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Watsons Comprehension QuestionsFor Chapters 9-15 – you are only responsible for answering the questions that are highlighted.The extra ones are just for you to consider and answer on your own to strengthen your understanding, but they will not be part of your grade.Chapter 1And You Wonder Why We Get Called The Weird Watson’sWhy was the weather causing a problem for the Watsons?Who is the narrator of this story?How does Dad try to take the family’s mind off the cold? Does the plan work? Why or why not?Who is Moses Henderson? What does Dad tell the kids about him?Why do Dad and Momma disagree about Birmingham?What are “coloreds only” bathrooms?How does Aunt Cydney help the family?What kind of relationship do Byron and Kenny have? How do you know?What happened to Kenny during How to Survive a Blizzard Part One?Why does Byron need Kenny’s help?According to Dad, how did Byron’s lips get stuck to the car mirror?Why does the first attempt to help Byron fail?Why do you think Momma sends Dad and Joey inside?What do you think about the way Momma gets Byron’s lips off the mirror?Why does Kenny make-up the character called “Lipless Wonder”?Chapter 2Give my Regards to Clark, PoindexterWhy is Larry Dunn king of kindergarten to fourth grade? Why do you think Byron is the school’s god?Why do you think Kenny’s teachers treat him differently than other students?How does Byron act when Kenny comes to Mr. Alums’ classroom to read? Why?Why does Mr. Alums want Kenny to read for his students?Why does Kenny think Byron is proud of him?Why do people tease Kenny about his eye? How does Byron help Kenny?Why is Kenny nervous about Byron going to junior high school?Why do you think the bus driver stops the two boys?Why might Kenny think the older boy is his “personal saver”?Chapter 3The World’s Greatest Dinosaur War EverWhy do you think Mr. Cordell has Rufus sit by Kenny?Do you think Rufus really forgets to bring his lunch? Why or why not?Why do you think Kenny is so surprised that Rufus and Cody have a real shot gun?Although, Kenny thinks Rufus will be his “personal saver”, what happens?What kind of playmate is L.J. Jones?How does L.J. trick Kenny?Why do other kids make fun of Rufus?Why does Rufus stop hanging with Kenny?How do Kenny and Rufus become friends again?Chapter 4Froze-up Southern FolksHow does Momma react to cold weather?How does Joey feel about wearing so many clothes?What does Joey mean when she says she’s “the laughing sock” of kindergarten?How does Byron explain why Momma makes Joey and Kenny wear so many clothes?Why does Byron make Joey and Kenny practice acting surprised?Chapter 4 (con’t)Why do you think Kenny shares his gloves with Rufus?How does Rufus figure out that Larry Dunn stole Kenny’s gloves?How does Byron get Kenny’s gloves back from Larry?Why does Kenny think Byron is just being mean?Why doesn’t Larry fight back against Byron?Why does Kenny wish he hadn’t told Byron that Larry stole his gloves?Chapter 5Nazi Parachutes Attack America and Get Shot Down over the Flint River by Captain Byron Watson and His Flamethrower of DeathWhy is Momma so upset about Byron playing with matches?What do you think about Momma’s plan if Byron plays with matches again?Why do you think Byron plays with matches?Why does Kenny feel sorry for Byron?Should Kenny and Joetta have gone for the matches? Why or why not?Why do you think Joey is more upset than Kenny about what Momma plans to do to Byron?Why does Joetta finally tell Momma to “Go ahead, burn him up”?Why do you think Byron finally tries to run away from Momma?How does Joetta keep Momma from burning Byron?Chapter 6Swedish Crèmes and Welfare CheeseHow does Momma react when the kids ask why they must do something? Why is Byron upset about the arrangements Dad has made with Mr. Mitchell?Why do you think Byron would be embarrassed on welfare?Why does Byron hide behind the comics?Why do you think Byron is happy once he understands the arrangements with Mr. Mitchell?How does Byron know that the family has eaten welfare food in the past?How does Byron get Swedish crème cookies?Why does Kenny realize he can’t tell Byron for buying cookies on the family credit?How does Byron react when the mourning dove dies? Why?Why do you think Kenny has trouble understanding Byron?Chapter 7Every Chihuahua in America Lines up to Take a Bite out of ByronWhy do you think Momma is so upset about Byron’s hair?Why do you think Byron gets a “conk”?Do you think it is okay for Byron to cut his hair any way he wants? Why or why not?How do Kenny and Joey react to Byron’s hair?Do you think Kenny should tease his brother like he does? Why or why not?How does Dad react when he first sees Byron’s hair?Do you think Dad is right to shave off Byron’s hair? Why or why not? What else could Dad have done instead?Why do you think Momma and Dad call Grandma Sands?Chapter 8The Ultra-GlideWhat kinds of things does Dad buy for the Brown Bomber? Why do you think he’s buying all these things?How does Dad act about the things he’s buying for the car? Why do you think he acts this way?Why do you think Kenny likes to watch Dad brush his teeth and shave?Why does Momma go inside when she sees the Ultra-Glide?Chapter 8 (con’t)Why do you think Dad bought the Ultra-Glide? Do you think Dad bought the record player for himself or for the family? Why?How does Dad play with Joey and Kenny as he talks about the record player?Why do you think Momma comes back outside?Why is “Under the Boardwalk” the first song Dad plays on the record player?What does Momma tell the kids? Why do you think Dad says that telling the kids “can wait”?Why are Momma and Dad taking Byron to Grandma Sands?Why is Kenny surprised that his parents are sending Byron to Grandma Sands?Chapter 9 The Watson’s go to Birmingham – 1963Why does Kenny ask Dad if Byron really must go to Birmingham?How does Dad explain to Kenny why Byron should live with Grandma Sands? Do you agree with Dad’s ideas? Why or why not?How does Kenny feel about being talked to like a grown-up? Why do you think Dad talks to him this way?Why is Kenny worried about being a grown-up and a parent?According to Dad, how does someone learn to be a grown-up and a parent?How does Joetta feel about Mrs. Davidson’s gift? Is she right to feel this way? Why or why not?Why do you think Byron does nothing to get ready for the trip?Why do Momma and Dad make Byron sleep in their room?How has Momma planned for the trip?Why do you think Momma makes such detailed plans? What does her planning tell you about her character?Why does Byron give up his plan not to talk during the trip?Chapter 10Tangled up in God’s BeardWhat does Kenny first think about the rest stop in Ohio? Why does he change his mind?Do you think Byron looks forward to living with Grandma Sands? Why or why not?What does Kenny think about as he takes Joey’s shoes?Why do you think Dad plans to drive straight through to Alabama? Why doesn’t he tell Momma about his plan? Why are Kenny and Joey frightened at the rest stop in Tennessee?Why does Byron say he’s worried about the people in Appalachia?Why is everyone happier when they leave the rest stop and get back on the highway?Why do you think Kenny says this is the best part of the trip?Chapter 11Bozo Brazil Meets the SheikWhy does Kenny say Dad looks “real, real bad”?Why do you think Dad is listening to country music?According to Dad, how has he managed to drive straight to Birmingham?Why is Kenny surprised when he sees Birmingham?Why do you think Momma, Grandma Sands, and Joey cry? Why don’t Dad and the boys cry? Did the author gender stereotype?Why is Kenny so careful when he hugs Grandma Sands?Does the meeting between Grandma Sands and Byron go as Kenny expects it to? Why or why not?How does Grandma Sands react when Byron answers “huh?” to her? Why does she react this way?Why is Kenny disappointed in Grandma Sands and Byron’s meeting?Chapter 12That Dog Won’t Hunt No MoreHow does Mr. Robert feel about Toddy?How do Kenny and Byron react to Mr. Robert’s story about the coon and Toddy?Why do you think Momma says Birmingham is nothing like she remembers?Why does Kenny think he has interrupted something important between Grandma Sands and Momma?What kinds of things do Momma and Grandma Sands talk about? Why do they talk about these things?Why does Momma ask Grandma Sands about Mr. Robert?How does Grandma Sands stop Momma’s questioning? What does Kenny think of this?Why do you think Byron enjoys being with Dad and Mr. Robert? Is this how you would expect Byron to act? Why or why not?Chapter 13I meet Winnie’s Evil Twin Brother, the Wool PoohWhy do you think Kenny is so determined to go to Collier’s Landing?Why do you think Byron chooses this time to be “dull and square”?Why doesn’t Byron just tell Kenny and Joey the truth instead of making up the Wool Pooh?Do you agree with Kenny that one good thing about getting into trouble is that you do it in steps? Why or why not?How does Kenny get in trouble in steps?When does Kenny get really scared for the first time?How does Kenny describe the Wool Pooh? What is the Wool Pooh?Why do you think Kenny sees Joey when he is drowning?Why is Byron able to save Kenny?Why does Byron cry after he saves Kenny? What does this tell you about Byron’s character?Chapter 14Every Bird and Bug in Birmingham Stops and WondersHow does his near drowning affect Kenny?How do Kenny and his family react to the news of the church bombing? Explain.Why do you think no one stopped Kenny from going into the church?What does Kenny see and do in the church?What does Kenny think has happened to Joey?Why is Joey scared by Kenny?What does Joey say happened at the church?What do you think really happened to Joey at the church? Why?Why does Joey bring Grandma Sands to Kenny’s room? How does Grandma Sands react?Chapter 15The World-Famous Watson Pet HospitalWhy do you think Momma and Dad are worried about their kids?Why do you think Kenny begins hiding behind the couch?Why does Byron spend more and more time on the couch?Why do you think Kenny begins to cry in the bathroom?Do you think Kenny has anything to be ashamed of? Why or why not?What things does Byron say to Kenny about what happened in Birmingham and being ashamed? Do you agree with what Byron says? Why or why not?Why do you think Kenny still believes in magic powers, genies and angels?At the end of the story, it seems clear that Momma and Dad did not leave Byron in Birmingham with Grandma Sands. Why do you think they change their minds and bring him back to Flint? ................

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