Quiz John Chapters 4 and 5 Name

Quiz John Chapters 4 and 5 Name

Due Tues week 7

Use Biblegateway to look up John 4 and John 5.

Read them then answer the following questions.

Background: Samaritans and Jews did not associate with each other in fact if Jews had to travel from Galilee to Jerusalem they would often go around Samaria instead of passing directly through it. They wouldn’t use the same cups or bowls as the Jews considered themselves as the true descendants of Abraham while the Samaritans had become impure and were no longer worshipping God in the correct way.

1. What conventions or traditions of his time did Jesus break in John chapter 4?

2. What is surprising about Jesus’ conversation with the women he met at Jacob’s well? (more than 1 answer)

3. What impact did the conversation

with Jesus have on the woman?

4. What impact did this encounter have on the people of the town?

5. Jesus was originally just passing through on his way to Galilee. Why did he stay two days longer?

6. What was the second miraculous sign that John included in his gospel

and what did it show about Jesus?

7. Jesus had grown up in Galilee. How did the Galileans react to him when he

returned from the Passover feast in Jerusalem?

8. What had Jesus done at the Passover Feast in Jerusalem? (see John 2:12-25)

9. What happened at the pool at Bethesda in Jerusalem?

10. On what day did this event happen?

11. Why did the Jews react so strongly to the man carrying his mat?

12. Why did the Jews criticize and persecute Jesus? (more than one answer)

13. What did Jesus say about himself in Chapter 5 : 24-26?


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