Small Group Questions

The HIStory of Redemption

Small Group Study Guide “The Battle Belongs to the LORD”

Week 14 1 Samuel 17

Opening Question:

Share a time when you were so concerned for God’s name (reputation) that you had to do something. What did you do?

Review the Message:

What were some of the key points that you took away from Sunday’s message?

Study Questions:

1. Read 1 Samuel 17:1-11

a. What was Goliath like physically?

b. What was Goliath like emotionally or spiritually?

c. What does it mean that Goliath was a champion?

d. How did King Saul and the other Israelites soldiers respond to Goliath’s challenge? Who should have faced Goliath? Why didn’t he?

2. Read 1 Samuel 17:12-40

a. What do we learn about David in these verses? What are some of David’s past experiences that prepared him to challenge Goliath?

b. In verses 24-26, how did David’s perception of the Goliath problem differ from all the other soldiers?

c. In verses 33-37, how did David’s view of Goliath’s challenge differ from Saul’s view? What was the different in their focus?

3. Read 1 Samuel 17:41-54

a. How did Goliath insult God?

b. What was David’s motivation in challenging Goliath?

c. What was David’s purpose for battling Goliath?

d. Whose power did David put his faith in to defeat Goliath.

e. How did David’s defeat of Goliath give testimony to God and His choice of David as Israel’s future King?

4. How does David’s defeat of Goliath parallel Jesus’ defeat of sin and Satan?

Application Questions:

1. David’s passion for God’s glory drove him to fight Goliath. What does your passion drive you to do?

2. When you face a problem or difficulty (a Giant) do you think about how God might be glorified in the situation or do you mainly focus on just getting out?

3. In what ways does your life demonstrate that you are confident in God’s power? In what ways does your life demonstrate you are not confident in God’s power? What needs to take place so you can be confident in God’s power?

4. How does it impact your life that Jesus Christ has defeated sin and Satan? What does this mean for you?


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