Knights of Columbus Dues Payment Explanation

Knights of Columbus: Dues Payment Explanation


1) Commitment: You are making a continuous financial and personal commitment to your assembly and its goals.

2) Long-term planning: Your assembly will be able to project what its financial resources will be in the future,

making it possible to plan long-term actions and charities.

3) Independence from outside pressure: Your assembly will not have to constantly chase for donations from many

sources and be at the mercy of those sources.

4) Accountability: Your assembly is accountable to you and the assembly members, but not to the donors.


If you do not pay your dues, the following will occur:

A. Yourassemblyfundsthatwereraisedforcharitieswouldhavetobeusedtobepay theSupremeandState

per capita instead of the intended charities.

B. Youwilllosethebenefits(,social,andspiritual)thatcomesfrombeingamemberoftheKnights

of Columbus. If you are unaware of these benefits, please speak with the Field Agent (financial), Brother Sir

Knights (social), and Faithful Friar (spiritual) for more details.


1) DuesnoticearesentouttoyouonDecember 15th ofeachyear.

2) Dues are due before Jan 1st of each year, so you will be in "good standing" with the Knights of Columbus.

3) YouwillreceiveanewmembershipcardwiththeupcomingDecember 31st ofthefollowingyearexpirationdateonit.

A. If you do not have this new card due to not paying your dues, you will not be able to attend assembly

meetings and patriotic exemplifications throughout the Order, worldwide.

Inability to Pay Dues

If you are unable to pay your dues, here are some things that the Assembly may do for you with certain approval:

1) You will need to speak with the Faithful Comptroller if there can be a payment arrangement.

2) YouwillneedtospeakwiththeRetentionCommitteeiftheycanwaiveyourduesfor theonefraternalyear.

A. This can only occur if the Retention Committee determines if you are in serious financial distress or medical


B. Or, The Retention Committee may ask you to be more involve in Assembly meetings and activities.

C. This is all done case by case and you may not be eligible for these methods if the Retention Committee

determine so.

3) If you have proof of disability (e.g. from doctor, VA Hospital, SSDI, and etc.), you may be waived from paying dues (See

your council Financial Secretary for this [Form #1831]).

Unwilling to Pay Dues

If you choose not to pay dues at all for a variety of reasons (e.g. no longer want to be a member), you will need to do the


1) Inform the Faithful Comptroller you want to withdraw from the Fourth Degree.

2) Write a letter to Supreme Council that you want to withdraw from the Fourth Degree. The letter should have your

statement of withdrawal, with your membership number, assembly number, and signature.

A. MaillettertoSupreme:

Knights of Columbus Headquarters

Attn: Membership Records

1 Columbus Plaza

New Haven, CT 06510

B. Mail a copy letter to your assembly.

3) WerespectyourdecisiontowithdrawalfromtheOrder,butyouwillbemissbytheAssembly.Youarealways

welcome to come back, and the Knights will be happy to receive you again.


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