114300000QUARTERLY(1-on-1) ReviewEmployee Name:Job Title:Supervisor:Review DateNext Review Date:(PLEASE SUBMIT COMPLETED COPY TO HR)EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK Employees briefly answer the following questions.WHAT’S WORKING? (What are you most excited about right now? In what ways have you worked on the goals from our last conversation?)WHAT’S NOT WORKING? (What’s most challenging or bothering you? What ideas do you have for improving our team or ministry area?)WHAT’S CONFUSING? (What changes, in areas outside of your control, could be made to improve your job? How could I support or lead you better?)WHAT’S MISSING? (What do you wish you could spend more time doing? What resources do you need to do your job/ ministry better?)3-6 MONTH SMART GOALS (agreed upon by employee and supervisor)GOAL #1:By date: ___/___/___ Measured by:How this goal aligns with our vision/mission/strategy:Resources needed:GOAL #2:By date: ___/___/___ Measured by:How this goal aligns with our vision/mission/strategy:Resources needed:GOAL #3:By date: ___/___/___ Measured by:How this goal aligns with our vision/mission/strategy:Resources needed:SELF EVALUATION Employees, before your quarterly meeting, take 10 minutes to walk through this discovery tool. We believe a great teammate brings great character, team chemistry, high capacity, and a clear calling to FFC. Take a moment to honestly evaluate yourself! Rank yourself 1 – 10 on each question – then fill in your average score. At the end, total your score and let’s have a conversation at your quarterly review.Score: 1: Rarely/Never, 5: Sometimes, 10: AlwaysCharacter: (Score each question 1-10)Score 1-10Do you consistently demonstrate a life that is above reproach both in and outside of the workplace?Do you consistently manage your time, budget, and resources well?Do you deal with disappointment and conflict in a healthy way?Do you look to build others up when you talk to them and when you talk about people?Do you consistently follow through on your commitments?Average Score:Chemistry: (Score each question 1-10)Score 1-10Do you find yourself going the extra mile to build up others on the team?Do you go out of your way to see people and make a positive impact in their day?Do you make an effort to participate and engage in team meetings?Do you do the small things right: Come prepared to meetings, turn in receipts, help others do their job better?Do you make this workplace a better place to work?Average Score:Capacity: (Score each question 1-10)Score 1-10Do you consistently set and accomplish your goals?Do you see growth in your ministry area?Do you find yourself consistently learning how to grow in your field of ministry?Do you have people that you are consistently pouring into that can do the job that you do?Average Score:Calling: (Score each question 1-10)Score 1-10Do you love the role that you are in?Do you sense a clear calling to this role and to this church?Do you find yourself wanting to grow in your capacity in the role that you are in?Do you find yourself consistently going the extra mile in your role?Average Score:COMMENTS_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________SUPERVISOR FEEDBACK Supervisors briefly answer the following questions.What is the employee doing well? (list examples)Where and how can the employee improve? (items here can be added to Goals section) ................

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