Operation Archangel

Document NameResume AdviceTypeProfessionalLevelBeginnerDate CreatedJuly 15, 2020Recommendations:DescriptionExplanation1Use of “Real Estate” SpaceI often refer to the area in a resume document as “Real Estate” space. Reason for referring to it in this manner is the amount of space you have to work with is critical, use it wisely. Stay away from long-winded statements and wasting space and work towards enter clear summarized entries. 2Name on ResumeWhen entering a name on a resume, ensure it’s larger than the other font size. I normally suggest a size-26 to make sure it’s noticeable when initially viewed.3Opening Summary This is the “Opening Act” and sets the first impression of what you are about. Executing this poorly can cause a hiring manager to lose a great deal of interest while moving onto the remainder of the document. Don’t go into long-winded explanations and make quick summarized statements about yourself where the sentences flow smoothly one to the next. Think of it as “You are the product, how do you sell yourself to someone and why should they buy you over the last person’s resume”4SpacingAdequate spacing is very important not only for the visual appeal but also the readability of the information. I have some resumes where the initial appearance was the attempt of cramming 3-4 pages of information into a 2-page document. I normally recommend 2-3 point spacing throughout the entire document and adjust between sections as needed. 5Font TypeWhen selecting a font type use one of the traditional types such as Calibri (preferred), Times New Roman or Arial. Using more elaborate fonts on a resume can make the information harder to read. When selecting the font type zoom out the view to 60% and check to validate if the information is still readable. Performing this check with the use of some fonts you will notice the information is not readable. 6Font SizeFont size is critical in the effort of making the content as easy to read as possible. I have seen some resumes with 10 pt or smaller in the effort to cram more information in the document. I normally recommend at the minimum 11 pt. Also consider the font type into this equation since different font types can alter the character size even with the same number level.7ColorsThe use of elaborate colors on a resume can distract the reader in some cases. While working with some of the top resume writers in the industry they recommend the bare minimal use of colors for dressing the document and leave it “simply black and white” as much as possible.8Use of JustifyWhen aligning content throughout the body of the document use Align-Left Text. Noticed many writers have used the Justify setting and this will cause the text to “accordion” meaning some moments there will be gaps between words then soon after they appear slammed together. Even though the high level appearance of justify can be visually appealing to fill space the document can become harder to read in some cases.9Information LayoutThere is a wide range of opinions on information layout and to be honest it depends on different factors such as experience level, job type, industry, etc. It’s best to study example resumes of those which are already industry to gain a baseline of where to start.10UniformityAttention to detail can be the difference between your resume being carefully reviewed or rejected. Make sure that all items of the same category follow the same information flow (font, spacing, underlining, etc.). How even you plan to start off your placing of information commit within the same manner throughout the remainder of the document. I usually zoom out the document to 60% to see if all entries of the same type align up perfectly. As an example, use the ruler at the top as a reference to make sure that all bullet points start at the exact same point of reference.11Information Summarization and ClaritySummarization and clarity of information is critical relaying the right message, maintaining the reader’s interest and reducing the overall length of the document as much as possible. 12Listing Qualifications and SkillsWhen listing qualifications and/or skills stay away from generic or vague terms such as Cyber-Security or others where precise descriptions is needed. Use direct names such as Vulnerability Scanning, Pen Testing, Python Scripting, etc. Using terms that cover a broad range can appear not being skilled in diverse areas. 13Bullet As Much As PossibleWhen possible make bullet entries as much as possible especially in the areas within work history segment. This makes the information appear cleaner and able to scan quickly. I noticed many resumes will have a job description paragraph then loaded with bullets points. I normally list the job information then put everything in bullet format to make it all uniform but also quick to scan.14Use A ThesaurusWhen producing content sometimes we get in the habit of re-using the same words repetitively. Using a thesaurus will suggest alternative words with the same or similar meaning. In some situations this practice may provide alternative words which may enhance the information flow.15Over Use of CommasAfter reviewing many resumes the common mistake is see constantly is performing “death by comma”. Meaning examples such as: “During my prior role performed such as task 1, task 2, task 3, task 4, task 5, task 6, etc.” Stay away from making these chatty statements. A replacement is to use is group similar items and break this up into additional statements such as “During my prior role performed task-1, task-2 and task-3. In additional also conducted task 4, task 5 and task 6”. In some conditions this may not be the magic fix, depending on the situation construct the wording that will flow as easy as possible. 16Use of the Word “I”Another common mistake is the use of the word “I” and in some cases being used repeatedly. Refrain from using the word “I” unless it’s absolutely necessary. Reconstruct sentences if needed to work around it such as “ I did xxx” to “Performed tasks xxx” 17Quantify Your ActionsWriting a resume takes time and experience to master and many when starting off will make the same entries such as: Done X, Upgraded Y or Performed Z. The preferred way of doing this is by: Done X which resulted in reduced time for implementation, Upgraded Y which increased overall performance by 15%, Performed Z which enhanced security and protection of data. Demonstrating what was done, the reason for the action and the ability to show quantifiable results will improve the reader’s interest. 18Remove Confidential InformationWhile compiling information for your resume ensure any confidential information is removed. Make the best effort relay the message without divulging non-public information, anything under current litigation, etc. While performing many military service roles certain actions or tasks can’t be disclosed.19Remove “Questionable” InformationSimilar to removing confidential information removing any questionable information is favorable. There are many topics that can cover this area but to give examples I have read resumes that covered incidents such as shootings, stabbings, bombings, etc. Get the point? 20Remove Jargon and Other Unknown TermsDuring time of service common military jargon, slang or acronyms are common everyday use. Within the civilian world this information will be foreign and use other comparable ways of explaining the same thought.21Overall LengthThis is one of the world’s great debates through multiple professional channels. Personally I recommend 2-pages but under certain circumstances it may be “slightly” longer. I have heard of instances where resumes have been created up to 18 pages. Which I would suspect those are tossed almost immediately since most recruiters and hiring managers average 30 seconds for a quick scan to determine if it’s worth their time to dig further into the content.22Peer Review DocumentUpon completion of the resume document have someone preferably a professional writer review the document. This ensures that any mistakes can be captured through another set of eyes. ................

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