Questioning Rhetorical Strategies & Devices

The following format is the lay-out you should use when writing your response:

Point (Thesis or Topic Sentence); Evidence; and Explanation (or analyze the evidence).


Write a well-organized response that (1) demonstrates your ability to find the central idea of a text and (2) determine one writing strategy used by the author to develop that central idea. Simply put, the Text Analysis Response is a written explanation about HOW a writer (or speaker) attempts to change the mind of his or her audience.

READING THE TEXT: Reading comprehension is crucial: you must first recognize and understand the author’s purpose. Don’t be afraid to “engage in productive struggle when necessary” (Jones, Chang 5).

1) First, read to get the “big picture” of the text. Get a general sense of what the text is about, being sure to note aspects of the text that catch your attention.

2) Next, read through the text to note its major themes or ideas, as well as the author’s purpose. How did the author organize his/her writing?

3) On your second and/or third reading, annotate the text for types of language that the author uses, such as key words, types of sentence structures, visual language, and rhetorical devices. Note the reasons why the author uses these features in relation to the text’s purpose or theme. Look for the devices and features that stand out or are used repeatedly by the author. (CRESST, UCLA, 2014)


Writers have a purpose. Each word--and every detail--has been chosen. Why? How does the writer's choice shape the audience's thoughts and feelings?

• Start your response with the author, title, and central idea of the text. (What is the author’s purpose in writing this text? Who is the author’s target audience?)

• Strategy: Identify one writing strategy that the author uses to help develop the central idea.

Examples -- You can start like this:

In her speech, suffragette Anna Howard Shaw argues that women should have the right to vote. Shaw persuades her audience to support woman’s suffrage through the tone of her speech which is critical and persuasive.

(Genre, title of text, author) conveys the (central idea) through the use of (writing strategy.)


In her speech, Anna Howard Shaw uses the writing strategy of tone to convey the idea that women should have the right to vote.

(Author and title of text) uses the writing strategy of ________ to convey the central idea that ___________.


Support your thesis [YOUR POINT] with text –based evidence from the text:

• Direct quote: word-for-word from text NEEDS PARENTHETICAL CITATION.

Quote only those words necessary. Embed them in your own words.

• Indirect quote: paraphrase (own words) or summary (shortened version) of words from text.

• Examples, reasons, opinions, details, quotes, facts, stats, definition.

EXPLAIN (or Analyze)

Analyze the evidence and the strategy. Do not provide a summary of the text or writing strategy—you need to analyze the strategy.

Points to help you Explain (analyze):

• How & Why? The two most important questions. Each time you present the author's words, ask yourself: Why did the author say this? How does this choice shape the audience's thoughts and feelings? How does the use of this writing strategy help the author achieve his/her purpose? For example, instead of simply stating that the author uses formal language in his essay, state what effect is created by using formal language. By doing this you are not only identifying the writing strategy, but analyzing its purpose.

• Does the writing strategy make the author’s argument stronger?

• Writers develop their ideas. Your essay should follow this development.

Remember the following:

• Use clear word choice.

• Write complete sentences.

• Don’t leave the reader hanging with unanswered statements.

• Never use “I,” “In my opinion,” or “you.”

• End with a conclusive statement.

• You should NOT see yourself as part of the audience. Stand apart as an observer. See the audience. See the author. What is the author doing in order to affect the minds of the audience?   






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