Grade 7 English Language Arts

Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers Review Directions: Underline the modifier. Then, underline what it is modifying (or referring to). If the sentence has a misplaced or dangling modifier, select “A” (correct). If the sentence is incorrect, select “B.” REMEMBER that a modifier is a phrase that describes another word or phrase.Example: They chose the student with the best grades. John chose a gift that was expensive. She loaded the bottles and cans into her husband’s new Porsche 911, which she planned to leave at the recycling center.CorrectIncorrectBeing a first year college student, my English professor does not accept Wikipedia as a credible source of informationCorrectIncorrectLooking around the aisles of CVS, I was amazed by the varieties of shampoos that are available today.a.Correc b. IncorrectRunning across campus in the snow and wind, my earlobes got frostbittena.Correct b. Incorrect5. When examining Pablo Picasso’s art, I noticed that his paintings often portray people with distorted faces.a. correct b. incorrect6. Watching Disney movies, princesses are often portrayed unrealistically.a. correct b. incorrect7. Turning the corner, a red brick schoolhouse appeared.a. correct b. incorrect8. As the hurricane approached, we watched the trees blowing in the harsh winds.a. correct b. incorrect9. Walking down Main Street, I noticed that the trees were changing color for fall.a. correct b. incorrect10. At the age of eight, my family finally bought a dog.a. correct b. incorrect11. Sitting on a windowsill, Peter ate the apple pie.a. correct b. incorrect12. While I was reading a book, my lizard crawled on my lap.a. correct b. incorrect13. Covered in wild flowers, my family gazed at the beautiful meadow.a. correct b. incorrect14. My family gazed at the beautiful meadow, covered in wild flowers.a. correct b. incorrect15. After years of being lost under a pile of dust, Tony found his old records.a. correct b. incorrect16. I saw a hidden cabin taking a shortcut through the woods.a. correct b. incorrect17. I held the apple tightly in my hand that my friend gave me.a. correct b. incorrect18. Looking through the book, I realized that it belonged to my uncle.a. correct b. incorrect19. The waiter gave the students French fries sprinkled with salt.a. correct b. incorrect20. With his tail held high, my father led ourprized poodle around the arenaa. correct b. incorrect21. The tall boy led the parade with the red hair. a. correct b. incorrect22. She watched him stuff a cupcake into his mouth.a. correct b. incorrect23. Sneering with superiority, Rodney drank from an expensive glass.a. correct b. incorrect24. The weatherman said it was going to rain on TV. a. correct b. incorrect25. Scrubbing the tile grout with bleach and an old toothbrush, the mildew stains began to fade. a. correct b. incorrect ................

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