Course Expectations


Course Expectations

Accounting II

Ms. Monroe – Room 304



Course Description:

This one year course will emphasize the development of higher-level skills, deeper insight, and a broader application of knowledge in the area of accounting. It is designed primarily for students with a determined career objective in the field of business and will provide further occupational preparation for careers in accounting and other accounting related business career: (1) beginning occupation preparation for careers in accounting, (2) accounting knowledge and skill for careers in related business fields, and (3) a foundation on which to continue studying business and accounting at the collegiate level. The prerequisite for this course is successful completion of Accounting I. This course fulfills one of the elective credits required for high school graduation.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Accounting I with a grade of “C” or better.

Course Goals/Outline:

1. To develop a broad knowledge of the entry level positions, educational requirements, employability skills and career opportunities in accounting.

2. To become familiar with generally accepted accounting principles and ascertain the source of these standards.

3. To learn accounting terminology and use it to interpret and analyze business information.

4. To understand computerized accounting practices and to use spreadsheet and/or accounting software to maintain accounting records.

5. To understand the principles of accounting procedures for a departmentalized merchandising business, corporation and partnership.

6. To explain the purpose of adjusting entries and to analyze the trial balance to determine the necessary adjustments to prepare financial statements.

7. To prepare each financial statement and describe how each articulates.

8. To communicate an understanding of the closing process and how to journalize post-closing entries.

9. To acquire knowledge of banking procedures and automated banking operations.

10. To create and maintain the accounts receivable and accounts payable subsidiary ledgers.

11. To analyze the acquisition, depreciation, and disposal of plant assets, and their impact on financial statements.

12. To understand the accounting concepts and practices for accrued and deferred items.

13. To acquire knowledge of current and long-term liabilities and explain their impact on financial statements.

14. To analyze a trial balance and identify and contingent liabilities.

15. To explain the purpose of all equity accounts for a corporation and the accounting procedures for contributed capital.

16. To demonstrate management accounting procedures and to analyze the income statement and balance sheet of a business using vertical and horizontal analysis.

17. To develop desirable work habits emphasizing employee loyalty, responsibility, and ethics.

Major Text:

A. Individually Assigned Text - Each student will receive a copy of Century 21 Accounting Advanced, 8E by Southwestern and Working Papers.

B. Student will be responsible for the care of this textbook for the entire school year. All textbooks must have a book cover on at all times. If the book is lost, damaged or stolen, the student will have to replace the book at the current replacement cost. The student will not be issued another textbook until the lost book has been paid for.

Course Requirements & Achievement Grading Procedures:

Classwork and Assignments

Students will always be given time during class to begin assignments. If students do not complete their assignments during the allotted time in class, they must finish their assignment at home according to the due date set by the teacher. Homework will be assigned on an as needed basis to reinforce and/or supplement material being covered in class. Homework will include practice worksheets and studying for tests. Students will participate in group discussions.

Achievement Grading Criteria

The quarter grade will be weighted accordingly:

Quarter Grade given every 9 weeks.

Semester Grade at end of 18 weeks.

Classwork Assignments 25%

Homework Assignments 25%

Participation 10%

Quizzes/Tests 40%

Semester Grade = 45% 1st and 2nd quarter

45% 3nd and 4th quarter

10% final exam

Required Materials

Calculator, blue or black pen, #2 lead pencils, binder with loose leaf paper and notebook for worksheets.

Makeup Work Policy

Students are responsible for picking up makeup work before class. The makeup work will be located in a folder marked Accounting II. Three days for each missed day will be provided to complete makeup work or missed work will affect your grade. Due dates will be established when students collect their assignments.

Late Work Policy

Students may turn in homework, class work and any other assignments late, but only 50% of the grade can be achieved on the assignment. All late work for each unit must be turned in prior to the unit tests and two weeks before the end of each quarter.

Extra Credit Policy

Extra credit work will only be given if all assigned work is completed.

Behavioral Expectations & Citizenship Grading Procedures:

A. Classroom Behavior Guidelines

1. Be Respectful to yourself, your peers, your teacher, and classroom materials. Always respect school property.

2. Be On Time - No Tardies. Student will be sent to the Dean’s office to obtain a tardy pass.

3. Corridor Pass – If needed, student will be given a corridor pass to go to restroom, nurse, counselor, dean’s office, etc. upon teacher discretion.

4. Computer Lab Contract – All students will sign a “Network Access Form” to allow them to use school computer.

5. Academic Fraud/Cheating- Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating, you will be written up and sent to the dean’s office for further discipline.

6. Be Prepared - bring all required materials to class.

7. Be on Task

8. Be Free of Food, Drinks, Gum and Candy

Progressive Discipline

Control of dangerous and or antisocial behavior as described in student handbook (CCSD R-5141.1) will result in immediate contact of school administration including all forms of bullying and will result in immediate removal from classroom.

The procedure for minor classroom disturbances in the classroom will be as follows.

1. Verbal warning

2. Phone call home

3. Temporarily removed from computer and or seating position

4. Discipline office referral or counselor referral based upon infraction. As a general rule, a parent conference resulting in a plan for student improvement will precede a student being removed from class for discipline reasons.

Citizenship Grading Policy

Class participation is mandatory. A citizenship grade of O, S, N, or U will be given quarterly. This grade is based on responsibility, attitude, and behavior.





Please sign and return this portion to Ms. Monroe

I have read and understand the course expectations for Accounting II and understand that I must take responsibility for my academic advancement, as well as my classroom behavior.

_______________________ ________________

Student Signature Date

I have read and discussed with my son/daughter the course expectations for Accounting II.

________________________ ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Parent’s Home phone:_________________________

Parent’s Work phone:_________________________

Best time to call:______________________________

Parent’s E-Mail address:_______________________

Parents: Please feel free to add any comments.


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