TITLE: 50 state rap dash - Western Oregon University

TITLE: 50 state rap dash

GOALS: SS.05.GE.03 Locate and identify on maps the 50 states of the United States. 

OBJECTIVES: Students will practice and use the 50 state rap to self analyze their progress in memorizing five states they didn’t know.


50 States Rap

50 state rap lyrics

Maps of the United States

White board

CD player


Copy of finished state memorization poster


Anticipatory set: (5 minutes)

1. Have students come to the rug with their 50 state rap lyrics. Have the students sing the fifty state rap.

Teaching: (15 minutes)

2. Pull down a map of the United States, are there any states that the students don’t know yet (if they have memorized all the states are there capitals they are unfamiliar with). Have the students choose five states/state capitals.

3. Have the students briefly sketch the outline of the state next to the states or capitals that they chose.

4. Pass out an outlined united state map to each student. Explain that you want the students to point to the states during the state song. (Luis and Emmanuel can point to five states that they have chose). The teacher will point on the large class map. Have the students point to each state as the song progresses. There will be chaos and confusion at first.

Closure (5 minutes)

1. Have the students analyze how they did with a thumbs up or down. Play the song again and have the students try and improve on their scores.

2. Draw the materials needed at the students desk for the next activity on the board, pencil, paper.

3. Have the students return to their desks for the PowerPoint presentation


Students who are having difficulty can watch the teacher point to states along with the music and point to five states that they chose.


Teacher will informally assess students by their participation in class discussion and their thumbs up/down self analysis.



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