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Because of Mr. TeruptMARCH1. What psychological issues is Jeffrey dealing with? Jeffrey is dealing with many psychological issues. His parents don’t talk to him at home. He was only born to hopefully save his brother Michael (who had down Syndrome and leukemia), but it was too late. Michael was in a coma and eventually died.2. Danielle describes Grandma as “a piece of iron” because she is stubborn. What are some of the topics to which she is “unbendable”? Grandma is “unbendable” because she still disagrees with Anna’s mom’s situation of having a kid at 16, as well as the way Mr. Terupt handled discipline in the classroom.3. What did Danielle, Jessica, and Anna take with them to visit Mr. Terupt? Why were each of these things important to them?Danielle: A sketch of Mr. Terupt (p. 160)Jessica: A book, Al Capone Does My Shirts (important because it has a happy ending and Mr. Terupt likes happy endings)Anna: A plant (important because Mr. Terupt did the plant experiment with them- shows life)4. For Danielle, snow will always trigger a memory of Mr. Terupt getting hit with the snowball. Think of a memory, good or bad, that you have and what triggers this memory for you.OPINION5. Why is Alexia visiting Mr. Terupt? What does she need to tell him?Alexia visits Mr. Terupt because she tells him that she has been better, and not mean. Although she has changed her ways, she still needs him to come back, as well as all the other students in the class.6. How did Mr. Terupt bring the girls together even while in a coma?All the girls were there for a common reason, they all want Mr. Terupt to get better. Alexia said she was sorry, and they all hugged it out.7. Anna’s mom tells her, “Everyone has a story.” What does this mean?“Everyone has a story” means no one is perfect and everyone has something wrong in their life that they can complain/talk about.8. Why does Anna feel like the snowball incident was her fault?Anna feels like the snowball incident was her fault because she helped to push Peter over the edge.9. How does Mr. Terupt bring Anna and her mom together?Anna asks her mom if she ever blamed Anna for being ostracized back in the day. Anna’s mom said, “Never” and that she would do it all over again if she had to. 10. What is wrong with Mr. Terupt? Where is his family?Mr. Terupt used to wrestle in high school and college and sustained numerous concussions. These concussions made his brain weak in certain areas, one of which the snowball hit. The snowball hit and caused a crack, and blood is collecting in his brain. He needs to have surgery to drain some of the blood. We can assume he has no family since he has no one listed for emergency contacts.Because of Mr. TeruptAPRIL1. Why doesn’t Luke want to talk to Peter to ease his pain? Although Luke wants to tell Peter about Mr. Terupt’s prior concussions (and how if anyone else was hit, they would not be experiencing this tragedy), he doesn’t because no one is talking to him AND Luke doesn’t want to find out why he threw that snowball. (p. 189)2. Why does Danielle drink her ice tea unsweetened? What does this tell us about her? Danielle drinks her ice team unsweetened because she wants to be tough like her grandma (her grandma drinks her coffee black). This tells us that Danielle looks up to her grandmother.3. How did Grandma’s prayer take Danielle by surprise?Grandma’s prayer takes Danielle by surprise because she actually prayed for Mr. Terupt to get better. She finally mentioned how special of a teacher he was and his students really needed him.4. What new causes Anna to go weak?The news that causes Anna to go weak was Danielle telling Anna how her family does not approve of her mother. (p. 193)5. Why is the Collaborative classroom having a surprise party?The Collaborative classroom is having a surprise party for James because he is doing so well now, he will be moving back to a classroom in his home town. 6. Why was Jeffrey so upset about James leaving?Jeffrey is so upset about James leaving because everybody he ends up liking, he ends up losing. (p. 198)7. How did James get the students talking about forgiveness and blame?James walked over to Peter and gave him a hug, then said, “Peter, not your fault. Not your fault.” “Not your fault! Accident! Accident!” James telling Peter this got everyone hugging, crying, and talking about forgiveness and blame. (p. 200)8. How did Charlie’s truck get the dent in it?Charlie had been meant to Anna’s mom in high school. One day she kicked the side of his truck, causing the dent. 9. What caused Danielle to be blind? How? What is Charlie’s advice for Danielle?Danielle’s selfishness caused her to go blind. She had only thought about how she felt, but James and Luke made her open her eyes. Charlie’s advice for Danielle not try and change the family’s opinions of Anna’s mom (no need to start a family war), they will cross that bridge when they get to it. He also said to continue praying for your teacher. (p. 207-209)10. Why is Jeffrey’s silence at home absolute? How do you think he is feeling inside? How does Mr. Terupt help Jeffrey?Although he had told his mom it isn’t her fault, she is still quiet and doesn’t speak. His dad told him he is probably the only one who can save her. I’m sure Jeffrey feels horrible inside, wishing she would get out of bed and begin to live again. Mr. Terupt helped Jeffrey by teaching him to try. Because of Mr. TeruptMAY and JUNE1. Why did Danielle and her mother leave Grandma at home during the surgery? Danielle and her mother leave Grandma home during the surgery because they didn’t know how she would handle being in the company of Terri and Anna. (p. 219)2. How did Jeffrey surprise everyone in the waiting room? Jeffrey surprised everyone in the waiting room by bringing the microphone from the class meetings. (p. 219)3. What does Peter share during the waiting room “class meeting”? How is he feeling?During the waiting room “class meeting” Peter told the class that no matter what anyone says, it is all his fault, and it will always be. He also said he was sorry and it is because of him that they are all there. (p. 226)4. How does Anna help the group waiting during the surgery?Anna finally broke the silence of the waiting room.5. Why does Danielle think Anna is smart?Danielle thinks that Anna is smart because by asking to pray with Danielle and her mom, it shows that she wants their families to get along. (p. 235)6. Why do Jeffrey’s words to Jessica surprise her? How do they help her?Jeffrey tells Jessica that what happened to Terupt was not her fault, and she needs to stop thinking it was.7. Why does Jessica’s mom think it is Mr. Terupt’s fault he got hit with a snowball? Do you agree? Why or why not?Jessica’s mom thinks it is Mr. Terupt’s fault because he tried to give the kids too much responsibility, and they are too young to handle it. Part 2: OPINION8. What was the last day of school like compared with other last days of school?Most last days of school are filled with music, movies, games, singing, laughing, and smiles, but their last day was filled with tears. (p. 245)9. When Mr. Terupt went to Peter, what did he show the class?Mr.Terupt showed the class how to forgive. (p. 253)10. What is the new and exciting announcement Mrs. Williams tells the class? Why does Mrs. Williams say that Mr. Terupt’s classroom has magic?Mrs. Williams tells the class they will be looping next year, meaning Mr. Terupt will be their teacher in 6th grade. There is magic in their classroom because there is a special bond between Mr. Terupt and his students. ................

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