, they will not be able to make their own decisions. What opinions do parents and students have about school uniforms? There are many schools that offer students the choice of wearing a school uniform, as long as or if it does not interfere with the discipline of the school. Here are some popular opinions from parents and students about wearing uniforms at school: Financial aid or support should go to parents who can't afford to buy school uniforms for their children. School uniforms should be more casual and practical, which means that students should feel comfortable and simple in like jeans with a knitted T-shirt, etc. Uniforms should be an important and integral part of school safety regulation or programs. School uniform rules should be aligned with students' religious beliefs or accommodate the religious feelings of different students. There should be a provision for a voluntary program regarding school uniform if the pressure is immense on the community front. Mentioned above are some of the pros and cons of wearing school uniforms. There will always be conversations or discussions about whether children should wear school uniforms or not. As a parent, you should weigh the pros and cons of school uniforms for children before deciding whether to send your child to a school where wearing a uniform is mandatory. Also read: Tips for choosing the best school for your childNekspected benefits of homeschoolingPros and counter getting an education at boarding school There are no clear records to show when wearing school uniforms really started. But this tradition certainly exists for hundreds of years. In the United States, it has been noted that more schools began enforcing uniforms after President Bill Clinton killed 100 people in 1996. The move was met with mixed reactions as some parties viewed it as a distraction and an additional problem for students, while others felt it was a solution to improve the education system and schoolboy performance in the United States. What do you think of school uniforms? This list of pros and cons can help you decide your position on the issue. List of advantages of school uniforms1. They create uniformity. It can be a better sense of unity because everyone will wear the same clothes and have one identity. Also, there will be less competition among children about who has more expensive outfits or who looks better or is more modern.2. They give a sense of belonging and pride. Uniform is an indicator of which school you belong to This is especially useful for students who study in schools that are well known or considered a top school in the locality. You can proudly wear your uniform and 'show' other people that you are attending a good school.3 They promote the school spirit. When everyone is dressed the same and feel proud to be part of their school, it boosts morale. The student's body has a greater sense of community and pride, strengthening the school spirit.4. They allow parents to save on time and money spent on buying school clothes. Usually school uniforms can be worn for a whole year or two. This means that there is no need to spend for new clothes every semester and parents do not have to deal with picky children who require expensive brands or a certain style of dress.5 They help students spend less time and energy choosing what to wear every day. Preparing for school in the morning can be easier and faster. In addition, there is less stress in figuring out all night what to wear the next day or in trying to keep up with peers and fashion trends. Instead, children can focus on homework or other useful recreational activities.6. They take away social segregation. The way you dress usually dictates which click you belong to, such as goths, athletes, nerds and so on. If everyone is dressed the same, it can take away the need to put a sticker on each person and a tendency to just stick to your 'crowd.'7. They provide a safer school environment. Since all students are dressed in uniform, it can be easier to determine who should not be there. It also prevents students from showing gang affiliation by wearing certain colors or garments.8 They encourage students to express themselves in other ways. Since children cannot demonstrate their individuality through clothing, they will try to express themselves by other methods such as art, academies, sports, or extracurricular school activities.9 They take away the need to create so many policies related to dress codes. Most schools that don't have uniforms have dress codes. But figure out which rules to include can be taxation because they have to identify what materials, lengths and types of skirts are ok, what kind of footwear is inappropriate and so on. With uniforms, setting an acceptable standard is easier because there is only one type of clothing on which the rules are based.10. They prevent bullying. The way children dress is one of the most common reasons for bullying. Children who dress differently or who cannot afford branded clothes are ridiculed and discriminated against. School uniforms can help stop this problem. List of school uniform deficiencies1. They take away individuality and freedom of expression. Learning how to express oneself is a right most parents want their children to learn from a young age. By not allowing children to demonstrate their individuality through the way they dress, they may feel oppressed and discouraged from developing their own They can be an additional cost. If children go to school 5 or 6 days a week, they need at least 2-3 sets of uniforms.3. They can cause additional stress to students and parents. In relation to the point above, if the family can not afford several sets of uniforms, they may have to wash their uniforms when the children get home. This can be tedious and takes up time that could be spent on schoolwork or rest.4 They can cause discomfort. Some children may have allergies or feel uncomfortable due to tightening and rigidity. This can affect their mood and learning throughout the day.5 They promote the intolerance of cultures. Most uniforms are not designed according to the cultural dress of the population or represent only one culture. Also, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender students may become confused if they should wear a uniform representing their inner sexual orientation or their external sex.6. They cause resentment among students. As children begin to develop their own opinions, they won't like being forced to do something they don't want to do. So requiring students to wear uniforms against their will can create resentment toward school, college, and even their parents.7 They could cause bullying from the outside. School pride and rivalry is something that some students take very seriously in a negative way. They can mock or harass children belonging to a rival school that they can easily identify through uniforms.8 They're undermining free education. Unless the school or government sponsors the cost of the uniforms, it will be the students' families who should bear the cost. And this runs counter to the idea of free education since public schools should provide education at no cost to parents.9 They become a band aid solution to bigger problems. Poor academic performance, bullying in schools and declining attendance are among the main issues facing schools today. Opposing advocates question whether school uniforms are really the answer to solving these problems.10 They can interfere with a child's decision-making skills. Because you don't allow students to choose what they can wear, you take away their right to choose for themselves. This can disrupt the development of their ability to form their own opinions or make decisions and hinder their transition to adulthood. The author of Bio Natalie Regoli is a child of God, a loyal wife and mother of two boys. She holds a master's degree in law from the University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national magazines and has been practicing law for 18 years. Years.

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