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|Assignment Front Sheet |

|Qualification |Unit No. & Title |

|BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Information Technology |Unit 16: Procedural Programming |

|Learner Name | Assessor Name |

| |Jepany Abishai T. Gonzales |

|Release Date | Submission Date |Submitted on |

|9 February 2018 |22 February 2018 | |

| | |

|Assignment No. & Title |Assignment 4: Finishing Off |

|In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. |

|Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found. |

|Learning Outcome |Assessment Criteria |In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows |Task No. |Evidence |

| | |you are able to: | |(Page No.) |

|LO4: |P6 |Create onscreen help to assist the users of a computer program |1 | |

|Be able to | | | | |

|implement | | | | |

|procedural | | | | |

|applications | | | | |

| |M4 |Create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of a computer |2 | |

|Learner Declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is |

|a form of malpractice. |

| |

|Learner signature: Date: |

Assignment Brief

|Qualification |BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Information Technology |

|Unit No. & Title |Unit 16: Procedural Programming |

|Release Date |9 February 2018 |

|Submission Date |22 February 2018 |

|Assessor |Jepany Abishai T. Gonzales |

|Assignment No. & Title |Assignment 4: Finishing Off |

|Purpose of this Assignment |

|The purpose of this assignment is to produce onscreen help for a procedural program and to create technical documentation for the support and maintenance of a |

|computer program. |

|Scenario |

|As a junior application programmer of the MicroTech company in Brunei, you would be able to develop successfully the application required by Mr. Pizza. The |

|manager was able to have a walkthrough of the application you developed and reviewed your Test Plan (Assignment 3). Since you developed the application, the |

|manager has decided to offer an additional pay for finishing off the application by creating an onscreen help and technical documentation for the support and |

|maintenance of the application. |

|You are given TWO (2) tasks as shown below: |

|Task 1 - [LO4: P6 ] |

|Create onscreen help for the users of Mr. Pizza and incorporate into the application you developed (Assignment 3). The onscreen help will serve as a guide for |

|the users on how to use the application and how it works. You need to provide a screenshot of onscreen help with proper descriptions as well as labels. |

|Task 2 - [LO4: M4 ] |

|Create a technical documentation that will explain to the technical staff (not the user) on how to support and maintain your program. |

|You must include the following: |

|Screenshots and details on the code i.e. Programming Language and Integrated Development Environment (IDE) |

|Details on the data, variables and data types |

|The important control structures |

|Version number and date |

|Any external program requirements must also be documented e.g. files and the data format |

|Task No. |Summary of evidence required by student |Evidence presented? |

|1 |Onscreen help | |

|2 |Technical Documentation | |

|Sources of information |

| |

|Python For Beginners. 2018. Reading and Writing Files in Python. [ONLINE] Available at: |

|. [Accessed 05 February 2018]. |

|Documentation Guideline |

|You need to produce documentation for the entire tasks given in this assignment. The following should be included in preparing your documentation: |

|Cover Page |

|Table of Content |

|Introduction (a brief overview of the assignment) |

|Task 1 documentation |

|Task 2 documentation |

|Conclusion (a brief summary of the assignment) |

|List of References |

| |

|Before you submit your assignment, it is important to ensure that your assignment has followed the assignment presentation requirement. Below are the checklists|

|before submitting your assignment. |

|Font and paragraph design |

|Font : Arial |

|Font Size : 11 pt |

|Paragraph Alignment : Justified |

|Line Spacing : 1.5 |

|1st Heading : Arial, Bold, size 16 |

|2nd Heading : Arial, Bold, size 14 |

|3rd Heading : Arial, Bold, size 12 |

|Diagram |

|Diagram position : centre |

|Diagram label : |

|Position below diagram and at the centre |

|Diagram label must be precise and referenced |

|Example: Figure 1: Main Flowchart |

|Proper header and footer |

|Header |

|Subject Name must be at the centre top of the page |

|Footer |

|Page number must be at the centre bottom of the page |

|Student Name at the left bottom of page |

|College Name at right bottom side of page |

|Referencing guideline |

|Make sure to include the references for any information you gathered from other resources. |

|Follow the Harvard Referencing guideline. If you need Harvard style guides, go to this link: |

|All electronic media will be checked for plagiarism. |

|You must submit a paper copy and digital copy (on disk or similarly acceptable medium). Media containing viruses, or media that cannot be run directly, will |

|result in a fail grade being awarded for this assignment. |

|For digital copy submission: |

|Create a new folder and rename it as YourName_AS4_PP_L3DIT |

|Example: JepanyAbishaiGonzales_AS4_PP_L3DIT |

|Inside the folder save the documentation as YourName_ AS4_PP_L3DIT.docx |

|Example: JepanyAbishaiGonzales _AS4_PP_L3DIT.docx |

|Label the disk surface as the following: |

|[pic] |


Learner Name: Jayson Lalata Sagaoinit

Assessor Name: Jepany Abishai T. Gonzales

Date Submitted: 22 February 2018

Micronet International College

Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Information Technology

Unit 16: Procedural Programming

Assignment 4: Finishing Off


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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