Computer Science - Computer Science

Python VideosChapter 1Using Interactive Mode in IDLEPerforming Exercise 2Chapter 2Using the print functionReading input from the keyboardThe Sales Prediction ProblemChapter 3Defining and Calling a FunctionPassing Arguments to a FunctionThe Kilometer Converter ProblemChapter 4The if StatementThe if-else StatementThe Areas of Rectangles ProblemChapter 5The while LoopThe for LoopBug Collector ProblemChapter 6Writing a Value-Returning FunctionThe Feet To Inches ProblemChapter 7Using Loops to Process FilesFile DisplayChapter 8List SlicingLottery Number Generator ProblemChapter 9Vowels and Consonants ProblemChapter 10Introduction to DictionariesIntroduction to SetsThe Capital Quiz ProblemChapter 11Classes and ObjectsThe Pet Class ................

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