Example of Two Cycles - University of Kentucky

Example of Two Cycles

Cycle Processes Possible Targets Targets Chosen Training Words Sample Activity

1 FCD Check inventory p pop, hop, sheep, cup Popping bubble paper, bubble pipe

Only voiceless obstruents f laugh, off, safe, leaf, cough Pull the leaf off the tree

Any sonorant, but avoid /l/ & /r/

/p, t, k, m, n, s, f, (, t(/

CL RED Combine with /s/ if stridency del sn snail, snake, snow, sneeze, snack Dwarf game

Begin with pre-vocalic clusters sm smile, smell, smash, small, smoke What do you smell?

/sp, st, sk, sm, sn, sl, sw/

STRID DEL Not targeted as singletons if -

targeted with clusters -

V FRONTING Prevocalic /k, g/ Prevocalic /k/ car, cow, cap, key, call Matchbox cars

Intervocalic /k, g/ Postvocalic /k/ lock, lake, rock, rake, lick Lick stickers & send letters

Postvocalic /k/

LIQ /l/ Pre, Inter, Postvocalic /l/ Prevocalic /l/ leg, log, luck, light, look Good luck, bad luck

Intervocalic /l/ hello, color, balloon, pillow, jello Color game

LIQ /r/ Pre, Intervocalic /r/ Vocalic /r/ turn, corn, card, mark, word Which card do you have?

Vocalic /r/ Prevocalic /r/ rug, run, red, right, wrong, rip Which is right, which is wrong?

2 FCD /t, k, n, s, f, (, t(/ n sun, fan, rain, moon, bone Doggie, Where’s your bone?

( fish, push, mash, wash, wish Go fish

CL RED /st, sk, sn, sl, sw/ /sp No example provided - Class assignment

/sw/ swing, swim, swat, sweet, sweep Sweep the paper

STRID DEL Not targeted as singletons if -

targeted with clusters -

V FRONTING Prevocalic / g/ Intervocalic /k/ checker, bacon, echo, hockey, raccoon Checkers

Intervocalic /k, g/ Intervocalic /g/ again, bingo, sugar, tiger, wagon Bingo (game and song)

LIQ /l/ Pre, Inter, Postvocalic /l/ Postvocalic /l/ bell, fall, mail, shell, doll Mail the letters

Prevocalic /l/ long, lip, lizard, lap, love I love ___.

LIQ /r/ Pre, Intervocalic /r/ Vocalic /r/ water, hammer, dinner, answer, batter Question & Answer

Vocalic /r/ Intervocalic /r/ carrot, cherry, scary, arrow, carry Hi Ho Cherrio

NOTE: The treatment targets chosen for this example are for demonstration purposes only.


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