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Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


1. KIDS process and selection of KIDS Instrument: After hearing from national experts and administrators in other states, and engaging in much research and discussion, the Kindergarten Readiness Stakeholder Committee-- comprised of school administrators, teachers, university faculty, researchers, and education advocates representing all parts of the state-- recommended the Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) process. For more information, refer to and .

2. Why does the instrument say Desired Results Developmental Profile? During the selection process by the state, the assessment instrument chosen was the Desired Results Developmental Profile-School Readiness?. The Illinois State Board of Education is working with WestEd to customize the DRDP-SR? to meet the needs of children in Illinois. In 2015, the final KIDS instrument will be available. For more information on the selection process, refer to and .

3. What has been the groundwork for KIDS? Since 2012, pilot teachers have been implementing KIDS. Teacher feedback has been utilized to customize the KIDS process. The Field Research Study groups worked closely with the WestEd research team and ISBE in providing valuable feedback to support the development of the final KIDS instrument and process. Several adjustments have been made to improve the process based on teacher feedback.

4. What is the purpose of KIDS? KIDS is a new kind of assessment process in Illinois aimed at enhancing our understanding of children's abilities and learning during their first year of school. The data from KIDS will promote the success of every child, guide professional development for teachers, support alignment of early childhood and elementary school systems, document the importance of birth-to-five programs in preparing children for elementary school, and enable the state to respond to district, school, teacher, and student needs over time.

5. Is KIDS a paper/pencil assessment or is it given electronically? KIDS is a developmentally appropriate observation-based assessment in which evidence is collected over time for each student. The teacher then reviews and reflects on the evidence and enters a level of mastery into KIDStech?. KIDStech is available to allow for completion of the assessment electronically.

6. Can previous ratings be seen as the second and third assessments are completed? No, each time the teacher completes KIDS they should be looking at it with "fresh eyes." Research shows that teachers are most objective when they look at the evidence and documentation, then rate the measure. When referring to previous ratings, teachers may rate the child higher or lower than their true developmental level because of their expectations of growth since the last rating. However, teachers can always review the reports from KIDStech to see the child's progress and past ratings.

Copyright ?2016 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) with the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies,

Illinois KIDS Project.


(Rev. 9/16)

Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

7. How do you rate a student who is between developmental levels, as evidenced by observations and work samples? Ratings should indicate the developmental level that the student has mastered at the time of the assessment, based on the student's behavior; mastery is shown when a child demonstrates their ability easily and confidently, consistently over time, and in different settings. If your observations indicate that the child has demonstrated mastery for a developmental level and is also beginning to demonstrate knowledge, skills, or behaviors described for the next level (although not yet consistently across situations or settings), the child may be emerging to the next level: ? First, mark the developmental level the child has mastered. ? Next, mark "emerging" if the child also demonstrates behaviors described for the next developmental level.

8. Is the child's classroom teacher the only one that can collect evidence? The classroom teacher who has been trained on KIDS will make the final decision for rating and will enter the data. Teaching assistants, content level coaches, volunteers, and others (e.g., reading specialists, social workers, special education teachers, speech/language specialists, ELL teachers, physical therapists, PE instructors, or music and art directors) can provide evidence to the teacher to be used in determining the rating.

9. What happens if a kindergarten teacher is on medical leave? If a teacher is taking a planned medical leave the teacher should attempt to complete the applicable rating periods. If possible, it is encouraged that the substitute teacher attends a local KIDS training to avoid the interruption of data collection. The substitute teacher's district email address will be linked to the classroom teacher's roster and they will be granted access to KIDStech. In the event of a non-planned or long term leaves of absence, every attempt should be made to gain knowledge about KIDS to continue the implementation. Please contact ISBE or WestEd with further questions regarding leaves of absence.

10. Is it assumed that this instrument is used in a play-based kindergarten, as opposed to academic kindergarten? This assessment instrument is for kindergarten students, regardless of the curriculum that is being used or how the classroom is set up and structured. All kindergarten students have a goal of being successful to meet the new Illinois Learning Standards. The Standards define what all students are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach. For instance, the use of play with young children is not specified by the standards, but it is welcome as a developmentally appropriate activity in its own right and as a way to help students meet the expectations.

11. What is the average amount of time it takes for a teacher to complete the assessment? This depends on the teacher and how well they know the KIDS instrument, the strategies they use to collaborate with others to collect evidence, their organizational methods, and their reflective practices. As teachers become more familiar with the assessment and observe more individual students, their proficiency will increase. Teachers reported that the tool was user friendly and expressed that the assessment became easier to complete with the second and third ratings.

Copyright ?2016 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) with the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies,

Illinois KIDS Project.


(Rev. 9/16)

Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

12. How long does it take a teacher to enter the ratings in KIDStech? If the teacher has reviewed, reflected upon, and rated the measures beforehand, once they get to KIDStech it is just a matter of entering the data. Teachers may enter all ratings per child or may enter ratings per measure for the whole class. The window for entering ratings is one week prior, and one week proceeding, the 40th, 105th, 170th days of attendance. Ratings do not need to be entered all at one time; they will be saved in KIDStech.

13. Will there be a statewide report card that reflects the New Illinois Learning Standards? No, although the New Illinois Learning Standards have been adopted in Illinois, the decision regarding report cards is a local decision and must be made at the district level.

14. When will all Kindergarten students be assessed using the KIDS instrument? According to the Illinois Administrative Code 1.420, the 2017-2018 school year is the target date for all kindergarten students in Illinois to be assessed using the KIDS instrument.

15. Will there be consequences for districts that do not implement KIDS after the mandate? There are a range of potential consequences for school districts found to be out of compliance with ISBE regulations, which could include technical assistance or impact public school recognition and funding. Specific consequences for non-compliance would be determined based on the compliance issue and circumstances.

16. How often is the evidence collected? KIDS is an observational formative assessment. Children are observed and evidence can be collected daily throughout each rating period. This evidence is then used to complete the assessment for that period. The assessment is completed three times per school year. For example: ? 1st rating is due within 40 days of attendance; the evidence used is from attendance days 1-40 ? 2nd rating is due within 105 days of attendance; the evidence used is from attendance days 41-105 ? 3rd rating is due within 170 days of attendance; the evidence used is from attendance days 106-170

17. How many pieces of evidence are needed for each measure? There is no magic number regarding the number of pieces of evidence. Teachers need enough evidence to support mastery at the described developmental level. A good piece of evidence addresses multiple measures and domains. Evidence may address multiple children and other staff members and parents may contribute various forms of evidence as well.


18. Is KIDS aligned with the New Illinois Learning Standards? The New Illinois Learning Standards for ELA and MATH have been aligned to the language and literacy development and math domains from the KIDS instrument. In addition, a research study was conducted to ensure that the alignment reflects the priorities for Illinois children. The Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Standards will continue to be used and are aligned to the self and social development and self-regulation domains.

Copyright ?2016 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) with the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies,

Illinois KIDS Project.


(Rev. 9/16)

Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

19. Will patterning be eliminated from KIDS since it is not in the New Illinois Learning Standards? Patterning is the foundation for algebraic thinking, sequencing, counting, ordering, and so much more. Although it is not a standard, it is part of the Standards of Mathematical Practice and it is good practice to attend to patterning if we want students to meet that standard in the third grade. It will not be eliminated from KIDS.

20. Are ATL?REG and SED aligned to the New Illinois Learning Standards? The Illinois Social and Emotional Learning Standards parallel the ATL?REG and SED domains. According to the CCSS Key Design Considerations, "While the ELA and content area literacy components described herein are critical to college and career readiness, they do not define the whole of such readiness. Students require a wide-ranging, rigorous academic preparation and, particularly in the early grades, attention to such matters as social, emotional, and physical development and approaches to learning." (ELALiteracy/introduction/key-design-consideration)

21. Is KIDS implemented differently in a half-day program versus a full-day program? The KIDS assessment must be completed for all students during the specified assessment period, regardless of the type of program.

22. What is the purpose of the ELD measures? The four measures in the ELD domain are completed for students who speak another language or for whom a language other than English is spoken in the home, as indicated on the Home Language Survey. It is important for teachers to have this additional information to support English-language development in the classroom.

23. Some students come speaking their native language, but are put into regular English classrooms. How are they assessed? Use all of the child's responses, regardless of the language the child speaks. Ask for assistance when necessary or available to translate the child's language. Use all responses from the child including work samples, gestures, and interactions with others as well as language. Students may master levels in English, their home language, or both. The ELD measures are used with students who are learning to speak English (ELL) to assess English-language development. Consider only responses to or communication in English when rating ELD measures.

24. Will this assessment be used or modified for students with IEPs? KIDS is for all children. KIDS is based on observations of the student in typical everyday activities with familiar people. Any adaptations noted on the student's IEP should be used. Adaptations are changes present throughout the student's day and are available for all routines and activities, not introduced solely for the purpose of the assessment. For example, a student who wears glasses, or uses an alternative communication system, should have those items available at all times.

25. What should be done if a student enters my class midway through an assessment period? Every effort should be made to collect evidence on a new student whenever they enter a classroom. Assessments need to be completed per the timelines stated. However, if a student enters too close to the end of a rating period, teachers may use "unable to rate" only for the measures that they do not have enough evidence for.

Copyright ?2016 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) with the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies,

Illinois KIDS Project.


(Rev. 9/16)

Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

26. What should we do if we do not cover an academic measure in the first 40 days? Concepts and skills do not need to be formally taught for the students to demonstrate what they know and can do. As a teacher becomes familiar with the descriptors for the measures they will see where opportunities exist to observe a child's abilities. Even if an academic measure is not covered in your curriculum all measures should be assessed during each rating period. Look at the descriptors in the Building

27. If a child remains at the same developmental level or is at Integrating Later, do I still need to continue to collect evidence and rate them for the next data entry period? Yes, evidence should be collected for every student for every measure during each of the assessment periods. Research states that children's abilities can change throughout the year. It is important to review the descriptors to determine if the student has met all the requirements for the competency level.


28. What trainings are provided? Who should attend? All kindergarten classroom teachers need to attend the KIDS Two-Day Implementation Training. Administrators and other staff members who will support the classroom teacher may attend the training. There are also KIDS Half-Day Administrator Training Sessions offered for administrators. There are Webinars offered for staff members who will support the teachers in the collection of evidence. All training information and registration can be found on .

29. Is there a cost for training? Training sessions are provided at no cost.


30. Is the KIDS assessment the only assessment for kindergarten or will there be a PARCC assessment for kindergarten too? At this time, the KIDS assessment is the only ISBE required assessment for kindergarten.

31. Are results from DIBELS, AimsWeb, or MAP for the reading and math assessment applicable as evidence for KIDS? Assessments that are currently being completed may also be used as part of the evidence for rating measures for the KIDS assessment; however, more than one piece of evidence is required to complete each measure. The rating is for mastery, which means behaviors that are done easily and confidently, consistently over time, and in different settings.

32. Is the expectation that the KIDS assessment be done in addition to the other assessments, such as the DIBELS, DIBELS Next, AIMSweb, and mCLASS? Is completion of all of these assessments a requirement? Local districts can look at all of the assessments currently being used and consider which compliment, and which could even possibly be replaced, with KIDS. The KIDS assessment is

Copyright ?2016 Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) with the WestEd Center for Child & Family Studies,

Illinois KIDS Project.


(Rev. 9/16)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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