Murphy High School - SCHOOLinSITES

Pre-IB Geometry

Shannon Smith, Ph.D.


1. This course emphasizes the study of lines and angles, triangles, polygons, area and volume, and other skills necessary for the preparation for college.

2. All school rules will be upheld and strictly enforced – see student handbook.

3. Students are expected to bring required materials to class each day. These materials include the following: textbook, paper, pencil (only work done in pencil will be graded), worksheet printouts, and a calculator. A scientific calculator is needed; if you plan to continue further in mathematics a TI-83 or TI-84 will be needed. Calculators that use math type are NOT allowed! Remember, successful students are prepared to learn.

4. Please be prepared for class when it begins. Have pencils sharpened and materials ready to begin learning before instruction begins. DO NOT talk while the teacher is talking, and remain seated during class. Hall passes will be limited for a necessity or an emergency. Do not ask for a hall pass unnecessarily.

5. Grading will consist of the following:

Homework/Quizzes: 20%

Tests: 80%

A comprehensive quarter exam will be required at the end of each quarter and will count 20% of that quarter’s average. Your semester average or final grade will be calculated by averaging the two-quarter grades. Quizzes will primarily be given on a daily basis. This ensures the student stays up-to-date on homework and does not get too far behind. The four lowest quiz grades will be dropped. Homework will be collected at random. I will not announce when homework will be collected, you are expected to have it completed at the beginning of each class. Grading can be based on completion or accuracy.

6. No make-up work will be allowed if you have an unexcused absence, this includes suspension. If you have an excused absence, it is your responsibility to obtain the assignments missed from another student.

If you are present for each test on the assigned test day you will be allowed to replace your lowest quarter test grade with your comprehensive quarter exam grade; however, this is a privilege not a right. It is up to the teacher’s discretion if you will be allowed this privilege. If you are not present on assigned test days, your test grade will come from a cumulative test at the end of the quarter if the absence was excused.

7. There is no such thing as extra credit, so don’t ask!

8. There is a $3 math fee.

9. Mathematics is not a spectator sport! Please ask questions when you do not understand. There is almost no such thing as a stupid question.

10. Practice the Golden Rule: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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