EH 3800: Strength and Conditioning

Module 5 Practice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a factor in aerobic endurance performance?

A. lactate threshold

B. VO2 Max

C. lactate tolerance

D. exercise efficiency

2. What is the heart rate reserve of a 34 year old female who has a resting heart rate of 65 bpm?

A. 186 bpm

B. 121 bpm

C. 111 bpm

D. 167 bpm

3. Which of the following involves a systematic reduction in training duration and intensity combined with increased emphasis on nutritional intervention?

A. peaking

B. tapering

C. detraining

D. cross-training

4. At what exercise intensity should tempo/pace training occur at?

A. VO2 Max

B. 50% VO2 Max

C. above the lactate threshold

D. 10% below the lactate threshold

5. Which of the following modes of aerobic endurance exercise training promotes increases in lactate threshold?

A. long, slow distance training

B. pace/tempo training

C. interval training

D. repetition training

6. Using the Karvonen formula, what is the target heart rate of a 45-year-old female athlete (with a resting heart rate of 70 beats per minute) who is prescribed an exercise training intensity of 60%?

A. 133 beats per minute

B. 145 beats per minute

C. 63 beats per minute

D. 105 beats per minute

7. A runner is using repetition training to improve her final kick in a 10km (6.2 mile) race. Which of the following describes this type of training?

I. Frequency: 1x/week

II. Work:rest ratio: 1:1

III. Intensity: greater than VO2 max

IV. Work bout duration: 3-5 minutes

A. I and III only

B. II and III only

C. I, II and IV only

D. II, III and IV only

8. Which of the following types of aerobic endurance training should be performed at an intensity greater than VO2 Max?

A. long, slow distance

B. interval

C. repetition

D. pace

9. What type of indicator of AEROBIC overtraining is the easiest to observe and occurs in the relatively early stages of overtraining?

A. performance

B. body fat percentage

C. mood

D. sleeping patterns

10. Which of the following is a factor in aerobic endurance performance?

A. lactate threshold

B. oxygen debt

C. lactate tolerance

D. post-exercise oxygen efficiency

11. At which intensity should one exercise during the working phase during repetition training?

A. lactate threshold

B. above the lactate threshold

C. VO2 Max

D. above VO2 Max

12. An athlete would like to improve their lactate threshold, at which intensity is the MOST appropriate that they train at?

A. 75% VO2 Max

B. 30% VO2 Max

C. 100% VO2 Max

D. 60% VO2 Max

13. Which of the following athletes is long, slow distance aerobic endurance training the LEAST useful for?

A. ironman triathlete

B. soccer player

C. long distance cyclist

D. marathon runner

14. Which of the following cardiovascular adaptations to chronic aerobic exercise contribute the most to improved aerobic endurance performance?

A. increased maximum cardiac output

B. decreased resting blood pressure

C. decreased resting heart rate

D. increased submaximal arterial-venous oxygen (a-VO2) difference

15. Which of the following is an appropriate work-to-rest ratio when using interval training to increase the capacity of the oxidative energy system?

A. 1:1

B. 1:4

C. 1:8

D. 1:16

16. Using the Karvonen formula, what is the target heart rate of a 40-year-old female athlete (with a resting heart rate of 80 beats per minute) who is prescribed an exercise training intensity of 60%?

A. 188 beats per minute

B. 164 beats per minute

C. 140 beats per minute

D. 108 beats per minute

17. Which of the following modes of aerobic endurance exercise training BEST promotes increases in fat utilization?

A. long, slow distance training

B. pace/tempo training

C. interval training

D. repetition training

18. Which of the following modes of aerobic endurance exercise training BEST promotes increases in anaerobic capacity?

A. long, slow distance training

B. pace/tempo training

C. interval training

D. repetition training

19. A runner is using interval training to improve her VO2 max. Which of the following describes this type of training?

I. Frequency: 1-2x/week

II. Work:rest ratio: 1:3-5

III. Intensity: just below VO2 max

IV. Work bout duration: 30 seconds to 5 minutes

A. I and III only

B. II and III only

C. I, III and IV only

D. II, III and IV only

20. A runner is using fartlek training to improve her running economy. Which of the following describes this type of training?

I. Frequency: 2x/week

II. Work:rest ratio: 1:1

III. Intensity: just below VO2 max to above lactate threshold

IV. Work bout duration: 20-60 minutes

A. III and IV only

B. II and III only

C. I, III and IV only

D. II, III and IV only

21. The measure of aerobic capacity, or maximal oxygen consumption, is sometimes called

A. oxygen uptake

B. VO2

C. VO2max

D. VO2submax

22. Economy of movement refers to

A. the ability to increase energy during a task

B. the ability to perform a task for the least amount of energy

C. the ability to reduce the amount of work in order to save energy

D. the ability to use energy during exercise

23. Marcie and Kim had their VO2submax evaluated while riding on a cycle ergometer at 12 mph. Kim had a VO2 of 34.6 ml/kg/min and Marcie had a VO2 of 36.8 ml/kg/min. Who was the more economical rider?

A. Kim

B. Marcie

C. They were the same

D. There is not enough information to answer this question

24. During competition, aerobic endurance exercise should be performed at a pace that is

A. at OBLA

B. just above OBLA

C. just below OBLA

D. well above OBLA

25. The onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) occurs when blood lactate levels achieve

A. 2 mmol/L

B. 4 mmol/L

C. 6 mmol/L

D. 8 mmol/L

26. The major fuel limitation for endurance athletes nearing the end of a long-duration event is

A. creatine phosphate depletion

B. fat depletion

C. glycogen depletion

D. protein depletion

27. Joshua has been training for the Boston Marathon, and in the last 3 months he has experienced a reduction in lactate levels while running at a 7 mph pace. What would you recommend for his performance pace?

A. He should maintain the same race pace he had 3 months ago

B. He should increase his race pace without risking an increase in lactate

C. He should reduce his training pace

D. He should run at a slower speed to maintain the same VO2

28. During a simulated cross-country skiing test, Peter reaches OBLA at a pace of 6 km/hr and Todd at 6.5 km/hr. Who will be able to perform at a higher speed during competition?

A. Todd

B. Peter

C. They will perform at the same speed

D. There is not enough information to answer this question

29. The mode of training for aerobic endurance includes all of the following characteristics EXCEPT

A. large muscle mass

B. maximum-intensity explosive movements

C. repetitive motion

D. sustainable movement

30. The highest number of training days per week (excluding competitive events) will occur during this phase of the training cycle:

A. off-season

B. pre-season

C. in-season

D. post-season

31. The intensity-monitoring method that is based on individualized physiological response is

A. the heart rate reserve (Karvonen) method

B. the maximum heart rate method

C. the rating of perceived exertion

D. both b and c

32. One limitation to this training method is that overload can be applied to the duration, but not this intensity of exercise:

A. interval

B. long/slow distance

C. pace/tempo

D. repetition

33. This training method is designed to be performed at maximal intensity throughout the drill:

A. interval

B. long, slow distance

C. pace/tempo

D. repetition

34. This method of training for runners, cyclists, and swimmers combines the best of all training methods:

A. Fartlek

B. interval

C. pace/tempo

D. repetition

35. In an attempt to increase maximal aerobic capacity, this training method is designed to push the system to an intensity just below VO2max over and over with rest periods in between:

A. Fartlek

B. interval

C. pace/tempo

D. repetition

36. Joe took off 2 weeks of training while away on spring break. When he returned, he noticed that his heart rate was higher at the same training speed he’d used before break. This increase in heart rate is likely a sign of

A. detraining

B. maintenance

C. overload

D. overtraining

EH 3800: Strength and Conditioning

Module 5 Practice Question Answers

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. A

7. A 8. C 9. A 10. A 11. D 12. A

13. A 14. A 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D

19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C

25. B 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. B

31. A 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. B 36. A


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