John’s gospel quiz Part 1 (John chapters 1-3)

John’s gospel quiz Part 1 (John chapters 1-3) Name

The Jews were expecting to free them from


According to John chapter 1 who created the world?

Who said “I am the voice of one calling in the desert-Make straight the way for the


What unexpected things happened when Jesus was baptized by John?

When John the Baptist called Jesus “The lamb of God”, what did he mean?

Who did Andrew think Jesus was after he had spent the day listening to him?

How did Simon get to meet Jesus for the first time?

Who were the first four followers of Jesus recorded in John’s gospel

What community event did Jesus attend in Cana?

Who else was at there?

Who knew where the wine came from?

What impact did this first miraculous sign have on the disciples?

What did the miracle at the wedding show about Jesus? (more than one thing)

The Passover was an important annual Jewish feast held in the temple in Jerusalem. What did it celebrate?

Why did Jesus drive the money changers and animal sellers out of the temple courts?

What did Jesus call the temple?

What was public reaction to Jesus’ miraculous signs?

Who was Nicodemus?

Why did Nicodemus come to see Jesus at night?

Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again of the Spirit to see the kingdom of God and he described the Spirit as like the wind. What did he mean?

In John 3:13 Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Where did he say he came from?

John 3:16 is one of the most well known verses of the Bible. What does it say about why God sent his son Jesus into the world?


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