Recommended charter school requests


The State Charter School Board met on April 21, 2008 to approve recommendations to the State Board of Education regarding schools with requests for the 2009-2010 school year. The recommendation process included: (1) new schools providing a 15-minute presentation in February or March, (2) existing schools being available to answer questions in February or March, and (3) the State Charter School Board ranking the requests according to individual Board members’ opinion regarding whether or not the school making the request was ready to implement its plan.

Board members ranked schools from 1 – X if they felt the school was ready, or gave a score of 15 if they felt the school was not ready. Scores were then averaged and schools were placed in order of average scores. The Board then indicated which schools it recommended in the form of a motion.

The results are as follows:

|Existing Schools |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|Venture Academy |1 |5 |4 |3 |1 |2.80 |

|Syracuse Arts |5 |1 |1 |7 |3 |3.40 |

|Ogden Preparatory Academy |2 |2 |2 |5 |8 |3.80 |

|Entheos |3 |9 |5 |2 |2 |4.20 |

|CS Lewis Academy |7 |3 |7 |4 |4 |5.00 |

|Dual Immersion Academy |8 |7 |6 |1 |5 |5.40 |

|Soldier Hollow |6 |4 |8 |6 |7 |6.20 |

|Legacy Preparatory Academy |4 |8 |9 |9 |6 |7.20 |

|Utah Virtual Academy |9 |11 |3 |8 |9 |8.00 |

|Emerson Alcott Academy |10 |6 |15 |10 |11 |10.40 |

|Monticello Academy |11 |10 |10 |15 |10 |11.20 |

|Beehive Science |15 |15 |15 |15 |15 |15.00 |

|New Schools |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|American Preparatory Acad. |2 |1 |1 |2 |4 |2.00 |

|Vista at Entrada |3 |2 |3 |X |1 |2.25 |

|Open High School of Utah |1 |5 |2 |1 |5 |2.80 |

|Hawthorn Academy |4 |6 |5 |5 |3 |4.60 |

|The Early Light Academy |5 |8 |4 |4 |2 |4.60 |

|Excelsior Academy |7 |3 |7 |6 |6 |5.80 |

|Oquirrh Mountain Charter |6 |7 |6 |7 |15 |8.20 |

|Lyceum Academy |15 |4 |15 |8 |15 |11.40 |

|Wellness Learning Academy |15 |15 |8 |15 |15 |13.60 |

|Beehive Science |15 |15 |15 |15 |15 |15.00 |

Recommended charter school requests

American Preparatory Academy – School for the New Americans

As stipulated in Board Rule R277-470-19(A) “The State Charter School Board and the Board shall, in the recommendation and approval process, consider and give priority to charter school applications that target underserved student populations, among traditional public schools and operating charter schools. (1) Underserved student populations may include low income students, students with disabilities, English Language Learners (ELL), or students in remote areas of the state who have limited access to the full range of academic courses;”

American Preparatory Academy – School for the New Americans seeks to serve Utah’s refugee population.

C.S. Lewis Academy

C.S. Lewis Academy is a first year charter school in Santaquin, Utah. The State Charter School Board is impressed with the amount of positive feedback it receives from the community regarding the charter school and the smooth administrative operation during this year.

Dual Immersion Academy

Dual Immersion Academy is a first year charter school in Salt Lake City, Utah. The school seeks to serve an underserved population, English Language Learners (ELL), in a true immersion program. Parents of both English and Spanish speaking students are lining up for an opportunity to have their child attend this school. The State Charter School Board desires to see innovative charter school programs serving Utah’s underserved student population.

The Early Light Academy at Daybreak

This new charter school applicant seeks to deliver a high quality education with a deep, rich and engaging curriculum utilizing effective instructional techniques and emphasizing history, taking its students from the Stone Age to the Space Age, the Information Age and beyond. It is located in a high growth area and is working directly with community developers to meet the needs of its population. The State Charter School Board was impressed with the thoroughness of this application and its good working relationship with Jordan School District throughout the entire process.

Entheos Academy

Entheos Academy was the first expeditionary learning school in Utah. As students move through its program, parents desire to have the opportunity for them to continue in the 9th grade. The State Charter School Board desires to see charter school programs match the grade configuration of the district.

Excelsior Academy

As stipulated in Board Rule R277-470-19(A) “The State Charter School Board and the Board shall, in the recommendation and approval process, consider and give priority to charter school applications that target underserved student populations, among traditional public schools and operating charter schools. (2) Priority may also be given to charter school applicants for proposed schools that do not have other charter schools within the school district.

Excelsior Academy will be the first charter school in Tooele School District.

Hawthorn Academy

This new charter school applicant seeks to provide an exciting and enabling learning environment where students will develop a desire to explore and understand the world around them; be inspired and set and reach personal goals, and become lifelong seekers of knowledge. We will provide challenging academics utilizing a proven methodology that will foster students who are responsible citizens, intellectually capable, and competitive in every aspect of society. Students will develop self-respect and self-discipline in a safe and supportive environment. The State Charter School Board was impressed with school’s good working relationship with Jordan School District throughout the entire process.

Legacy Preparatory Academy

Legacy Preparatory Academy is in its second year of operation and has shown leadership in its community. The State Charter School Board desires to see quality charter school programs rewarded for the hard work it does in teaching students academics, social skills, and leadership qualities.

Ogden Preparatory Academy

As stipulated in Board Rule R277-470-19(A) “The State Charter School Board and the Board shall, in the recommendation and approval process, consider and give priority to charter school applications that target underserved student populations, among traditional public schools and operating charter schools. (1) Underserved student populations may include low income students, students with disabilities, English Language Learners (ELL), or students in remote areas of the state who have limited access to the full range of academic courses;”

Ogden Preparatory Academy serves a high ELL population.

Open High School of Utah

This new charter school applicant seeks to provide Utah students with an excellent education through an online, virtual environment that will help them achieve their full academic and social potential.

The core philosophy of the Open High School of Utah is that education is a universal human right and that the most effective education is hands-on, service-oriented, and available to anyone. Because of this philosophy, OHSU is committed to using open educational resources—educational materials that can be freely and legally copied, changed, and shared.

Open educational resources enable our educational mission by providing the greatest pedagogical flexibility possible to OHSU students, parents, and teachers. Open educational resources enable our service mission by providing the greatest number of opportunities to improve our communities and revolutionize schooling around the world.

The State Charter School Board supports OHSU’s commitment to revolutionizing schooling in Utah and around the world.

Oquirrh Mountain Charter School

This new charter school applicant seeks to offer an academically challenging and content-rich history-centered curriculum that incorporates the study of American citizenship and is based on the Core Knowledge Sequence.

Soldier Hollow Charter School

Soldier Hollow Charter School seeks to expand its successful program to serve more students. The State Charter School Board supports Soldier Hollow’s program.

Syracuse Arts Academy

Syracuse Arts Academy seeks to expand its successful arts focused program to the middle school grades. The State Charter School Board is impressed with this school’s arts program and the students academic success.

Utah Virtual Academy

Utah Virtual Academy will be Utah’s first virtual charter school opening in 2008. For the school serve the number of students who have applied to attend, it needs to expand its numbers. The State Charter School Board is supportive of virtual education and its role in the future of Utah’s public education system.

Venture Academy

Venture Academy seeks to add 9th grade to its program. The State Charter School Board desires to see charter school programs match the grade configuration of the district.

Vista at Entrada

This new charter school applicant seeks to create an academic enterprise that stands unique among all schools. The school is dedicated to providing all students with an individualized and unparalleled educational experience through involvement with the arts, language development, and the improved use of information and technology tools.

This will be the second elementary charter school in Washington County, the first is in Washington. The State Charter School Board supports the high level of competency in Vista’s governing board and its desire to locate in a community with no other charter schools - Ivins.

Not recommended charter school requests

Beehive Science & Technology Academy*

Beehive Science & Technology Academy desired to expand its existing program, as well as add a satellite school. Due to the school’s financial difficulty and current special education concerns, the State Charter School Board decided to not recommend either request. Currently the Director of charter schools is working with Beehive Science & Technology to strengthen its application and to work with the USOE to submit timely reports and accurate information.

Emerson Alcott Academy*

Emerson Alcott Academy desired to accelerate its growth model outlined in the original charter application. Due to the schools inability to secure land in time to meet the requirements of R277-470-7, and its current lack of signed facility agreement, the State Charter school Board decided to not recommend its request. The Board did, however, invite Emerson Alcott Academy to return in October, following an on-time opening of school and a demonstrated student demand for the requested expansion, to revisit the school’s request.

Lyceum Academy

The State Charter School Board felt this new charter school’s application did not adequately describe its curricular program in a manner that could be supported financially or educationally by the school. The Board has encouraged the school to revise and strengthen its application and apply for the 2010-2011 school year. Currently, the Director of charter schools is working with this applicant to set up a time to meet regarding the Board’s concerns.

Monticello Academy*

Monticello Academy desired to expand its existing program to include grades 10 – 12 and add 525 students to its overall population. Due to the schools lateness in reporting and current non-compliance with the UPIPS program, the State Charter School Board decided not to recommend its request. The Board did, however, invite Monticello Academy to return in October, following an on-time submission of the AFR, APR, and Fall enrollment upload, and an improved position in the UPIPS program, to revisit the school’s request.

Wellness Learning Academy

The State Charter School Board felt this new charter school’s application did not adequately describe its curricular program, and there were some concerns regarding the school’s special education section of its application. The Board has encouraged the school to revise and strengthen its application and apply for the 2010-2011 school year. Currently, the Director of charter schools is working with this applicant to set up a time to meet regarding the Board’s concerns.

Existing schools with requests which were not recommended by the State Charter School Board may appeal the decision to the State Board of Education. The appeal process requires:

• The State Charter School Board to notify the requesting school of the denial and its appeal rights (completed April 22, 2008)

• The school to submit a request, in writing, to the Superintendent within 14 calendar days of the decision

• The Superintendent to assemble a hearing committee and a hearing date, providing notice to all parties, including the State Charter School Board and its staff

• Hold a hearing within 45 days

• Panel must provide written findings and recommendation to the State Board of Education within 10 calendar days

NOTE: Schools designated with an asterisk* are eligible to appeal.


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