Small Group Discussion Questions

Into the Wild Name: ______________________

Ch. 9-12

1. Identify two qualities that Walt McCandless and his son have in common.

2. “How is it that a kid with so much compassion could cause his parents so much pain?” (104). Was he justified in the pain he brought to family and friends in choosing his own solitary course in life?

3. Identify two specific details or examples from Chris McCandless’ childhood/high school years that seem to predict his later behavior. What is it about these events that help to explain his actions as an adult?

4. List 5 similarities between Chris McCandless’ story and Everett Ruess’ story (no quotes needed):

5. Do you see any differences between the two stories (if so, what)?

6. Do you agree with Krakauer at the end of chapter 9: “Reading of these monks, one is moved by their courage, their reckless innocence, and the urgency of their desire. Reading of these monks, on can’t help thinking of Everett Ruess and Chris McCandless.” Is this a fair comparison—why or why not?

7. As a reader, did you find it helpful in understanding Chris’s motivations to read about other people who have had similar experiences? Was it interesting for you or did it feel a little random (feel free to be honest here ☺)?

8. The Alaskan natives’ responses to Chris are fairly negative—why? Consider your own home, Northville, or some other place you know well. What would an outsider need to learn about this place in order to fare well living here?

9. Is Chris’s first W-4 an example of “civil disobedience”? Why or why not? Consider Thoreau and be specific.

10. What does Chris discover about Walt’s past when he heads out to California? How does this change the relationship between Chris and his parents? Do you feel like Chris is justified to feel this way? Does Chris hold everyone to the same strict moral codes to which he holds his parents?

11. Use four or five adjectives to describe Chris McCandless.


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